Figure 1   Assembler from Nonoptimized Code

 foo proc
401000: PUSH    EBP
401001: MOV     EBP,ESP
401003: PUSH    EBX
401004: PUSH    ESI
401005: PUSH    EDI
401006: MOV     EAX,DWORD PTR [EBP+08]
401009: ADD     EAX,EAX
40100B: JMP     00401010

401010: POP     EDI
401011: POP     ESI
401012: POP     EBX
401013: LEAVE
401014: RET
foo endp

main proc
401015: PUSH    EBP
401016: MOV     EBP,ESP
401018: PUSH    EBX
401019: PUSH    ESI
40101A: PUSH    EDI
40101B: PUSH    07
40101D: CALL    00401000
401022: ADD     ESP,04
401025: TEST    EAX,EAX
401027: JE      0040103C

40102D: MOV     EAX,00000001
401032: JMP     00401043

401037: JMP     00401043

40103C: XOR     EAX,EAX
40103E: JMP     00401043

401043: POP     EDI
401044: POP     ESI
401045: POP     EBX
401046: LEAVE
401047: RET
main endp

Figure 4   LIPO32.CPP

// LIPO32/LIPOSUCTION32 - Matt Pietrek 1996
// Microsoft Systems Journal, October 1996
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "peexe2.h"
#include "dependencylist.h"
#include "lipo32output.h"

// Prototypes for the analysis routines
void LookForIncrementalLinking( PE_EXE2 & peFile );
void LookForUnoptimizedCode( PE_EXE2 & peFile );
void LookForDebugInfo( PE_EXE2 & peFile );
void LookForRelocations( PE_EXE2 & peFile );
void LookForCombinableSections( PE_EXE2 & peFile );
void LookForBSSSections( PE_EXE2 &peFile );
void LookForLoadAddressConflicts( PSTR pszFileName );
void LookForBoundImage( PE_EXE2 & peFile );

// Helper function prototypes
unsigned ScanForInt3s( PE_SECTION * pSection, unsigned minSequence );
unsigned ScanForJMPsToNoWhere( PE_SECTION * pSection );
PSTR GetDebugTypeName( unsigned type );
int SectSort( const void *a, const void *b );
int ModLoadSort( const void *a, const void *b );

void AnalyzeFile( PSTR pszFileName )
    PE_EXE2 peFile( pszFileName );    // Create the PE_EXE2 object to be examined

    char szBuffer[MAX_PATH*2];

    OutputClearAllFields( );     // Clear the UI of previous file information
    if ( !peFile.IsValid() )    // Make sure it's a PE EXE we're working with
        wsprintf( szBuffer, "%s is not a PE file", pszFileName );
        OutputError( szBuffer );
    if ( IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 != peFile.GetMachine() )    // 386 only!
        wsprintf(szBuffer, "%s is not an Intel i386 executable", pszFileName );
        OutputError( szBuffer );

    // Let the analysis begin!

    OutputSetFileName( pszFileName );

    LookForIncrementalLinking( peFile );

    LookForUnoptimizedCode( peFile );
    LookForDebugInfo( peFile );
    LookForRelocations( peFile );
    LookForCombinableSections( peFile );

    LookForBSSSections( peFile );
    LookForLoadAddressConflicts( pszFileName );

    LookForBoundImage( peFile );

void LookForIncrementalLinking( PE_EXE2 & peFile )
    // Iterate through each section...
    for ( unsigned i=1; i <= peFile.GetNumberOfSections(); i++ )
        PE_SECTION * pSection = peFile.GetSectionByIndex( i );
        // If it's not a code section, don't go any further
        if ( !pSection->IsCode() )

        // Look for INT 3's, with a minimum sequence of 3 INT 3's before
        // counting starts
        unsigned cInt3s = ScanForInt3s( pSection, 3 );
        if ( 0 == cInt3s )

        // If INT 3's were found, send to the UI to display
        char szName[10];
        pSection->GetName( szName );
        OutputAddIncrementalLinking( szName, pSection->GetIndex(), cInt3s );

void LookForUnoptimizedCode( PE_EXE2 & peFile )
    // Iterate through each section...
    for ( unsigned i=1; i <= peFile.GetNumberOfSections(); i++ )
        PE_SECTION * pSection = peFile.GetSectionByIndex( i );
        // If it's not a code section, don't go any further
        if ( !pSection->IsCode() )

        // Count how many bytes were taken up by JMPs to the next instruction
        unsigned cStupidJmps = ScanForJMPsToNoWhere( pSection );
        if ( cStupidJmps < 25 )    // Cut them a little slack (enough for 5 JMPs)
        char szName[10];
        pSection->GetName( szName );
        OutputAddUnoptimizedCode( szName, pSection->GetIndex(), cStupidJmps );

void LookForDebugInfo( PE_EXE2 & peFile )
    // Find out how many types of debug info are present.  If none, we're done
    unsigned cDebugTypes = peFile.GetDebugInfoTypeCount();
    if ( !cDebugTypes )

    // Get a pointer to the debug directory    
    PIMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY pDbgDir = peFile.GetDebugDirectory();

    // Emit information on each type of debug information    
    for( unsigned i = 0; i < cDebugTypes; i++, pDbgDir++ )
        OutputAddDebugInfo( GetDebugTypeName(pDbgDir->Type),
                            pDbgDir->SizeOfData );

void LookForRelocations( PE_EXE2 & peFile )
    // Get the number of relocations from the EXE's data directory
    DWORD cbRelocations = 
    OutputSetRelocations(    cbRelocations,
                            peFile.GetCharacteristics() & IMAGE_FILE_DLL );                        

// Data structure used by LookForCombinableSections
    DWORD    Characteristics;
    DWORD    index;

void LookForCombinableSections( PE_EXE2 & peFile )
    unsigned cSections = peFile.GetNumberOfSections();

    // Allocate an array of SECTION_ATTRIBUTES structures to hold the index
    // and flags for each section

    // Iterate through each section, adding it to the SECTION_ATTRIBUTES array
    unsigned i, cUsed;    
    for ( i=0, cUsed=0; i < cSections; i++ )
        PE_SECTION * pSection = peFile.GetSectionByIndex( i+1 );
        char szName[IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME+2];
        // Don't put the .rsrc and .reloc sections into the array
        pSection->GetName( szName );
        if ( (0==strcmp(szName, ".reloc")) || (0==strcmp(szName, ".rsrc")) )
        pAttrs[cUsed].index = i+1;
        pAttrs[cUsed].Characteristics = pSection->GetCharacteristics();

    unsigned max_i;    // )(*&)(^*%*$ "goto skips initialization" error!!!

    // Make sure that we put at least 2 items into our pAttrs array.  Otherwise
    // it's not worth looking for combinable sections. 
    if ( cUsed <= 2 )
        goto done_comparing;

    // Sort the sections based on their attributes
    qsort( pAttrs, cUsed, sizeof(SECTION_ATTRIBUTES), SectSort );
    max_i = cUsed-1;

    // Now go though the sorted SECTION_ATTRIBUTES array and find sequences
    // of two or more sections with the same flags (characteristics)
    for ( i=0; i < max_i; i++ )
        // first, scan until we find two sections with the same flags
        while (    pAttrs[i].Characteristics != pAttrs[i+1].Characteristics )
            if ( ++i >= max_i )
                goto done_comparing;

        // If we get here, we've found two sections that have the same flags
        // Now find the last section that has the same flags value
        unsigned j = i+1;
        while (    (pAttrs[j].Characteristics == pAttrs[j+1].Characteristics )
                && (j <= max_i) )
        DWORD cCurrentPagesUsed = 0;
        DWORD cBytesUsed = 0;

        // Tell the UI that we're about to start emitting a list of
        // combinable sections

        // Emit the information about each combinable section    
        while ( i <= j )
            PE_SECTION * pSection = peFile.GetSectionByIndex(pAttrs[i].index);
            char szName[IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME+2];
            pSection->GetName( szName );
            OutputAddCombinableSections( szName, pSection->GetAccessibleSize(),
                                         pSection->GetCharacteristics() );
            cCurrentPagesUsed += (pSection->GetMaxSizeInMem() + 0xFFF)/0x1000;
            cBytesUsed += pSection->GetMaxSizeInMem();

        // Tell the UI that we're done emitting sections.  Also provide it
        // with the before and after page counts
        OutputAddCombinableSectionsEnd( cCurrentPagesUsed,
                                        (cBytesUsed + 0xFFF) / 0x1000 );
    delete []pAttrs;

void LookForBSSSections( PE_EXE2 &peFile )
    // Iterate through every section
    for ( unsigned i=1; i <= peFile.GetNumberOfSections(); i++ )
        PE_SECTION * pSection = peFile.GetSectionByIndex( i );

        // If the section has the uninitialized data flag set, tattle on it        
        if (pSection->GetCharacteristics() & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA)
            char szName[10];
            pSection->GetName( szName );
            OutputBSSSection( szName, i );

// Data structure used by LookForLoadAddressConflicts
    DWORD    m_baseRVA;       // RVA that module loads at
    DWORD    m_endRVA;        // RVA that module ends at
    PSTR    m_pszFullName;    // Full path to the module

void LookForLoadAddressConflicts( PSTR pszFileName )
    // Create a module dependency list
    MODULE_DEPENDENCY_LIST depList( pszFileName );

    unsigned cModules = depList.GetNumberOfModules();

    if ( cModules <= 1 )    // At least 2 modules are needed for a conflict

    // Create an array of MODULE_LOAD_INFOs to store info about each module    
    // pMods is the start of the array, pModCurr is the current
    // MODULE_LOAD_INFO that's being accessed
    PMODULE_LOAD_INFO pMods = new MODULE_LOAD_INFO[ cModules ];
    PMODULE_LOAD_INFO pModCurr = pMods;

    // Get a pointer to the first module in the dependency list    
    PMODULE_FILE_INFO pModFile = depList.GetNextModule( NULL );

    // While there are still modules in the list...    
    while ( pModFile )
        // Make a PE_EXE object to access the module's information
        PE_EXE peFile( pModFile->m_szFullName );
        if ( !peFile.IsValid() )

        // Add the information about the module to the MODULE_LOAD_INFO
        pModCurr->m_pszFullName = strdup( pModFile->m_szFullName );
        pModCurr->m_baseRVA = peFile.GetImageBase();
        pModCurr->m_endRVA = peFile.GetImageBase() + peFile.GetSizeOfImage();
        // Round up the ending address to a multiple of 64K, since that's the
        // granularity that the OS allocates 
        pModCurr->m_endRVA = (pModCurr->m_endRVA + 0xFFFF) & 0xFFFF0000;

        // Prepare to process the next module            
        pModFile = depList.GetNextModule( pModFile );

    // Sort the MODULE_LOAD_INFO array, based on the load address
    qsort( pMods, cModules, sizeof(MODULE_LOAD_INFO), ModLoadSort );

    unsigned i;

    // Now iterate through the MODULE_LOAD_INFO array, looking for consecutive
    // entries that have an overlap
    pModCurr = pMods;
    for ( i=1; i < cModules; i++, pModCurr++ )
        // Yes, this looks wacky.   But it works.  If the end of the current
        // module's range is after the start of the next module range, there's
        // an overlap.
        if ( pModCurr->m_endRVA > pModCurr[1].m_baseRVA )
    // Clean up all the filename strings we strdup'ed earlier
    pModCurr = pMods;
    for ( i=0; i < cModules; i++, pModCurr++ )
        free( pModCurr->m_pszFullName );
    delete []pMods;        // Delete the MODULE_LOAD_INFO array

void LookForBoundImage( PE_EXE2 & peFile )
    // Look in the appropriate data directory slot in the executable.  Note
    // that in NT 3.5 and earlier, this field wasn't set by BIND.
    BOOL fBound = (BOOL)

    OutputBindStatus( fBound );

//======================== Helper functions ================================

unsigned ScanForInt3s( PE_SECTION * pSection, unsigned minSequence )
    // Scan the specified section, looking for as strings of INT 3s.  The
    // minimum length for a match is given by the minSequence parameter
    DWORD len = pSection->GetAccessibleSize();

    // Get a pointer to the start of the data    
    PBYTE pData = (PBYTE)pSection->GetPointer();
    if ( minSequence > len )
        return 0;
    PBYTE pEnd = pData + len;    // Get a pointer to the end of the data
    DWORD count = 0;
    while ( pData < pEnd )    // While still more data...
        // use memchr to quickly find the first 0xCC byte
        pData = (PBYTE)memchr( pData, 0xCC, pEnd - pData );
        if ( !pData )

        DWORD cThisRun = 0;

        // Count how many INT 3's are in this sequence.        
        while ( pData < pEnd )
            if ( *pData++ != 0xCC )

        // If the minimum length was met, add it to our running total
        if ( cThisRun >= minSequence )
            count += cThisRun;
    return count;    // Return final total

unsigned ScanForJMPsToNoWhere( PE_SECTION * pSection )
    DWORD len = pSection->GetAccessibleSize();

    // Get pointer to the start of the data    
    PBYTE pData = (PBYTE)pSection->GetPointer();
    if ( len < 6 )
        return 0;

    // Get pointer to the last possible byte where we could find a JMP    
    PBYTE pEnd = pData + len - 6;

    DWORD count = 0;
    // Scan for JMPs to the next instruction, followed by a MOV XXX,[XXX]
    // or POP XXX instruction.  These are the most common sequences produced
    // by a compiler in non-optimizing mode
    while ( pData < pEnd )
        pData = (PBYTE)memchr( pData, 0xE9, pEnd - pData );
        if ( !pData )

        if ( 0 == *(PDWORD)pData )    // Is the relative offset == 0?
            // It sure looks like a wasted JMP, but verify by looking
            // at the next instruction to see if it's a common instruction.
            // 0x8B = MOV, 0x58-0x5F = POP XXX
            if ( pData[4] == 0x8B || ( 0x58 == (pData[4] & 0xF8) ) )
                count += 5;        // The length of the JMP 00000000
    return count;    

PSTR GetDebugTypeName( unsigned type )
    // Given an IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_XXX value (see WINNT.H), return a static
    // string describing what type of debug information it is.
    switch ( type )
        case IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_COFF: return "COFF";
        case IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FPO: return "FPO";
        case IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC: return "MISC";
        case IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FIXUP: return "FIXUP";
        case IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_TO_SRC: return "OMAP_TO_SRC";
        case 0: return "BORLAND";
        default: return "UNKNOWN";

// Comparison routine used by the qsort call in LookForCombinableSections
int SectSort( const void *a, const void *b )
{   // First, sort by characteristics
    DWORD x = ((SECTION_ATTRIBUTES*)a)->Characteristics 
            - ((SECTION_ATTRIBUTES*)b)->Characteristics;
    if ( x )
        return x;
    // If the characteristics match, sort by indexes, with lower values first
    x = ((SECTION_ATTRIBUTES*)a)->index - ((SECTION_ATTRIBUTES*)b)->index;

    return x;

// Comparison routine used by the qsort call in LookForAddressConflicts
int ModLoadSort( const void *a, const void *b )
{   // Sort based on the base (load) RVA
    DWORD first = ((PMODULE_LOAD_INFO)a)->m_baseRVA;
    DWORD second = ((PMODULE_LOAD_INFO)b)->m_baseRVA;
    if ( first == second )
        return 0;
    return (first > second) ? 1 : -1;