January 2000

Convert ADO Recordsets to XML with our WSC Component

by Mike D. Jones

In the November 1999 article, "Generate XML with the XML Document Object Model," we showed you how to use Microsoft's new XML document object model to create XML documents. Specifically, we hard-coded each node to illustrate XML node creation. However, chances are you'll often need to build an XML document dynamically from an ADO recordset. While you could create script that gathers specific field names and their values, you'd need to recode the field names each time you wanted to use the VBScript with different data sources. Wouldn't it be nice if you could create a procedure that generated XML from any ADO recordset? Well, look no further, because in this article, we'll create a Scripting component that will do just that. When we're through, we'll show you how to dynamically create XML documents from ADO recordsets just like the one in Figure A. Before we do, however, let's take a look at some strategies for converting ADO recordsets into XML.

Figure A: The xmlConvert component transforms multiple ADO recordsets into an XML hierarchy.
 Figure A

Basic single-table conversion

In a nutshell, when converting ADO records into XML, you loop through each record, and then create a node for each field. For example, if you have a table of authors, which in turn consists of author IDs (AuthID) and names (AuthName), you create a node named AuthID, populate it with the data, then create a node for the author's name, and fill it with the corresponding data. However, this is where we run into the first sticky aspect of dynamically generating an XML document. Listing A shows the code we might use to implement this basic technique. It takes the RootName parameter in which you indicate what you want to name the XML document's root node. If we ran the procedure, it would generate XML like that shown in Figure B.

Listing A: Basic ADO conversion

<% Sub BasicConversion(RootName)
Dim ADORst, XMLDoc, XMLRoot, XMLChild
Dim strConn As String, SQLString, fld
Set XMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
	"Data Source=D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Biblio.mdb"
SQLString = "Select Au_ID AS AuthID, Author as AuthName FROM Authors"
Set ADORst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ADORst.Open SQLString, strConn, 1
Set XMLRoot = XMLDoc.createElement(RootName)
XMLDoc.appendChild XMLRoot
Do Until ADORst.EOF
	For Each fld In ADORst.Fields
		Set XMLChild = XMLDoc.createElement(fld.Name)
		If Not IsNull(fld.Value) Then XMLChild.Text = CStr(fld.Value)
		XMLRoot.appendChild XMLChild 
XMLDoc.save "D:\InetPub\wwwroot\XMLBasic.xml"
Set XMLChild = Nothing
Set fld = Nothing
Set ADORst = Nothing
Set XMLDoc = Nothing
End Sub

Figure B: Using our basic conversion technique, we generated an XML document.
 Figure B

Warning: XML tag names can't contain the special characters in Table A, or spaces. Therefore, when you use ADO field names as XML tags, make sure to rename the table fields, if necessary, in the SQL statement.

Table A: Reserved XML characters

< &lt;
& &amp;
> &gt;
" &quot;
' &apos;

The first glitch

Notice, however, that while the procedure created an XML document with the appropriate fields, it destroyed the data integrity. In the document, there's no way to programmatically determine which ID belongs with which name, especially since nodes can be moved around within the hierarchy. Therefore, any solution we build must include the concept of a data entity. That is, just as the Authors table holds individual records, the XML Authors document must include Author entities. Each Author entity tag should contain an AuthID/AuthName pair. Listing B shows the modifications we made to the code in Listing A to accommodate this weakness. As you can see, it accepts the EntityName parameter, and then creates a parent node based on this string for each record in the recordset. Next, it attaches the child nodes to this element instead of the root node. Finally, it creates the XML structure seen in Figure C.

Listing B: Modified conversion procedure

Sub BasicConvEntity(RootName, EntityName)
Dim ADORst, XMLDoc, XMLRoot, XMLChild 
Dim strConn, SQLString, fld, XMLParent
Set XMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
	"Data Source=D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Biblio.mdb"
SQLString = "Select Au_ID AS AuthID, Author as AuthName FROM Authors"
Set ADORst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ADORst.Open SQLString, strConn, 1
Set XMLRoot = XMLDoc.createElement(RootName)
XMLDoc.appendChild XMLRoot

Do Until ADORst.EOF
	Set XMLParent = XMLDoc.createElement(EntityName)
	XMLRoot.appendChild XMLParent
	For Each fld In ADORst.Fields
			Set XMLChild = XMLDoc.createElement(fld.Name)
			If Not IsNull(fld.Value) Then
				XMLChild.Text = CStr(fld.Value)
			End If
			XMLParent.appendChild XMLChild
	Next fld

XMLDoc.save "D:\InetPub\wwwroot\XMLBasic.xml"
Set XMLChild = Nothing
Set fld = Nothing
Set ADORst = Nothing
Set XMLDoc = Nothing
End Sub

Figure C: Our modified procedure created an Author tag for each record.
 Figure C

The second glitch

Again, however, while this procedure works just fine for recordsets based on a single data source--a single table or a recordset based on a single table--most likely when you add data to a Web page, you'll want to add parent/child data. For example, in addition to the authors, we might want to add all the books assigned to each author--a classic one-to-many relationship. To do so, we could use the following SQL statement:

Select Authors.Au_ID AS AuthID, 
Authors.Author as AuthName, 
[Title Author].ISBN FROM Authors 
LEFT JOIN [Title Author] ON 
Authors.Au_ID = [Title Author].Au_ID;

If we used our basic procedure with this SQL statement, the resulting document would contain a lot of repetitive data, as shown in Figure D. Also, the document doesn't describe the data's hierarchy very well, and after all, isn't that the whole point of XML? If we wanted static, flat data we could have stayed with HTML output. So, as an added feature, our XML conversion component must accommodate one to many relationships.

Figure D: Our basic conversion script can't accommodate one-to-many relationships.
 Figure D

Accommodating parent/child data in an XML conversion

To accommodate parent/child data in our XML conversion component, we'll still use the same basic idea we've discussed previously. We'll loop through each record in a recordset and then all the fields, creating the appropriate tag as we go. And we'll still do all of this to each data source separately. That is, instead of combining the parent/child data into one recordset, we'll add the data fields form the parent first, reopen the XML document, and add the child fields to the appropriate parent nodes. Of course, doing so requires a little more complicated code than we've outlined so far. As a result, we'll need a Script component to help us out, so let's build that next.

Building the xmlConvert WSC component

We used the Windows Script Component Wizard to build our conversion component. (If you don't already have the wizard, you'll find it at http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting/.)

To begin, launch the Windows Script Component Wizard. Name the component xmlConvert, and create the properties and methods shown in Table B. When you've finished adding them, click finish. The wizard creates the component and adds it to your desktop.

Table B: xmlConvert's properties and methods

Property Type Default
XMLEntityName Read/Write Item
XMLRootName Read/Write Items
SQLString Read/Write
ConnectString Read/Write
XMLFile Read/Write Server.MapPath("XMLDoc" & Day(Now) & ".xml")
Method Parameters
AppendFields blnNewFile, LinkChildFld, LinkParFld

At this point, we still need to add the main portion of code. To do so, double-click on the xmlConvert shortcut on your desktop. Windows now displays the stub code in Notepad. Listing D shows the modified code for the AppendFields method. Also, we changed the variable names to better represent internal, or member, variables. Replace the existing line of code in the AppendFields function with the provided script. When you've finished, we'll create an ASP page that generates the requested XML document.

Listing D: The WSC component methods

Option Explicit

Dim mSQLString, mConnectString, mXMLFile, mXMLRootName
Dim mXMLEntityName, mXMLNodeList, mXMLDoc

mXMLFile = Server.MapPath("XMLDoc" & Day(Now) & ".xml")
mXMLRootName = "Items"
mXMLEntityName = "Item"

function AppendFields(blnNewFile, LinkChildFld, LinkParFld)
Dim ADORst, x, fld, XMLRoot, XMLChild, XMLParNodes, XMLItem
Dim mXMLDoc, XMLParent, blnParRecs, blnEnd, strCrit
Const adFilterNone = 0
blnEnd = False
blnParRecs = CBool(Len(LinkParFld) = 0)

Set mXMLDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Set ADORst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ADORst.Open mSQLString, mConnectString, 1

If blnNewFile Then
	Set XMLRoot = mXMLDoc.createElement(mXMLRootName)
	mXMLDoc.appendChild XMLRoot
	mXMLDoc.Load mXMLFile
	Set XMLRoot = mXMLDoc.documentElement
End If

Set XMLParNodes = mXMLDoc.getElementsByTagName(LinkParFld)
x = 0
Do Until blnEnd
	If blnParRecs Then
		Set XMLParent = XMLRoot
		Set XMLParent = XMLParNodes(x)
		ADORst.Filter = LinkChildFld & " = " & XMLParent.Text
	End If
	Do Until ADORst.EOF
		Set XMLItem = mXMLDoc.createElement(mXMLEntityName)
		XMLParent.appendChild XMLItem
		For Each fld In ADORst.Fields
			If fld.Name <> LinkParFld Then
				Set XMLChild = mXMLDoc.createElement(fld.Name)
				If Not IsNull(fld.Value) Then
					XMLChild.Text = CStr(fld.Value)
				End If
				XMLItem.appendChild XMLChild
			End If
	If blnParRecs Then
		blnEnd = True
		blnEnd = (x = XMLParNodes.length - 1)
	End If
	x = x + 1
	ADORst.Filter = adFilterNone
mXMLDoc.save mXMLFile
Set ADORst = Nothing
Set XMLParNodes = Nothing
Set XMLItem = Nothing
Set XMLChild = Nothing
Set XMLParent = Nothing
Set XMLRoot = Nothing
Set mXMLDoc = Nothing
end function 

Create the XML document of authors and books

To take advantage of our component, we'll need to create an instance of it in an ASP page. We'll then set its ADO-related properties and run the AppendFields method. Listing E shows the basic Web page that we created to generate and display the XML document shown in Figure A. When you run the ASP page, it automatically generates the XML document indicated. Of course, if you wanted, you could modify the page to use input field data for the component's properties.

Listing E: Calling our component from an ASP page

Dim objXMLConv
Set objXMLConv = Server.CreateObject("XMLConvert.WSC")

With objXMLConv
	.ConnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
		"Data Source=D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Biblio.mdb"
	.XMLFile = Server.MapPath("XMLAuthors.xml")
	.XMLRootName = "Authors"
	.XMLEntityName = "Author"
	.SQLString = "SELECT Au_ID AS AuthID, Author AS " & _
		"AuthName FROM Authors"
	.AppendFields True, "", ""
' Add child Book records to Authors
	.XMLEntityName = "Book"
	.SQLString = "SELECT Au_ID as AuthID, ISBN FROM [Title Author]"
	.AppendFields False, "AuthID", "AuthID"

End With

strPath = objxmlconv.XMLFile
Set objXMLConv = Nothing
<INPUT TYPE=button onClick="window.open('<%=strPath%>')"

Adding tag attributes

You probably noticed that our component still has one major piece missing. Namely, it doesn't let you add attributes to an XML tag. For example, suppose you wanted to store the publisher ID associated with each book (probably not the best use of an attribute, but it can still serve as an example). To accommodate this feature, we can add two new methods to our component, AddAttribName, and RemoveAttribName. We'll store prospective attributes in a VBScript array, and then add them in during the AppendFields method. To add these two methods, enter them directly into the xmlConvert component. Listing F shows the completed script. Don't forget to add the corresponding XML tags to the script component.

Listing F: The AddAttribName and RemoveAttribName methods

'add to general declarations
Dim mXMLRootAttribs()
ReDim mXMLRootAttribs(0)

Function AddAttribName(newAttrib)
Dim iTotal
Dim x, blnFound
blnFound = False
iTotal = UBound(mXMLRootAttribs)
For x = 0 To iTotal
	If newAttrib = mXMLRootAttribs(x) Then blnFound = True
If Not blnFound Then
	If iTotal = 0 And mXMLRootAttribs(0) = "" Then
		iTotal = 0
		iTotal = iTotal + 1
		ReDim Preserve mXMLRootAttribs(iTotal)
	End If
	mXMLRootAttribs(iTotal) = newAttrib
End If
End Function

Function RemoveAttribName(Attrib)
Dim iTotal
Dim x, FoundIndex
FoundIndex = -1
iTotal = UBound(mXMLRootAttribs)
For x = 0 To iTotal
	If newAttrib = mXMLRootAttribs(x) Then
		FoundIndex = x
		Exit For
	End If
If FoundIndex > -1 Then
	For x = FoundIndex To iTotal
		mXMLRootAttribs(x) = mXMLRootAttribs(x + 1)
	ReDim Preserve mXMLRootAttribs(iTotal - 1)
End If
End Function

Next, in the AppendFields procedure after the

Set XMLParNodes = mXMLDoc _

statement, enter

For X = 0 To UBound(mXMLRootAttribs)
	strAttrib = strAttrib & "," _
		& mXMLRootAttribs(X)

Finally, modify the code as shown in Listing G, which actually does the work of adding the attributes to the node. To add an attribute, use

objXMLConvert.AddAttribName "PubID"

and then make sure the same name appears in the extracted recordset. Figure E shows the XML document with the PubID attribute.

Listing G: Modifications to the AppendFields procedure

For Each fld In ADORst.Fields
	If InStr(LCase(strAttrib), "," & LCase(fld.Name)) Then
		XMLItem.setAttribute fld.Name, fld.Value
		If fld.Name <> LinkParFld Then
			Set XMLChild = mXMLDoc.createElement(fld.Name)
			If Not IsNull(fld.Value) Then
				XMLChild.Text = CStr(fld.Value)
			End If
			XMLItem.appendChild XMLChild
		End If
	End If

Figure E: We added the PubID attribute to the XML document.

Many thanks go to Scot Johnson, regular contributor extraordinaire, who provided the idea for this component.

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