Platform SDK: Performance Monitoring


Retrieves or sets the scale factor used in presenting the counter value displayed in the System Monitor. This is a read/write property.

Public Property ScaleFactor(
  value as Long
) as Long


[in] Specifies a value for the scale factor (expressed in powers of 10). Valid values of this parameter range from -7 to 7, or INT_MAX (2,147,483,647).


Specifying INT_MAX for the value of the value parameter indicates that the default scale factor is to be used.

When a new counter is added, the scale factor for that counter is the default defined for that counter by the operating system.

The scale factor you specify with this method is applied to the graph pane and legend for line graph and histogram views.

Return Values

The current scale factor expressed as a power of 10 for a particular counter, or INT_MAX if the default scale factor is being used.


grphLogMemory.Counters.Item(1).ScaleFactor = 3


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Header: Smonctrl.odl.

See Also

System Monitor Automation Interface Overview, System Monitor Automation Interface Properties