Platform SDK: Performance Monitoring


Retrieves or sets the line style of the counter value displayed in the System Monitor. This is a read/write property.

Public Property LineStyle(
  value as Long
) as Long


[in] Specifies the line style used for the counter display in the graph and legend panes. The values correspond to system constants shown in the following table. They are based on pen-style values available for the Windows graphics device interface (GDI).
Value Meaning
PS_SOLID (0) Solid (default).
PS_DASH (1) Dotted line with long segments and narrow spaces.
PS_DOT (2) Dotted line with uniform segments and spaces.
PS_DASHDOT (3) Dotted line with alternating short and long segments.
PS_DASHDOTDOT (4) Dotted line with alternating dashes and double dots.


Nonzero values are used only when the line width is set to 1.

Return Values

The current line style setting for the counter value in the graph and legend panes.


ctrItem.LineStyle = 2
ctrItem.LineStyle = PS_DOT


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Smonctrl.odl.

See Also

System Monitor Automation Interface Overview, System Monitor Automation Interface Properties