Platform SDK: Performance Monitoring

System Monitor Automation Interface Methods

The System Monitor automation interface includes the following methods.

Method name Description
CounterItem.GetStatistics Retrieves the statistical values average, maximum, and minimum for a counter.
CounterItem.GetValue Retrieves the current value of a counter.
Counters.Add Adds an instance of a CounterItem object to the Counters collection object for display by the SystemMonitor object.
Counters.Remove Removes an instance of a CounterItem object from the Counters collection object.
SystemMonitor.BrowseCounters Displays the Add Counter dialog box.
SystemMonitor.CollectSample Samples a value from each counter in the Counters collection object.
SystemMonitor.Copy Copies all of the current property settings to the Clipboard as an HTML object.
SystemMonitor.DisplayProperties Displays the Graph Properties dialog box.
SystemMonitor.Paste Pastes all of the counters currently in the Clipboard to the graph pane of the System Monitor.
SystemMonitor.Reset Removes all CounterItem objects from the Counters collection object.
SystemMonitor.UpdateGraph Refreshes the contents of the System Monitor windows.