Value | Description |
ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES | Initializes the ListView and Header controls. |
ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES | Initializes the TreeView and ToolTip controls. |
ICC_BAR_CLASSES | Initializes the Toolbar, StatusBar, TrackBar, and ToolTip controls. |
ICC_TAB_CLASSES | Initializes the Tab and ToolTip controls. |
ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS | Initializes the UpDown control. |
ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS | Initializes the Progress Bar control. |
ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS | Initializes the Hot Key control. |
ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS | Initializes the Animation control. |
ICC_WIN95_CLASSES | Initializes the Animation, Header, HotKey, ListView, ProgressBar, StatusBar, Tab, ToolTip, ToolBar, TrackBar, TreeView, and UpDown controls. |
ICC_DATE_CLASSES | Initializes the Date and Time Picker controls. |
ICC_USEREX_CLASSES | Initializes the ComboBoxEx control. |
ICC_COOL_CLASSES | Initializes the CoolBar control. |
Figure 2 NMCUSTOMDRAW Structure
Member | Description |
NMHDR hdr | Standard NMHDR structure for all notification messages. |
DWORD dwDrawStage | Specifies the current drawing stage. |
HDC hdc | The HDC of the control. Use this HDC to perform any GDI functions. |
RECT rc | The rectangle to be drawn in. |
DWORD dwItemSpec | This is control-specific, but it's how to specify an item. Valid only when the CDDS_ITEM bit is set in dwDrawStage. |
LPARAM lItemlParam | The lParam of the item. |
Figure 3 Custom Draw Drawing Stages
Value | Description |
CDDS_PREPAINT | Received before any part of the control is about to be drawn. |
CDDS_POSTPAINT | Received after the control has completed the painting cycle. |
CDDS_PREERASE | Received before the control starts the erasing cycle. Currently only supported by the ToolBar control. |
CDDS_POSTERASE | Received after the control completes the erasing cycle. Currently only supported by the ToolBar control. |
CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT | Received before the item is drawn. |
CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT | Received after the item has been drawn. |
CDDS_ITEMPREERASE | Received when the item is about to be erased. Currently only supported by the ToolBar control. |
CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE | Received after the item has been erased. Currently only supported by the ToolBar control. |
Figure 4 Custom Draw Return Values
Return Value | Response |
CDRF_DODEFAULT | Causes the control to use its default painting. If returned from CDDS_PREPAINT, no other custom draw messages will be sent. |
CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT | Causes the control to send the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification with dwDrawStage equal to CDDS_POSTPAINT after the control has been painted. If returning this value in response to CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT, you will receive the CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT notification. |
CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE | Causes the control to send the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification with dwDrawStage equal to CDDS_POSTERASE after the control has been erased. |
CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW | Causes the control to send the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification with dwDrawStage equal to CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT when an item is about to be drawn and dwDrawStage equal to CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT after the item is drawn. |
CDRF_NOTIFYITEMERASE | Causes the control to send the NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification with dwDrawStage equal to CDDS_ITEMPREERASE when an item is about to be erased and dwDrawStage equal to CDDS_ITEMPOSTERASE after the control is erased. |
CDRF_NEWFONT | Use this return value when you change the font while processing the CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT notification. This tells the control to recalculate text extents based on the new font. |
CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT | Use this return value to tell the control not to do any drawing for this notification. This is normally used when you are doing all of the drawing yourself. |
Figure 5 NMLVCUSTOMDRAW Structure
Member | Description |
NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd | Standard custom draw notification structure. |
COLORREF clrText | Receives the desired text color during the CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT notification. Do not change this value if the default text color is desired. |
COLORREF clrTextBk | Receives the desired text background color during the CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT notification. Do not change this value if the default text background color is desired. |
Figure 6 NMTTCUSTOMDRAW Structure
Member | Description |
NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd | Standard custom draw notification structure. |
UINT uDrawFlags | DrawText flags. |
Figure 7 Implementing Custom Draw ToolTips
if(lpttcd->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT)
If the DT_CALCRECT bit is set, then the ToolTip is asking us to
adjust the DrawText bits. After returning from this notification,
it will call DrawText with DT_CALCRECT to calculate the rectangle.
What this allows you to do is specify a maximum width for a
ToolTip. If the text is too big, then the ToolTip will wrap the
text for you.
In this case, we just make the rectangle really small so that
DrawText will take into account the word wrapping. Make sure to
keep the DT_CALCRECT flag.
if(lpttcd->uDrawFlags & DT_CALCRECT)
lpttcd->uDrawFlags = uDrawFlags | DT_CALCRECT;
We set these to 1 because, in this case, the ToolTip will be
asking DrawText to calculate the rectangle for us.
lpttcd->nmcd.rc.right = 1;
lpttcd->nmcd.rc.bottom = 1;
Don't change the rectangle here. It was adjusted when
DT_CALCRECT was set.
lpttcd->uDrawFlags = uDrawFlags;
Figure 10 CoolBar Styles
Style Flag | Description |
RBS_VARHEIGHT | With this style, each row may be a different height. Without this style, each row will be the height of the tallest band. |
RBS_BANDBORDERS | The control places a border around each band, which separates it from adjacent bands. |
RBS_FIXEDORDER | Prevents the user from re-ordering the bands. Without this style, the user can place any band in front of or on top of any other band. With this style, the user can only resize bands that are in the same row or place bands under each other in the same order that they are inserted. |
Figure 11 REBARINFO Structure
Member | Description |
UINT cbSize | The size of the REBARINFO structure, in bytes. |
UINT fMask | Specifies which of the members contain valid information. At present, only the RBIM_IMAGELIST flag is used. |
HIMAGELIST himl | An image list handle that the CoolBar will use to obtain images. |
Figure 12 REBARBANDINFO Structure
Member | Description |
UINT cbSize | The size of the REBARBANDINFO structure, in bytes. |
UINT fMask | Specifies which of the members contain valid information. |
UINT fStyle | One or more flags that indicate which members contain valid information or which members are being requested. |
COLORREF clrFore | Specifies the foreground (text) color of the band. |
COLORREF clrBack | Specifies the background color of the band. |
LPTSTR lpText | A pointer to a buffer that contains the display text for the band. If band information is being requested from the control, then this member needs to be initialized to point to a character buffer before sending the message. |
UINT cch | The size of the buffer pointed to by lpText. This member is only used when information is being requested from the control. |
INT iImage | Zero-based index of the image that should be displayed in the band. |
HWND hwndChild | Specifies the handle of the child window contained in the band. |
UINT cxMinChild | Specifies the minimum horizontal size of the child window. The band cannot be sized smaller than this value. |
UINT cyMinChild | Specifies the minimum vertical size of the child window. The band cannot be sized smaller than this value. |
UINT cx | Specifies the initial size of the band. This value is only used if there is more than one band in a row and this value is greater than cxMinChild. |
HBITMAP hbmBack | Specifies the bitmap that should be used to paint the background. |
UINT wID | Specifies an optional band identifier. This is user-defined and should be unique among all bands. |
Figure 13 REBARBANDINFO Mask Values
Value | Description |
RBBIM_STYLE | The fStyle member is valid. |
RBBIM_COLORS | The clrFore and clrBack members are valid. |
RBBIM_TEXT | The lpText member is valid. |
RBBIM_IMAGE | The iImage member is valid. |
RBBIM_CHILD | The hwndChild member is valid. |
RBBIM_CHILDSIZE | The cxMinChild and cyMinChild members are valid. |
RBBIM_SIZE | The cx member is valid. |
RBBIM_BACKGROUND | The hbmBack member is valid. |
RBBIM_ID | The wID member is valid. |
Figure 14 REBARBANDINFO Style Values
Value | Description |
RBBS_BREAK | The band is on a new line. |
RBBS_FIXEDSIZE | This band can't be sized. The sizing grip is not displayed on this band. |
RBBS_CHILDEDGE | Draw an edge around the top and bottom of the child window. |
RBBS_HIDDEN | Hide this band. |
RBBS_NOVERT | Don't display this band when the CoolBar is vertical. |
RBBS_FIXEDBMP | The background bitmap doesn't move when the band is resized. It is also displayed as being common (unbroken) through all of the bands. |
Figure 15 CoolBar Messages
Message | Description | wParam | lParam | Return Value |
RB_SETBARINFO | Sets the general information for the CoolBar control. | Not used. | Pointer to a REBARINFO structure. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
RB_GETBARINFO | Retrieves the general information for the CoolBar control. | Not used. | Pointer to a REBARINFO structure. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
RB_SETBANDINFO | Sets the information for an existing band in the CoolBar control. | Index of the band to set this information for. | Pointer to a REBARBANDINFO structure. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
RB_GETBANDINFO | Retrieves the information for a band in the CoolBar control. | Index of the band to retrieve the information for. | Pointer to a REBARBANDINFO structure. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
RB_INSERTBAND | Inserts a new band into the CoolBar control. | Indicates the position at which the band should be inserted. Pass -1 to add a new band. | Pointer to a REBARBANDINFO structure. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
RB_DELETEBAND | Deletes a band from the CoolBar control. | Index of the band to be deleted. | Not used. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
RB_GETBANDCOUNT | Retrieves the number of bands currently in the CoolBar control. | Not used. | Not used. | The number of bands contained in the CoolBar. |
RB_GETROWCOUNT | Retrieves the number of rows in the CoolBar control. | Not used. | Not used. | The number of rows in the CoolBar. |
RB_GETROWHEIGHT | Retrieves the height of a row in the CoolBar control. | Zero-based index of the band in the row to get the height for. | Not used. | The height of the row that contains the specified band in pixels. |
Figure 17 CoolBar.c
File: CoolBar.c
#define STRICT
//#define UNICODE
Include Files
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "resource.h"
Local Function Prototypes
BOOL InitApplication(HINSTANCE);
BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int);
HWND BuildCoolBar(HWND);
void MoveCoolBar(HWND);
void UpdateMenu(HWND, HMENU);
Global Variables
#define ID_COOLBAR 1000
#define ID_COMBOBOX 2000
#define ID_BUTTON 2001
#define TOP 0x00
#define LEFT 0x01
#define BOTTOM 0x02
#define RIGHT 0x03
WORD g_wSide;
TCHAR g_szClassName[] = TEXT("CoolBarSampleClass");
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
MSG msg;
iccex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
return FALSE;
if (!InitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow))
return FALSE;
while(GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0x00, 0x00))
return msg.wParam;
BOOL InitApplication(HINSTANCE hInstance)
WNDCLASS wc; = 0;
wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)MainWndProc;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
wc.lpszClassName = g_szClassName;
return RegisterClass(&wc);
BOOL InitInstance( HINSTANCE hInstance,
int nCmdShow)
HWND hWnd;
g_hInst = hInstance;
hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0,
TEXT("CoolBar Application"),
if (!hWnd)
return FALSE;
ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow);
return TRUE;
UINT uMessage,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam)
{switch (uMessage)
{ case WM_CREATE: g_wSide = TOP;
case WM_NOTIFY: return HandleNotify(hWnd, wParam, lParam);
case WM_INITMENUPOPUP: UpdateMenu(hWnd, (HMENU)wParam);
case WM_SIZE: MoveCoolB....arBhWnd);
case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0);
case WM_COMMAND: return HandleCommand(hWnd, wParam, lParam);
default: break;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMessage, wParam, lParam);
LRESULT HandleCommand(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
{switch (wParam)
{ case ID_BUTTON: MessageBeep(MB_OK);
case ID_COMBOBOX: MessageBeep(MB_OK);
case IDM_TOP: if(g_wSide != TOP)
DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COOLBAR)); //86 existing CoolBar
g_wSide = TOP; //change to the new side
BuildCoolBar(hWnd); //create the new CoolBar
/* We have to do this because the CoolBar will recalculate its
rectangle after the first time it is sized. */
case IDM_BOTTOM: if(g_wSide != BOTTOM)
DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COOLBAR)); //86 existing CoolBar
g_wSide = BOTTOM;
BuildCoolBar(hWnd); //create the new CoolBar
/* We have to do this because the CoolBar will recalculate its
rectangle after the first time it is sized. */
case IDM_LEFT: if(g_wSide != LEFT)
DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COOLBAR)); //86 existing CoolBar
g_wSide = LEFT;
BuildCoolBar(hWnd); //create the new CoolBar
/* We have to do this because the CoolBar will recalculate its
rectangle after the first time it is sized. */
case IDM_RIGHT: if(g_wSide != RIGHT)
DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COOLBAR)); //86 existing CoolBar
g_wSide = RIGHT;
BuildCoolBar(hWnd); //create the new CoolBar
/* We have to do this because the CoolBar will recalculate its
rectangle after the first time it is sized. */
case IDM_EXIT: DestroyWindow(hWnd);
return 0;
UINT uMessage,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam)
switch (uMessage)
return TRUE;
case IDOK:
EndDialog(hDlg, IDOK);
return TRUE;
EndDialog(hDlg, IDCANCEL);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
HWND BuildCoolBar(HWND hwndParent)
HWND hwndCoolBar = NULL;
LRESULT lResult;
hwndCoolBar = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,
((g_wSide & 0x01) ? CCS_VERT : 0),
//g_wSide is odd if this is a vertical bar
0, 0, 200, 100, hwndParent, (HMENU)ID_COOLBAR,
g_hInst, NULL);
HICON hIcon;
HWND hwndChild;
RECT rc;
TCHAR szString[64];
//set up the CoolBar
himlCoolBar = ImageList_Create(32, 32, ILC_COLORDDB | ILC_MASK, 1, 0);
ImageList_AddIcon(himlCoolbar, hIcon);
rbi.cbSize = sizeof(rbi);
rbi.himl = himlCoolBar;
lResult = SendMessage(hwndCoolBar, RB_SETBARINFO, 0, (LPARAM)&rbi);
//add a band that contains a combobox
hwndChild = CreateWindowEx( 0,
0, 0, 100, 200, hwndCoolBar,
//add some stuff to the combobox
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
wsprintf(szString, TEXT("Item %d"), i + 1);
SendMessage(hwndChild, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)szString);
GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &rc);
ZeroMemory(&rbbi, sizeof(rbbi));
rbbi.cbSize = sizeof(REBARBANDINFO);
rbbi.cxMinChild = rc.right - rc.left;
rbbi.cyMinChild = rc.bottom -;
rbbi.clrFore = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
rbbi.clrBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
rbbi.fStyle = RBBS_CHILDEDGE |
rbbi.hwndChild = hwndChild;
rbbi.lpText = TEXT("ComboBox");
rbbi.hbmBack = LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BACKGROUND));
rbbi.iImage = 0;
lResult = SendMessage(hwndCoolBar, RB_INSERTBAND, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)(LPREBARBANDINFO)&rbbi);
//add a band that contains a button
hwndChild = CreateWindowEx( 0,
0, 0, 100, 50,
GetWindowRect(hwndChild, &rc);
ZeroMemory(&rbbi, sizeof(rbbi));
rbbi.cbSize = sizeof(REBARBANDINFO);
rbbi.cxMinChild = rc.right - rc.left;
rbbi.cyMinChild = rc.bottom -;
rbbi.clrFore = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);
rbbi.clrBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);
rbbi.fStyle = RBBS_CHILDEDGE |
rbbi.wID = ID_BUTTON;
rbbi.hwndChild = hwndChild;
rbbi.lpText = TEXT("Button");
rbbi.hbmBack = LoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BACKGROUND));
lResult = SendMessage(hwndCoolBar, RB_INSERTBAND, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)(LPREBARBANDINFO)&rbbi);
return hwndCoolBar;
LRESULT HandleNotify(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return FALSE;
void MoveCoolBar(HWND hWnd)
RECT rc,
int x, y,
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rc);
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COOLBAR), &rcCoolBar);
case TOP:
//align the CoolBar along the top of the window
x = 0; y = 0;
cx = rc.right - rc.left;
cy = rc.bottom -;
case LEFT:
//align the CoolBar along the left side of the window
x = 0;
y = 0;
cx = rcCoolBar.right - rcCoolBar.left;
cy = rc.bottom -;
case BOTTOM:
//align the CoolBar along the bottom of the window
x = 0;
y = rc.bottom - (rcCoolBar.bottom -;
cx = rc.right - rc.left;
cy = rcCoolBar.bottom -;
case RIGHT:
//align the CoolBar along the right side of the window
x = rc.right - (rcCoolBar.right - rcCoolBar.left);
y = 0;
cx = rcCoolBar.right - rcCoolBar.left;
cy = rc.bottom -;
MoveWindow( GetDlgItem(hWnd, ID_COOLBAR),
x, y,
void UpdateMenu(HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu)
UINT uCheck;
case TOP: uCheck = IDM_TOP;
case LEFT: uCheck = IDM_LEFT;
case RIGHT: uCheck = IDM_RIGHT;
case BOTTOM: uCheck = IDM_BOTTOM;
CheckMenuRadioItem(hMenu, IDM_TOP, IDM_BOTTOM, uCheck, MF_BYCOMMAND);
Figure 19 ComboBoxEx Messages
Message | Description | wParam | lParam | Return Value |
CBEM_DELETEITEM | Deletes an item from a ComboBoxEx control. | Index of the item to be deleted. | Not used. | The number of items remaining in the control after the item has been deleted. |
CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL | Retrieves the window handle of the drop-down list box portion of the ComboBoxEx control. | Not used. | Not used. | Window handle of the drop-down list box. |
CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL | Retrieves the window handle of the edit control portion of the ComboBoxEx control. This message is only applicable if the ComboBoxEx has the CBS_DROPDOWN style. | Not used. | Not used. | Window handle of the edit control. |
CBEM_GETEXSTYLE | Retrieves the extended styles for the ComboBoxEx control. | Not used. | Not used. | A DWORD value representing the currently set ComboBoxEx extended style flags. |
CBEM_SETEXSTYLE | Sets the extended styles for the ComboBoxEx control. | A DWORD value representing the ComboBoxEx extended style flags to set. | Not used. | A DWORD value representing the previously set ComboBoxEx extended style flags. This return value may be zero if no flags were previously set. |
CBEM_GETIMAGELIST | Retrieves the handle to the image list that the ComboBoxEx control is currently using. | Not used. | Not used. | An HIMAGELIST that is the handle to the image list that is currently set in the ComboBoxEx control. |
CBEM_GETITEM | Retrieves the information for a particular item in a ComboBoxEx control. | Not used. | A pointer to a COMBOBOXEXITEM structure. Before sending this message, the iItem member of this structure indicates the item to be retrieved and the mask member indicates what attributes should be retrieved. | A BOOL value indicating the success or failure of the message. |
CBEM_SETITEM | Sets the specified attributes for an existing item in a ComboBoxEx control. | Not used. | A pointer to a COMBOBOXEXITEM structure. The iItem member of this structure indicates the item whose attributes should be set. The mask member indicates what members of the structure contain valid information to be set. | A BOOL value indicating the success or failure of the message. |
CBEM_HASEDITCHANGED | Determines if the user has changed the contents of the edit control portion of the ComboBoxEx control. This message is only valid if the ComboBoxEx control has the CBS_DROPDOWN style. | Not used. | Not used. | A BOOL value indicating if the contents of the edit control have changed. |
CBEM_INSERTITEM | Insert an item into a ComboBoxEx control. | Not used. | A pointer to a COMBOBOXEXITEM structure. The iItem member of this structure indicates the zero-based index at which to insert the item. Setting iItem to -1 adds the item to the end of the list. | The index at which the item was inserted or -1 if the insertion failed. |
CBEM_SETIMAGELIST | Sets the image list that ComboBoxEx control will use to draw item images. | Not used. | The HIMAGELIST of the image list to be set. | The HIMAGELIST of the image list previously associated with the control. This message may return NULL if no image list was previously set. |
Figure 20 ComboBoxEx Extended Styles
Style Flag | Description |
CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGE | When set, the edit control portion of the ComboBoxEx will not display an image for selected items. |
CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGEINDENT | When set, the edit control portion of the ComboBoxEx will not indent text to make room for an item image. |
CBES_EX_PATHWORDBREAKPROC | When set, the edit control portion of the ComboBoxEx will use the forward slash (/), back slash (\), and period (.) characters as word delimiters. This makes keyboard shortcuts for word-by-word cursor movement (Ctrl + arrow keys) effective in path names and URLs. |
Figure 21
Member Description UINT mask Specifies which of the members contain valid information. Or, when retrieving information, which members are being requested. See Figure 23 for a list of the ComboBoxEx mask values. int iItem Zero-based index of the item. LPTSTR pszText Pointer to a zero-terminated character buffer that contains the display text for the item. If information is being requested from the control, then this member needs to be initialized to point to a character buffer before sending the message. When setting or inserting an item, setting this member to LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK will cause the control to request the text by sending a CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. int cchTextMax The size of the buffer pointed to by pszText. This member is only used when information is being requested from the control. int iImage Zero-based index of an image within the image list that the control will use to display the item when it is not selected. When setting or inserting an item, setting this member to I_IMAGECALLBACK will cause the control to request the image by sending a CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. int iSelectedImage Zero-based index of an image within the image list that the control will use to display the item when it is selected. When setting or inserting an item, setting this member to I_IMAGECALLBACK will cause the control to request the selected image by sending a CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. int iOverlay One-based index of an overlay image within the image list that the control will use to overlay the item's image. When setting or inserting an item, setting this member to I_IMAGECALLBACK will cause the control to request the overlay by sending a CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. int iIndent Number of indent spaces that this item should be indented. Each indent space is equal to 10 pixels. When setting or inserting an item, setting this member to I_INDENTCALLBACK will cause the control to request the indent value by sending a CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. LPARAM lParam A 32-bit user-defined value.
Figure 22 ComboBoxEx Notification Codes
Notification Code | Description | lParam | Return Value |
CBEN_BEGINEDIT | Sent by the control when the user activates the drop-down list or clicks the mouse in the edit portion of the ComboBoxEx control. | Pointer to an NMHDR structure. | Ignored. |
CBEN_DELETEITEM | Sent by the control when an item is about to be deleted. | Pointer to an NMCOMBOBOXEX structure. The COMBOXEXITEM member of the NMCOMBOBOXEX structure contains information about the item being deleted. | Ignored. |
CBEN_ENDEDIT | Sent by the control when the user has concluded an operation in the edit control or made a selection in the drop-down list portion of the ComboBoxEx control. | Pointer to an NMCBEENDEDIT structure, which contains information about the edit event just completed. | Return FALSE to accept the new information. Return TRUE to abort the edit and reject the new information. |
CBEN_GETDISPINFO | Sent by the control when information necessary to display a callback item is required | Pointer to an NMCOMBOBOXEX structure. The mask member of the COMBOBOXEXITEM member of the NMCOMBOBOXEX structure indicates which items are being requested. | Ignored. |
CBEN_INSERTITEM | Sent by the control when an item is about to be inserted. | Pointer to an NMCOMBOBOXEX structure. The COMBOXEXITEM member of the NMCOMBOBOXEX structure contains information about the item being inserted. | Ignored. |
Figure 23 COMBOBOXEXITEM Mask Values
Value | Description |
CBEIF_TEXT | The pszText member is valid or needs to be filled in. |
CBEIF_IMAGE | The iImage member is valid or needs to be filled in. |
CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | The iSelectedImage member is valid or needs to be filled in. |
CBEIF_OVERLAY | The iOverlay member is valid or needs to be filled in. |
CBEIF_INDENT | The iIndent member is valid or needs to be filled in. |
CBEIF_LPARAM | The lParam member is valid or needs to be filled in. |
CBEIF_DI_SETITEM | The control should store the item data and not ask for it again. This flag is only used with the CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. |
Figure 24 NMCBEENDEDIT Structure
Member | Description |
NMHDR hdr | Standard NMHDR structure. |
BOOL fChanged | A BOOL indicating if the contents of the edit control have changed. Zero if the contents have not changed, nonzero if the contents have changed. |
int iNewSelection | Zero-based index of the item that will be selected after the edit is completed. This value may be CB_ERR if no item will be selected. |
TCHAR szText[CBEMAXSTRLEN] | Zero-terminated string buffer that contains the text of the edit control. |
int iWhy | Specifies the action that generated the notification. This can be one of the following values: |
CBENF_KILLFOCUS - The edit box lost the keyboard focus. | |
CBENF_RETURN - The user completed the edit operation by pressing the ENTER key. | |
CBENF_ESCAPE - The user pressed the ESCAPE key. | |
CBENF_DROPDOWN - The user activated the drop-down list. |
Figure 27 Date/Time Picker Styles
Style Flag | Description |
DTS_TIMEFORMAT | Without this style, the control is in date mode. When this style is set, then the control is in time mode. |
DTS_UPDOWN | When in date mode, this causes the control to act like an UpDown control rather than a ComboBox. This style has no effect when the control is in time mode. |
DTS_SHOWNONE | This style allows the control to have no set date or time. When this style is specified, a checkbox will appear next to the date or time. The state of this checkbox determines if no date or time is selected. To obtain the state of the checkbox, examine the return value from the DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME message. If this value is GDT_NONE, then no date or time is currently selected in the control. |
DTS_SHORTDATEFORMAT | This is the default style when in date mode or when a format string has been specified. This style causes the control to display the date in the form "7/08/96", rather than "Monday, July 8, 1996". This style has no effect when in time mode. |
DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT | This style causes the control to display the date in the form "Monday, July 8, 1996", rather than "7/08/96". This style has no effect when in time mode. This style has no effect if a format string has been specified for the control. |
DTS_APPCANPARSE | Allows the application to parse text that the user enters. The application must respond to the DTN_USERSTRING notification. |
DTS_RIGHTALIGN | Causes the drop-down calendar to be right-aligned with the control rather than left-aligned, which is the default. |
wParam | Description |
MCSC_BACKGROUND | Specifies the background color displayed between months in the drop-down calendar. |
MCSC_TEXT | Specifies the text color of the dates that are in the currently selected month in the drop-down calendar. |
MCSC_TITLEBK | Specifies the background color of the title bar in the drop-down calendar. |
MCSC_TITLETEXT | Specifies the text color of the title bar in the drop-down calendar. |
MCSC_MONTHBK | Specifies the background color of the drop-down calendar. |
MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT | Specifies the text color of the dates that are not in the currently selected month in the drop-down calendar. |
Figure 29 Date/Time Picker Messages
Message | Description | wParam | lParam | Return Value |
DTM_GETMCCOLOR | Retrieves the colors used in the drop-down calendar portion of the control. | One of the color constants defined in Figure 28. | Not used. | The COLORREF representing the specified color. |
DTM_SETMCCOLOR | Sets the colors used in the drop-down calendar portion of the control. | One of the color constants defined in Figure 28. | The COLORREF specifying the new color. | The previouslI selected color for the index specified by wParam. |
DTM_GETMONTHCAL | Retrieves the window handle of the drop-down calendar portion of the Date/Time Picker control. | Not used. | Not used. | The HWND of the calendar drop-down. The calendar drop-down is not static. The control creates and destroys this window as needed, so do not rely on this value. |
DTM_GETRANGE | Retrieves the allowable range of dates that the Date/Time Picker uses. | Not used. | Pointer to a two-element array of SYSTEMTIME structures. | A DWORD that is a combination of the GDTR_MIN and GDTR_MAX flags. If GDTR_MIN is set, then the first element of the array contains the minimum allowable time. If GDTR_MAX is set, then the second element contains the maximum allowable time. |
DTM_SETRANGE | Sets the range of allowable dates for the Date/Time Picker control. | Any combination of the GDTR_MIN and GDTR_MAX flags. If GDTR_MIN is specified, the first element of the SYSTEMTIME array specifies the minimum allowable time. If GDTR_MAX is specified, the second element of the array specifies the maximum allowable time. | Pointer to a two-element array of SYSTEMTIME structures. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME | Retrieves the date and time currently set in the Date/Time Picker control. | Not used. | A pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure. | GDT_VALID if the time information was successfully placed in the given structure. GDT_NONE if the control has the DTS_SHOWNONE style and the control check box was unchecked. GDT_ERROR if an error occured. |
DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME | Sets the date and time in the Date/Time Picker control. | If set to GDT_VALID, sets the control according to the data within the structure that lParam points to. If set to GDT_NONE, sets the control to "no date" and clears its check box. The GDT_NONE flag only applies to controls that have the DTS_SHOWNONE style. | Pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the desired time to set the control to. | BOOL value indicating success or failure. |
DTM_SETFORMAT | Sets the format string for the Date/Time Picker control. | Not used. | Pointer to a zero-terminated string specifying the format string. If this is NULL, then the control will use the date or time format specified in the local settings. |
Figure 30 Date/Time Picker Notification Codes
Notification Code | Description | lParam | Return Value |
DTN_CLOSEUP | Sent when the drop-down calendar portion of the control is about to be closed. | Pointer to an NMHDR structure. | Must be zero. |
DTN_DATETIMECHANGE | Sent by the control whenever the user changes the date or time in the control. Notification is not sent if the control is programmatically changed using the DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME message. | Pointer to an NMDATETIMECHANGE structure. | Must be zero. |
DTN_DROPDOWN | Sent when the drop-down calendar portion of the control is about to be displayed. | Pointer to an NMHDR structure. | Must be zero. |
DTN_FORMAT | Sent when the control is requesting formatted text for a callback field. pszFormat contains the callback field substring. The application must place the formatted text in szDisplay or set pszDisplay to point to a zero- terminated string that contains the formatted text. | Pointer to an NMDATETIMEFORMAT structure. | Must be zero. |
DTN_FORMATQUERY | Sent when the control is requesting the maximum allowable size for a callback field. pszFormat contains the callback field substring. The application must calculate the maximum possible width of the formatted string, place that value in szMax, and return zero. | Pointer to an NMDATETIMEFORMAT-QUERY structure. | Must be zero. |
DTN_USERSTRING | Sent by the control after the user has finished editing text in the edit control. This notification is only sent by Date/Time Picker controls that have the DTS_CANPARSE style. | Pointer to an NMDATETIMESTRING structure. | Must be zero. |
DTN_WMKEYDOWN | Sent by the control when the user has provided keyboard input in a callback field. The NMDATETIMEWMKEYDOWN structure contains information about the keyboard event, the affected format string, and the current date and time of the control. | The lParam points to an NMDATETIMEWMKEY-DOWN structure. | Must be zero. |