Out of Space in tempdb -- or Not?

Joe Luedtke

Most DBAs have learned the hard way that they need to monitor tempdb usage. Data warehousing applications can easily eat up large amounts of tempdb space. Although NT's Performance Monitor (Perfmon) and the SQL Enterprise Manager (EM) can help give you a good idea of where tempdb is headed, they don't always tell the whole truth.

As columnist Andrew Zanevsky has pointed out on several occasions, with disk storage being so cheap these days, worrying about the size of tempdb shouldn't even be an issue. However, monitoring tempdb usage, particularly in data warehousing type systems, can give a good indication of query performance. Tempdb space usage can be easily monitored in three different ways: with Perfmon, with SQL EM, or by running sp_spaceused from the command prompt. When choosing which method to use, it's important to be aware of the limitations of each.

Perfmon is somewhat limited for monitoring tempdb usage, because all it can display is "Max Tempdb Space Used (MB)". While this might seem to be what you want, it's rather misleading. Like all Perfmon parameters that contain the word "Max", this parameter doesn't qualify the information. You need to ask yourself, "Okay, this is the maximum, but since when?" The answer might not be what you expect (or want): The answer is, since Perfmon began monitoring tempdb's size. If you had Perfmon running for days -- even if you've cycled the SQL Server down and back up -- you'll still see the maximum space used since you began the monitoring session.

An additional way to monitor tempdb is to use SQL EM. From the SQL Server database properties option, you can display the properties of tempdb, including the current value for space used. This method provides current information -- as long as you keep pressing the Recalculate button -- and is actually just a GUI version of the final method.

Many DBAs prefer the direct command line approach. Running sp_spaceused against tempdb will provide you with a snapshot of the most current usage of tempdb. However, it's important to know that sp_spaceused is a system stored procedure that queries the sysindexes table and is completely dependent on that table for its accuracy.

Against any database, the values reported by sp_spaceused will be incorrect if either of two conditions occurs. The first condition is if a checkpoint has yet to be issued, because it's the checkpoint process that updates the system tables. If you run sp_spaceused before the sysindexes table has been updated via checkpoint, you'll probably obtain inaccurate results. The other condition occurs when an index has been dropped. Sysindexes records the number of pages allocated to each table, index, and text or image column in the database. If an index is dropped, sysindexes isn't updated to reflect that change. This is currently a limitation in SQL Server that's exasperated in tempdb.

Indexes can be created automatically within tempdb on a worktable by the query optimizer or manually on a #temporary (local temporary) table by the DBA. Once the associated query or stored procedure is completed, the index is dropped without correctly updating the sysindexes table. Therefore, a tempdb database experiencing healthy use will very quickly begin reporting incorrect size information.

The results of sp_spaceused can easily go beyond incorrect and into the impossible (see Figure 1). It's not that the database has grown to an unnatural size -- it's just that sp_spaceused is reporting information based on values in sysindexes that haven't been updated. To correct this problem, run DBCC with SQL Server 6.5's new DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command:


For versions prior to 6.5, you can use this:

 DBCC CHECKTABLE (sysindexes)  

Either method will correct the counts contained in the sysindexes table by updating the rows, used, reserved, and dpages columns. Running the DBCC commands will produce output similar to this (if there were errors that needed correcting):

 The number of data pages in Sysindexes for this table 
 was 655361. It has been corrected to 1. 

An alternative way to correct the potential inaccuracies is to issue the sp_spaceused with the following parameter:

 sp_spaceused @updateusage = 'TRUE' 

However, this can take more time and impact performance more significantly than issuing the combination of DBCC and sp_spaceused without the @updateusage parameter.

Again, tempdb usage monitoring can provide valuable information for system tuning. It's just important to take the information with a grain of salt and understand what the various monitoring methods are telling you.

Joe Luedtke is a managing consultant with The Revere Group, a Microsoft Solution Provider and IT consulting firm in Milwaukee, WI. He's a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Novell Certified Netware Engineer, and Certified Lotus Professional Notes Principal, and he has more than nine years of experience in application development and database administration. jluedtke@reveregroup.com.