System Colors

Windows provides a set of system colors, which it uses when displaying any window. Any application can override the system colors, of course, but the colors are there for Windows’, and your, use. Table 9.23 lists the properties of the SystemColors class (SYSTEMCOLORS.CLS), all read/write, that you can use to retrieve and set the Windows system colors.

Table 9.23: : Properties of the SystemColors Class

Property Description
ScrollBar Scrollbar system color
Background Windows desktop system color
ActiveCaption Caption of active window system color
InactiveCaption Caption of inactive window system color
Menu Menu system color
Window Window background system color
WindowFrame Window frame system color
MenuText Menu text system color
WindowText Window text system color
CaptionText Text in window caption system color
ActiveBorder Border of active window system color
InactiveBorder Border of inactive window system color
AppWorkspace Background of MDI desktop system color
Highlight Selected item background system color
HighlightText Selected item text system color
ButtonFace Button system color
ButtonShadow 3-D shading of button system color
GrayText Gray text system color (always 0 if dithering is used)
ButtonText Button text system color
InactiveCaptionText Text of inactive window system color
ButtonHighlight 3-D highlight of button system color
DarkShadow3D 3-D dark shadow system color
Light3D Light color for 3-D shaded objects
TooltipText ToolTip text system color
TooltipBackground ToolTip background color system color

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