Platform SDK: Performance Monitoring

Performance Monitoring Structures

The following structures are supported for working with performance data.

PDH Interface

Structure Description
PDH_BROWSE_DLG_CONFIG Used by the PdhBrowseCounters function to configure the PDH Browse Counters dialog box.
PDH_COUNTER_INFO Contains information describing the properties of a counter.
PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS Contains the parsed elements of a fully qualified counter path.
PDH_DATA_ITEM_PATH_ELEMENTS Contains the path elements of a specific data item.
PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE Contains the value of a counter.
PDH_FMT_COUNTERVALUE_ITEM Contains the name of, and information about, a specific counter value.
PDH_RAW_COUNTER Contains raw counter data as it was collected from the provider.
PDH_RAW_COUNTER_ITEM Contains the name of, and information about, a specific raw counter value.
PDH_RAW_LOG_RECORD Stores information about a record contained in a binary trace log file.
PDH_STATISTICS Contains statistics on the values in an array of raw counters.
PDH_TIME_INFO Contains information describing a time interval.

Registry Interface

Structure Description
PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK Contains the length of the performance-counter data.
PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION Contains a description of a performance counter.
PERF_DATA_BLOCK Contains a description of the performance data provided by a counter.
PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION Contains instance-specific information for a block of performance data.
PERF_OBJECT_TYPE Contains object-specific performance information.