If your application needs to know how many occurrences there are of a particular weekday in a given month, the dhCountDOWInMonth function is for you. This function, shown in Listing 2.15, allows you to specify a date and, optionally, a specific day of the week. It returns the number of times the specified day of the week occurs in the month containing the date. If you don’t pass a day of the week value, the function counts the number of times the day indicated by the date parameter occurs within its own month.
Listing 2.15: Count the Number of Specific Weekdays in a Month
Function dhCountDOWInMonth(ByVal dtmDate As Date, _
Optional intDOW As Integer = 0)
' Calculate the number of specified days in
' the specified month.
Dim dtmFirst As Date
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intMonth As Integer
If (intDOW < vbSunday Or intDOW > vbSaturday) Then
' Caller must not have specified DOW, or it
' was an invalid number.
intDOW = WeekDay(dtmDate)
End If
intMonth = Month(dtmDate)
' Find the first day of the month
dtmFirst = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), intMonth, 1)
' Move dtmFirst forward until it hits the
' matching day number.
Do While WeekDay(dtmFirst) <> intDOW
dtmFirst = dtmFirst + 1
' Now, dtmFirst is sitting on the first day
' of the requested number in the month. Just count
' how many of that day type there are in the month.
intCount = 0
Do While Month(dtmFirst) = intMonth
intCount = intCount + 1
dtmFirst = dtmFirst + 7
dhCountDOWInMonth = intCount
End Function
The dhCountDOWInMonth function takes four simple steps to do its work. It must
To verify the parameters, the code checks the intDOW parameter, making sure the value is between vbSunday and vbSaturday. If not, it overrides the value and uses the day of the week represented by the dtmDate parameter:
If (intDOW < vbSunday Or intDOW > vbSaturday) Then
' Caller must not have specified DOW, or it
' was an invalid number.
intDOW = WeekDay(dtmDate)
End If
Finding the first day of the month requires yet another call to the DateSerial function:
intMonth = Month(dtmDate)
dtmFirst = DateSerial(Year(dtmDate), intMonth, 1)
Moving through the days until the code finds a day matching the required day of the week takes just a few lines:
' Move dtmFirst forward until it hits the
' matching day number.
Do While WeekDay(dtmFirst) <> intDOW
dtmFirst = dtmFirst + 1
Finally, counting the number of matching days requires looping, adding seven days at a time, until the date falls out of the specified month:
' Now, dtmFirst is sitting on the first day
' of the requested number in the month. Just count
' how many of that day type there are in the month.
intCount = 0
Do While Month(dtmFirst) = intMonth
intCount = intCount + 1
dtmFirst = dtmFirst + 7
To test this function, you might write code like this:
If dhCountDOWInMonth(#3/98#, vbFriday) > 4 Then
MsgBox "There are more than 4 Fridays in March 1998!"
End If