Figure 5 Core ODBC Functions
Task | Function Name | Purpose |
Connection to a data source | SQLAllocEnv | Obtains an environment handle -one environment handle is used for one or more connections |
SQLAllocConnect | Obtains a connection handle | |
SQLConnect | Connects to specific driver by data source name, user ID, and password | |
Preparing SQL requests | SQLAllocStmt | Allocates a statement handle |
SQLPrepare | Prepares an SQL statement for later execution | |
SQLGetCursorName | Returns the name associated with a statement handle | |
SQLSetCursorName | Specifies a cursor name | |
Submitting requests | SQLExecute | Executes a prepared statement |
SQLExecDirect | Executes a statement | |
Retrieving results and information about results | SQLRowCount | Returns the number of rows affected by an insert, update, or delete request |
SQLNumResultCols | Returns the number of columns in the result set | |
SQLDescribeCol | Describes a column in the result set | |
SQLColAttributes | Describes attributes of a column in the result set | |
SQLBindCol | Assigns storage for a result column and specifies the data type | |
SQLFetch | Returns multiple result rows | |
Terminating a statement | SQLFreeStmt | Ends statement processing |
SQLCancel | Cancels an SQL statement | |
SQLTransact | Commits or rolls back a transaction | |
Terminating a connection | SQLDisconnect | Closes the transaction |
SQLFreeConnect | Releases the connection handle | |
SQLFreeEnv | Release the environment handle |
Figure 7 OpenConnection Parameters
Parameter | Meaning |
dsName | The name of a registered ODBC data source |
Prompt | This flag specifies whether the ODBC driver manager should display a dialog box |
prompting the user for connection information | |
Readonly | This boolean flag, if set to False, specifies that you want to update data through this connection |
Connect | A string that supplies arguments to the ODBC driver manager for the connection (different ODBC data sources require different parameters) |
Figure 8 rdo Resultset Cursor Attributes
Attribute | Forward-only | Static | Keyset | Dynamic |
Updatable | No* | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Membership | Fixed | Fixed | Fixed | Dynamic |
Visibility | One row | Cursor | Cursor | Cursor |
Move current row | Forward | Anywhere | Anywhere | Anywhere |
Result of a join | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* Yes when using server-side cursors on Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 |
Figure 9 Controlling Cursor Creation with CursorDriver Property
Option | Description |
rdUseIfNeeded | (Default) The ODBC driver automatically chooses the appropriate style. Server-side cursors are used if available. |
rdUseODBC | RDO uses ODBC cursor library, which builds the cursor on the client computer. This gives better performance for small result sets, but degrades quickly for larger result sets. |
rdUseServer | Server-side cursors are always used if available. This usually gives better performance, but can cause more network traffic. |
Figure 10 LockType Argument Flag
LockType Flags | Description |
rdConcurLock | Pessimistic locking-the row or rows being updated are locked as soon as the Edit or AddNew methods are executed and the lock is held until the Update method is called and has updated the data source |
rdConcurRowver | Optimistic locking (the rows are only locked fortheactualupdate)basedonrowversions |
rdConcurValues | Optimistic locking-based on row values |
rdConcurReadOnly | The cursor is read-only-this is the default |
Figure 11 ODBC Handles Available through RDO
Handle-type | RDO Object.Property | Handle created by the ODBC API |
Environment | rdoEnvironment.hEnv | SQLAllocEnv |
Connection | rdoConnection.hDbc | SQLAllocConnect, SQLDriverConnect |
Statement | rdoResultset.hStmt | SQLAllocStmt |
Figure 12 DAO Objects and Their RDO Counterparts
DAO Object | Equivalent RDO Object |
DBEngine | rdoEngine |
User | Not implemented |
Workspace | rdoEnvironment |
Database | rdoConnection |
TableDef | rdoTable |
Index | Not implemented |
Recordset | rdoResultset |
Table-type | Not implemented |
Dynaset-type | Keyset-type |
Snapshot-type | Static-type |
Field | rdoColumn |
QueryDef | rdoPreparedStatement |
Parameter | rdoParameter |
Figure 13 Visual Basic Data Access Methods Compared
Feature | DAO | RDO | ODBC API |
Remote connections | Automatic | Automatic and manual | Manual |
Types of cursors supported | Dynaset, Snapshot | Keyset, dynamic, static, and forward-only | Keyset, dynamic, static, and forward-only |
Automatic background population of cursors while users work | Yes, using the Jet data control | Yes, using the Remote data control and asynchronous mode of RDO | No |
Asynchronous queries | No | Yes | Yes |
Support for Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 server-side cursors | No | Yes | Yes |
Row access without cursors | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Result set caching | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Stored procedures (SP) | Yes, with SQLPassThrough | Yes, with Singleton execution or in batches | Yes, with Singleton execution or in batches |
SP parameters provided | Concatenated | Concatenated or via the rdoParameters collection of prepared statement | Concatenated or integrated into API |
SP results | Yes | Yes | Yes |
SP output parameters | No | Yes | Yes |
SP result codes | No | Yes | Yes |
Support for multiple SQL statements in batches | Yes, with SQLPassThrough | Yes | Yes |
Error handler | Populate the Errors collection and raise trappable error | Populate rdoErrors collection and raise trappable error | After function returns SQL_ERROR, call SQLError to retrieve error |
Retry/continue after query time-out | No | Yes (in asynchronous mode) | Yes (in asynchronous mode) |
Messages returned | Messages logged in.MDB table with Log Messages property | Checked post operation, coupled with errors | Checked post operation, coupled with errors |
Complex data type | Automatic through bound controls and programmable | Automatic through bound controls and programmable | Programmable |
Access to bound controls | Yes | Yes | No |
Heterogeneous joins from multiple databases | Yes | No | No |
Figure 14 VBDB
To obtain complete source code listings, see page 5.
Attribute VB_Name = "Enumarate"
Option Explicit
Public MyDb As Database
Public FieldName As String, FieldType As String
Public TableName As String, DataName As String
Public DBLen As Integer
Public Sub listTable(TbName As String)
Dim td As TableDef, fld As Field
Dim Type2Str(13) As String, TmpAttrib As String, TmpFld As String
TmpAttrib = ""
If Len(TbName) = 0 Then VBDBForm.listtb.Clear Else VBDBForm.listfld.Clear
For Each td In MyDb.TableDefs
If (td.Attributes And dbSystemObject) <> 0 Then TmpAttrib = " *System"
If (td.Attributes And dbAttachedTable) <> 0 Then TmpAttrib = " *Attached"
If (td.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC) <> 0 Then TmpAttrib = " *Attached ODBC"
If Len(TbName) = 0 Then VBDBForm.listtb.AddItem td.Name & TmpAttrib
'Map Fields for each TableDef
TmpAttrib = ""
If Len(TbName) > 0 And td.Name = TbName Then
For Each fld In td.Fields
Type2Str(8) = "Data/Time "
Type2Str(10) = "Text "
Type2Str(12) = "Memo "
Type2Str(1) = "Yes/No "
Type2Str(3) = "Integer "
Type2Str(4) = "Long "
Type2Str(5) = "Currency "
Type2Str(6) = "Single "
Type2Str(7) = "Double "
Type2Str(2) = "Byte "
Type2Str(11) = "Long Binary"
Type2Str(0) = "Unknown "
TmpFld = fld.Name
VBDBForm.listfld.AddItem TmpFld & " " & Type2Str(fld.Type) ' TmpAttrib
Next fld
End If
Next td
End Sub
Sub ComputeRPS(ReadOnly As Boolean, Iterations As Integer, _
DataName As String, TableName As String, _
FieldName As String, FieldType As String, connect As String)
VBDBForm.TxtDAO.Text = Format(0, "0.####")
VBDBForm.TxtRDO.Text = Format(0, "0.####")
VBDBForm.TxtODBC.Text = Format(0, "0.####")
Dim i As Integer, StartTime As Double
Dim CountRec As Long
VBDBForm.LabMsg.Caption = VBDBForm.labdao.Caption & ":"
StartTime = Timer
CountRec = 0
For i = 1 To Iterations
VBDBForm.LabCount.Caption = i
CountRec = CountRec + ReadWrite.DBRead(DataName, ReadOnly, FieldName, _
FieldType, connect, 0)
VBDBForm.TxtDAO.Text = Format(CountRec / (Timer - StartTime), "0.####")
VBDBForm.LabMsg.Caption = VBDBForm.labrdo.Caption & ":"
StartTime = Timer
CountRec = 0
For i = 1 To Iterations
VBDBForm.LabCount.Caption = i
CountRec = CountRec + ReadWrite.DBRead(DataName, ReadOnly, FieldName, FieldType, connect, 1)
VBDBForm.TxtRDO.Text = Format(CountRec / (Timer - StartTime), "0.####")
VBDBForm.LabMsg.Caption = VBDBForm.labodbc.Caption & ":"
StartTime = Timer
CountRec = 0
For i = 1 To Iterations
VBDBForm.LabCount.Caption = i
CountRec = CountRec + ReadWrite.DBRead(DataName, ReadOnly, FieldName, FieldType, connect, 2)
VBDBForm.TxtODBC.Text = Format(CountRec / (Timer - StartTime), "0.####")
VBDBForm.LabMsg.Caption = ""
VBDBForm.LabCount.Caption = ""
End Sub
Attribute VB_Name = "Error"
Global Const HNDL_HENV = 1
Global Const HNDL_HDBC = 2
Global Const HNDL_HSTMT = 3
Sub CenterWindow(fP As Form, fC As Form)
fC.Left = fP.Left + ((fP.ScaleWidth - fC.ScaleWidth) / 2)
fC.Top = fP.Top + ((fP.ScaleHeight - fC.ScaleHeight) / 2)
End Sub
' CheckError
' Check the Return code for the ODBC Call. Expect
' SQL_ERROR, for any other Return Code post
' an error and return FALSE.
Function CheckError(ByVal nStmtType As Integer, ByVal pHstmtIn As Long, ByVal rc As Integer) As Integer
'Initialize return value
CheckError = True
'Check return code
If ((rc <> SQL_ERROR)) Then
'Invalid Return post errors on queue
Call PostError(nStmtType, pHstmtIn)
CheckError = False
End If
End Function
' CheckSuccess
' Check the Return code for the ODBC Call. Expect
' Return Code should post an error and return FALSE.
Function CheckSuccess(ByVal nHndlType As Integer, ByVal pHstmtIn As Long, ByVal rc As Integer) As Integer
'Initialize return value
CheckSuccess = True
'Check return code
If ((rc <> SQL_SUCCESS) And (rc <> SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)) Then
'Invalid Return post errors on queue
Call PostError(nHndlType, pHstmtIn)
CheckSuccess = False
End If
End Function
' CheckSuccessOnly
' Check the Return code for the ODBC Call. Expect
' SQL_SUCCESS. Any other Return Code should
' post an error and return FALSE.
Function CheckSuccessOnly(ByVal nHndlType As Integer, ByVal pHstmtIn As Long, ByVal rc As Integer) As Integer
'Initialize return value
CheckSuccessOnly = True
'Check return code
If ((rc <> SQL_SUCCESS)) Then
'Invalid Return post errors on queue
Call PostError(nHndlType, pHstmtIn)
CheckSuccessOnly = False
End If
End Function
' DisplayErrMsg
' Display the Error Message in a normal Message Box
' the users screen.
Sub DisplayErrMsg(szSqlState As String, szErrMsg As String)
Dim Msg As String
Msg = "(" + szSqlState + ")"
Msg = Msg + " " + szErrMsg
End Sub
' PostError
' Clear the error queue of any messages that may have been
' stored by the driver or driver manager. Each error will
' cause a message box to be displayed with the error that
' occurred.
' Since there will only be one HENV and HDBC, they will be checked
' the Global HANDLES struct, HSTMT will be passed.
Sub PostError(ByVal iHndlType As Integer, ByVal pHstmtIn As Long)
Dim phenv As Long
Dim phdbc As Long
Dim phstmt As Long
Dim rc As Integer
Dim szSqlState As String * 5
'Initialize all Handles to NULL
' Determine handle type of last executed ODBC call
Select Case iHndlType
phstmt = pHstmtIn
phdbc = Handles.phdbc
phdbc = Handles.phenv
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Handle Type in ErrorCheck Routine", MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP
Exit Sub
End Select
'Process the Errors
rc = SQLError(phenv, phdbc, phstmt, szSqlState, 0, szErrMsg, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, 0)
While (rc = SQL_SUCCESS)
Call DisplayErrMsg(szSqlState, szErrMsg)
rc = SQLError(phenv, phdbc, phstmt, szSqlState, 0, szErrMsg, SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH, 0)
End Sub
Attribute VB_Name = "ReadWrite"
Option Explicit
Public Function DBRead(DataName As String, ReadOnly As Boolean, _
FieldName As String, FieldType As String, connect As String, action As Integer) As Long
Dim MyDb As Database, MyRs As Recordset
Dim RetBuf As String * 100
Dim recCount As Long
On Error GoTo catchError
Select Case action
Case 0
recCount = 0
Set MyDb = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("", False, False, connect)
Set MyRs = MyDb.OpenRecordset(TableName, dbOpenDynaset)
Do Until MyRs.EOF
If ReadOnly = False Then MyRs.Edit
If ReadOnly Then
RetBuf = MyRs(FieldName)
MyRs(FieldName) = Reverse(MyRs(FieldName))
End If
If ReadOnly = False Then MyRs.Update
recCount = recCount + 1
Case 1
recCount = 10
Dim mrdoEnv As rdoEnvironment, mrdoConn As Object, sSQL As String
Dim MyrdoRs As rdoResultset '
rdoEngine.rdoDefaultCursorDriver = rdUseIfNeeded
Set mrdoEnv = rdoEngine.rdoCreateEnvironment("", "", "")
Set mrdoConn = mrdoEnv.OpenConnection("", rdDriverNoPrompt, True, Right(connect, _
Len(connect) - Len("ODBC;")))
sSQL = "Select " & FieldName & " from " & TableName
Set MyrdoRs = mrdoConn.OpenResultset(sSQL, rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurValues)
Do Until MyrdoRs.EOF
If ReadOnly = False Then MyrdoRs.Edit
If ReadOnly Then
RetBuf = MyrdoRs.rdoColumns(FieldName)
MyrdoRs.rdoColumns(FieldName).Value = Reverse(MyrdoRs.rdoColumns(FieldName).Value)
End If
If ReadOnly = False Then MyrdoRs.Update
recCount = recCount + 1
Case 2
recCount = 0
Dim phenv As Long, phdbc As Long, hstmt As Long, cbData As Long, cbRetBuf As Long
Dim rc As Integer, pszData As String
pszData = String(100, 0)
rc = SQLAllocEnv(phenv)
If (CheckSuccess(HNDL_HENV, 0, rc) = False) Then Exit Function
rc = SQLAllocConnect(ByVal phenv, phdbc)
If (CheckSuccess(HNDL_HENV, 0, rc) = False) Then Exit Function
Dim szConnStrIn As String, szConnStrOut As String, cbConnStrOut As Integer
szConnStrOut = String(256, 0)
szConnStrIn = Right(connect, Len(connect) - Len("ODBC;"))
rc = SQLDriverConnect(ByVal phdbc, 0, ByVal szConnStrIn, _
SQL_NTS, ByVal szConnStrOut, 255, cbConnStrOut, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE)
If (CheckSuccess(HNDL_HDBC, 0, rc) = False) Then Exit Function
rc = SQLAllocStmt(ByVal phdbc, hstmt)
If (CheckSuccess(HNDL_HENV, hstmt, rc) = False) Then Exit Function
sSQL = "SELECT " & FieldName & " from " & TableName
rc = SQLExecDirect(ByVal hstmt, sSQL, SQL_NTS)
If (CheckSuccess(HNDL_HSTMT, hstmt, rc) = False) Then Exit Function
Dim cbrow As Long, RowStatus As Integer
Dim retbuft(100) As Byte
Dim temp(100) As Byte, TempStr As String, LenStr As Integer
If ReadOnly = False Then
rc = SQLBindCol(ByVal hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, retbuft(0), 100, cbRetBuf)
rc = SQLExtendedFetch(ByVal hstmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1, cbrow, RowStatus)
rc = SQLFetch(ByVal hstmt) ' for simple reading fetch is faster
End If
If ReadOnly Then
rc = SQLGetData(ByVal hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, ByVal pszData, 100, cbData)
rc = SQLFetch(ByVal hstmt) ' for simple reading fetch is faster
Dim i As Integer
TempStr = StrConv(retbuft, vbUnicode)
LenStr = InStr(TempStr, Chr(0)) - 1
For i = 0 To LenStr - 1
temp(i) = retbuft(i)
For i = 0 To LenStr - 1
retbuft(i) = temp(LenStr - i - 1)
rc = SQLSetPos(ByVal hstmt, 1, SQL_UPDATE, SQL_LOCK_NO_CHANGE)
If (CheckSuccess(HNDL_HSTMT, hstmt, rc) = False) Then Exit Function
rc = SQLExtendedFetch(ByVal hstmt, SQL_FETCH_NEXT, 1, cbrow, RowStatus)
End If
recCount = recCount + 1
SQLFreeStmt ByVal hstmt, SQL_DROP
SQLDisconnect ByVal phdbc
SQLFreeConnect ByVal phdbc
SQLFreeEnv ByVal phenv
End Select
DBRead = recCount
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 94 Then
MsgBox "Null field encoutered: " + DataName + " " + TableName + " " + FieldName + _
vbCrLf + "Please choose another field", vbOKOnly, "Error!"
End If
End Function
Private Function Reverse(str As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Reverse = ""
For i = Len(LTrim(str)) To 1 Step -1
Reverse = Reverse & Mid(str, i, 1)
Next i
End Function
Figure 15 VBDB Tests
Data access method | Number of records read per second | Number of records read and written per second |
DAO | 4 | 2 |
ODBC API | 14 | 7 |
RDO | 20 | 9 |