
A slider control displays a slider that looks like this:

          |        --                       |
          |   ----|  |--------------------  |
          |        \/                       |

The user can use the mouse to move the slider to a new position:

          |                    --           |
          |   ----------------|  |--------  |
          |                    \/           |

After the slider has been moved, we can get its new value and use it in our code; in this way, a slider works much like a scrollbar. Let's add a slider control to our ActiveX control Web page, calling it Slider1:

    <TITLE>OCX Control Page</TITLE>
    <BODY LANGUAGE = VBScript ONLOAD = "Page_Initialize">
    <H1>OCX Control Page</H1>
    <!- Slider>
--> Slider:   <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:373FF7F0-EB8B-11CD-8820-08002B2F4F5A"
              HEIGHT=50 WIDTH=250 Change = Slider1_Change ID=Slider1></OBJECT>

When the user moves the slider, a Change event occurs, and we can catch it like this:

            Sub Page_Initialize
                  Cmd1.Caption = "Hello"
                  Frame1.Caption = "Frame"
                  Panel1.Caption = "Panel"
                  Grid1.Rows = 3
                  Grid1.Cols = 3
                  Grid1.Row = 1
                  Grid1.Col = 1
                  Grid1.Text = "5"
                  Graph1.GraphData = 2
                  Graph1.GraphData = 4
                  Graph1.GraphData = 5
                  Graph1.GraphData = 3
            End Sub
   -->      Sub Slider1_Change
   -->      End Sub

Our new slider appears in Figure 6.4. You can set the slider's range by setting its Min and Max properties. After the user moves the slider, a Change event occurs; you can find the slider's new value by checking its Value property. We'll put the slider to work soon. Now, however, let's look at the KeyState control.

© 1996 by Steven Holzner. All rights reserved.