Platform SDK: Performance Monitoring

Removing Counter Names and Descriptions from the Registry

The unlodctr utility removes the registry entries created by lodctr.

Using unlodctr

The command-line syntax for unlodctr is:

unlodctr Application_Name

The unlodctr utility looks up the First Counter and Last Counter values in the application's Performance key to determine the indexes of the counter objects to remove. Using these indexes, it makes the following changes to the Perflib key.




\Windows NT



Last Counter = updated if changed

Last Help = updated if changed


Counter = application text removed

Help = application text removed

\supported language, other than U.S. English

Counter = application text removed

Help = application text removed

The unlodctr utility also removes the First Counter, First Help, Last Counter, and Last Help values from the application's Performance key.

Note  The unloading function of unlodctr, UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings, is declared in Loadperf.h and exported from Loadperf.dll. This allows you to call this function directly from your uninstall program. The syntax for this function is as follows:

LONG UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings(
LPSTR lpCommandLine,
BOOL bQuietModeArg

where lpCommandLine is the name of your application and bQuietModeArg is a Boolean parameter that indicates whether to display output during the unloading of the counter text strings. If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code defined in Winerror.h.