Platform SDK: Performance Monitoring |
The PDH_COUNTER_INFO structure contains information describing the properties of a counter. This information also includes the counter path. The format of this buffer is to have the structure described below followed by a variable-length buffer containing the string information referenced by the string pointers in the structure (szFullPath, szMachineName, szObjectName, szInstanceName, szParentInstance, szCounterName, and szExplainText).
typedef struct _PDH_COUNTER_INFO { DWORD dwLength; DWORD dwType; DWORD CVersion; DWORD CStatus; LONG lScale; LONG lDefaultScale; DWORD_PTR dwUserData; DWORD_PTR dwQueryUserData; LPTSTR szFullPath; union { PDH_DATA_ITEM_PATH_ELEMENTS DataItemPath; PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS CounterPath; struct { LPTSTR szMachineName; LPTSTR szObjectName; LPTSTR szInstanceName; LPTSTR szParentInstance; DWORD dwInstanceIndex; LPTSTR szCounterName; }; }; LPTSTR szExplainText; DWORD DataBuffer[1]; } PDH_COUNTER_INFO, *PPDH_COUNTER_INFO;
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later.
Header: Declared in Pdh.h.
Unicode: Declared as Unicode and ANSI structures.