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New Stuff
Theresa W. Carey

Happy New Year! By the time you read this, I'll have moved back to California after living in Tokyo for two and a half years. But now it's time to clean up and get back to application design and coding. Here are some tools to check out for your post-Y2K projects.

Install Apps Over the Internet

20/20 Software Inc
       20/20 Software Inc. recently introduced PC-Install 7 and PC-Install 7 with Internet Extensions. Version 7 marks the first major upgrade to the product in two years. With low-cost access to more potential customers via the Web, publishers need tools that produce a professional appearance and help to make a positive first impression. Both versions of PC-Install 7 include unlimited distribution licenses and one year of free technical support.
      Significant new benefits for software developers in PC-Install 7 include a more flexible interface that makes building installations quicker, several additional editing tools such as global search and replace, template and direct command editing, multiple undo/redo, and drag and drop editing. Additional new features include an expanded list of PC-Install system variables that makes locating and using system resources to control installations easier, more efficient, and transparent to the user; broader support for Visual Basic®-based projects; automatic file collection for Visual Basic 4.0 through 6.0; and added support for automatic file collection in ODBC and Delphi projects. New developer-defined local variables allow collecting nearly unlimited amounts of data from a user, and the smart uninstall feature supports incremental removal of installed components.
      For users, added features in PC-Install 7 include a new wizard-style uninstall interface and automatic support for Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel. Users installing software over the Internet using PC-Install 7 with Internet Extensions no longer need to restart their installation from the beginning should their connection fail. Version 7 restarts automatically at the point where the connection was lost. PC-Install 7 installs on all versions of Windows from 3.1 on up using a single file and supports building installations in any language.

20/20 Software Inc.
8196 SW Hall Boulevard, Suite 200
Beaverton, OR 97008

Manage Web Server Performance

       STORM LLC has introduced PageSTORM, its Web server performance management software that is designed to improve the performance of Web servers on the Internet and in corporate enterprises. PageSTORM optimizes memory utilization and accelerates file access for Microsoft® Windows NT®-based Web servers, minimizing Web server bottlenecks and yielding significant performance improvements and increased headroom in the Windows NT environment.
      PageSTORM enhances Web server performance by employing patent-pending Dynamic Memory Management and Fast File Access technologies developed by STORM. Operating as a transparent, drop-in application on the Windows NT operating system, PageSTORM provides performance improvements while allowing the Web server to bypass traditional bottlenecks in memory utilization and disk access.
      Existing technologies such as load-balancing systems, caching appliances, the addition of hardware, and content delivery services can be perceived as competitors to PageSTORM. However, STORM's technology is intended to complement each of these approaches by ensuring performance at the critical first link in the information delivery chain: the server. The target market for PageSTORM includes large Windows NT-based Web sites with heavy traffic.

Storm LLC
345 Fourth Avenue, Suite 400
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

High-speed, High-volume Radius Server

      At ISPCon, Funk Software announced Steel-Belted Radius/Service Provider Edition, a RADIUS server targeted at large service providers and carriers that incorporates advanced proxy features to make it easy to distribute authentication and accounting across a WAN, includes reliability features designed to eliminate the risk of service interruptions, and promotes high-speed transaction processing.
      Steel-Belted Radius/Service Provider Edition has the ability to forward authentication and accounting RADIUS requests to other RADIUS servers for handling. The product incorporates advanced proxy RADIUS features, including choice of user name, decorator, and proxy packet filtering, which allow service providers to flexibly forward authentication and accounting requests to the appropriate RADIUS server, no matter what type of system or service they've set up.
      Steel-Belted Radius/Service Provider Edition incorporates advanced reliability features that allow a service provider or carrier to lower the risk of service interruptions. Using a system of configurable retry strategies and redundant databases, a service provider can configure Steel-Belted Radius/Service Provider Edition to handle round-robin authentication and accounting requests among two or more back-end SQL or LDAP databases. Doing so enables Steel-Belted Radius/Service Provider Edition to authenticate users and log accounting records, even if authentication or accounting databases become unavailable.

Funk Software
222 Third Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Server Audit Tools

      MessageWise Inc. is shipping InLook 2.0 which provides auditing, tracking, and configuration management features for networks of Exchange, Exchange 2000, Windows NT, and Windows® 2000-based servers. InLook makes it possible to continuously scan a network and gather server-by-server configuration information on a scheduled or as-needed basis. In addition, InLook will identify off-spec configurations and send notifications of changes.
      InLook 2.0 lets customers audit the configuration of almost anything in their IT infrastructure, from a mailbox to a router. InLook 2.0 offers an open architecture, which allows third parties to build management solutions, job scheduling that provides a high level of control over which data is gathered when, and a new status reporting mechanism that informs the administrator of a gatherer's activities and current status.
      InLook 2.0 also includes a new client that allows administrators and support staff to view and manage collected data. The client allows administrators to set up dockable views, providing maximum flexibility, including views for different data types. MessageWise Inc.

1125 Colonel By Drive
Suite 3600
Carleton University Technology Center
Ottawa, ON Canada

WYSIWYG Web Site Editors

      Ektron Inc. has cut the price of its EWebEditPro, EContentManager, and EWebBuilder products, which feature WYSIWYG editing and drag and drop functionality. They offer comprehensive tracking, administrative control, and security features.
      EWebEditPro, an ActiveX control-based WYSIWYG editor, offers content creation and editing using standard Microsoft Word functions, and allows for cutting and pasting from Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint® without losing formatting. It also includes image uploading, hyperlinking, spell checking, and table creation and editing.
      EContentManager is a database-driven content/documentation management tool designed for organization-wide use by all corporate content providers (such as Human Resources, Marketing, Sales, and so on). EContentManager's features include centralized approval, roles-based permission, document grouping, and audit trails.
      EWebBuilder allows a community of individuals or groups to create and maintain Web sites from a central Internet site using only their browsers. All sites have the same look and feel. Users select from a number of navigation templates to create a site, then add and edit pages using the program's content and documentation management capabilities.

Ektron Inc.
5 Northern Boulevard, Suite 6
Amherst, NH 03031

Does your company provide development tools for interactive applications? We'd love to hear the news! Email us at

From the January 2000 issue of Microsoft Internet Developer.