Figure 2   Common Windows CGI Framework Functions

Function Description
(key As String) As String
Takes the key of a key-value pair for an input field as a parameter and returns its value as a string. For example, if your online form has a text box called "name", then GetSmallField("name") returns what the user typed in that text box. If the field does not exist, you get an error.
(key As String) As Integer
Tests the existence of a field name explicitly, and returns either True or False.
(s As String)
Sends the output string, which will be passed to the client by the Web server. Depending on the Web server, sometimes you need to include the HTTP header in your output. For example, to generate a one-word Web page in WebSite 1.1, you need to use the following code:

      Send ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
      Send ("Server: " & CGI_ServerSoftware)
      Send ("MIME-Version: 1.0")
      Send ("Content-type: text/html")
      Send ("")
It is not necessary to send the HTTP header manually in IIS 4.0.

Figure 4   custom.bas

 ' custom.bas
 Option Explicit
 Const DIRECTORY = "D:\Web temp\cgi2asp\directory.mdb"
 Const HOST = ""
 Const SEARCH = "search.exe"
 Sub Inter_Main()
     MsgBox "This is a CGI program."
     ' Exit Sub will end the program
 End Sub
 Sub SendFooter()
     Send ("</BODY></HTML>")
 End Sub
 Sub SendHeader(Title As String)
     Send ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
     Send ("Server: " & CGI_ServerSoftware)
     Send ("MIME-Version: 1.0")
     Send ("Content-type: text/html")
     Send ("")
     Send ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" & Title & "</TITLE></HEAD>")
     Send ("<BODY BGCOLOR=""#FFFFFF"">")
 End Sub
 Sub SendShortForm()
     SendHeader ("Employee Directory")
     Send ("<H1><P ALIGN=""center"">Online Employee Directory</P></H1>")
     Send ("")
     Send ("<FORM METHOD=""POST"" ACTION=""" & SEARCH & """>")
     Send ("")
     Send ("Please type in the name of the person you want to look up: <BR>")
     Send ("<P><INPUT NAME=""name"" SIZE=20>")
     Send ("<INPUT TYPE=""submit"" VALUE=""Search"">")
     Send ("</P>")
     Send ("</FORM>")
 End Sub
 Sub CGI_Main()
     If CGI_RequestMethod = "GET" Then
         Exit Sub
         Exit Sub
     End If
 End Sub
 Sub SendResponse()
     Dim SearchDb As Database
     Dim SearchSet As Recordset
     Dim SearchString As String
     SearchString = GetSmallField("name")
     Set SearchDb = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DIRECTORY, False, True)
     Set SearchSet = SearchDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Name], [Extension] FROM" &
                     "[Employee] WHERE Name LIKE '*" & SearchString & "*'",
     SendHeader ("Search Result")
     Send ("<H2>Search Result</H2><BR>")
     Send ("<TABLE BORDER>")
     Send ("<TR>")
     Send ("<TH>Name</TH>")
     Send ("<TH>Extension</TH>")
     Send ("</TR>")
     Do Until SearchSet.EOF
         Send ("<TR><TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & SearchSet![name] & "</TD>")
         Send ("<TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & SearchSet![Extension] & "</TD>")
         Send ("</TR>")
     Send ("</TABLE>")
 End Sub

Figure 8   CGI2ASP


 ' cgi2asp.bas
 Option Explicit
 Option Private Module
 Dim objInput As Request
 Dim strOutput As String
 Dim ErrorString As String
 ' ------------------
 ' Custom Error Codes
 ' ------------------
 Public Const ERR_NO_FIELD = 32757
 ' ----------------------
 ' Standard CGI variables
 ' ----------------------
 Public CGI_ServerSoftware As String
 Public CGI_ServerName As String
 Public CGI_ServerPort As Integer
 Public CGI_RequestProtocol As String
 Public CGI_RequestMethod As String
 Public CGI_LogicalPath As String
 Public CGI_PhysicalPath As String
 Public CGI_QueryString As String
 Public CGI_Referer As String
 Public CGI_UserAgent As String
 Public CGI_RemoteHost As String
 Public CGI_RemoteAddr As String
 Public CGI_AuthUser As String
 Public CGI_AuthType As String
 Public CGI_ContentType As String
 Public CGI_ContentLength As Long
 Sub ErrorHandler(code As Integer)
     strOutput = ""      ' Rewind output
     Send ("<HTML><HEAD>")
     Send ("<TITLE>Error in " + CGI_LogicalPath + "</TITLE>")
     Send ("</HEAD><BODY>")
     Send ("<H1>Error in " + CGI_LogicalPath + "</H1>")
     Send ("An internal Visual Basic error has occurred in " + CGI_LogicalPath + ".")
     Send ("<PRE>" + ErrorString + "</PRE>")
     Send ("</BODY></HTML>")
 End Sub
 Function FieldPresent(key As String) As Integer
     Dim i As Integer
     Dim Item As Variant
     FieldPresent = False            ' Assume failure
     For Each Item In objInput.QueryString
         Select Case objInput.QueryString(Item).Count
         Case 0                                              ' Not a collection
             If Item = key Then
                 FieldPresent = True
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case 1                                              ' Single selection
             If Item = key Then
                 FieldPresent = True
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case Else                                           ' Multiple selections
             If Item = key Then      ' Expecting first selection
                 FieldPresent = True
                 Exit Function
             Else    ' Expecting other selections in the form of multiple_i
                 For i = 2 To objInput.QueryString(Item).Count
                     If Item & "_" & CStr(i - 1) = key Then
                         FieldPresent = True
                         Exit Function
                     End If
             End If
         End Select
     For Each Item In objInput.Form
         Select Case objInput.Form(Item).Count
         Case 0                                              ' Not a collection
             If Item = key Then
                 FieldPresent = True
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case 1                                              ' Single selection
             If Item = key Then
                 FieldPresent = True
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case Else                                           ' Multiple selections
             If Item = key Then      ' Expecting first selection
                 FieldPresent = True
                 Exit Function
             Else    ' Expecting other selections in the form of multiple_i
                 For i = 2 To objInput.Form(Item).Count
                     If Item & "_" & CStr(i - 1) = key Then
                         FieldPresent = True
                         Exit Function
                     End If
             End If
         End Select
     ' Field does not exist, so exit with FieldPresent still False
 End Function
 Function GetSmallField(key As String) As String
     Dim i As Integer
     Dim Item As Variant
     For Each Item In objInput.QueryString
         Select Case objInput.QueryString(Item).Count
         Case 0                                              ' Not a collection
             If Item = key Then
                 GetSmallField = objInput.QueryString(Item)
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case 1                                              ' Single selection
             If Item = key Then
                 GetSmallField = objInput.QueryString(Item)(1)
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case Else                                           ' Multiple selections
             If Item = key Then      ' Expecting first selection
                 GetSmallField = objInput.QueryString(Item)(1)
                 Exit Function
             Else    ' Expecting other selections in the form of multiple_i
                 For i = 2 To objInput.QueryString(Item).Count
                     If Item & "_" & CStr(i - 1) = key Then
                         GetSmallField = objInput.QueryString(Item)(i)
                         Exit Function
                     End If
             End If
         End Select
     For Each Item In objInput.Form
         Select Case objInput.Form(Item).Count
         Case 0                                              ' Not a collection
             If Item = key Then
                 GetSmallField = objInput.Form(Item)
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case 1                                              ' Single selection
             If Item = key Then
                 GetSmallField = objInput.Form(Item)(1)
                 Exit Function
             End If
         Case Else                                           ' Multiple selections
             If Item = key Then      ' Expecting first selection
                 GetSmallField = objInput.Form(Item)(1)
                 Exit Function
             Else    ' Expecting other selections in the form of multiple_i
                 For i = 2 To objInput.Form(Item).Count
                     If Item & "_" & CStr(i - 1) = key Then
                         GetSmallField = objInput.Form(Item)(i)
                         Exit Function
                     End If
             End If
         End Select
     ' Field does not exist
     Error ERR_NO_FIELD
 End Function
 Sub InitializeCGI()
     CGI_ServerSoftware = objInput.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")
     CGI_ServerName = objInput.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
     CGI_ServerPort = objInput.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")
     CGI_RequestProtocol = objInput.ServerVariables("SERVER_PROTOCOL")
     CGI_RequestMethod = objInput.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD")
     CGI_LogicalPath = objInput.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
     CGI_PhysicalPath = objInput.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
     CGI_QueryString = objInput.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
     CGI_RemoteHost = objInput.ServerVariables("REMOTE_HOST")
     CGI_RemoteAddr = objInput.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
     CGI_Referer = objInput.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
     CGI_UserAgent = objInput.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
     CGI_AuthUser = objInput.ServerVariables("REMOTE_USER")
     CGI_AuthType = objInput.ServerVariables("AUTH_TYPE")
     CGI_ContentType = objInput.ServerVariables("CONTENT_TYPE")
     CGI_ContentLength = objInput.ServerVariables("CONTENT_LENGTH")
 End Sub
 Function Main(reqInput As Request) As String
     On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
     Set objInput = reqInput
     InitializeCGI       ' Create the CGI environment
     Main = strOutput
     Select Case Err                 ' Decode our "user defined" errors
         Case ERR_NO_FIELD:
             ErrorString = "Unknown form field"
         Case Else:
             ErrorString = Error    ' Must be VB error
     End Select
     ErrorString = ErrorString & " (error #" & Err & ")"
     On Error GoTo 0                 ' Prevent recursion
     ErrorHandler (Err)              ' Generate HTTP error result
 End Function
 Sub Send(s As String)
     strOutput = strOutput & s
 End Sub

interface.cls ' interface.cls Public Function GetOutput(reqInput As Request) As String GetOutput = Main(reqInput) End Function

Figure 11   Modified custom.bas

 Option Explicit
 Const DIRECTORY = "D:\Web temp\cgi2asp\directory.mdb"
 Const HOST = ""
 Const SEARCH = "search.asp"
 Sub Inter_Main()
     MsgBox "This is a CGI program."
     ' Exit Sub will end the program
 End Sub
 Sub SendFooter()
     Send ("</BODY></HTML>")
 End Sub
 Sub SendHeader(Title As String)
 '    Send ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK")
 '    Send ("Server: " & CGI_ServerSoftware)
 '    Send ("MIME-Version: 1.0")
 '    Send ("Contet-type: text/html")
 '    Send ("")
      Send ("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" & Title & "</TITLE></HEAD>")
      Send ("<BODY BGCOLOR=""#FFFFFF"">")
 End Sub
 Sub SendShortForm()
     SendHeader ("Employee Directory")
     Send ("<H1><P ALIGN=""center"">Online Employee Directory</P></H1>")
     Send ("")
     Send ("<FORM METHOD=""POST"" ACTION=""" & SEARCH & """>")
     Send ("")
     Send ("Please type in the name of the person you want to look up: <BR>")
     Send ("<P><INPUT NAME=""name"" SIZE=20>")
     Send ("<INPUT TYPE=""submit"" VALUE=""Search"">")
     Send ("</P>")
     Send ("</FORM>")
 End Sub
 Sub CGI_Main()
     If CGI_RequestMethod = "GET" Then
         Exit Sub
         Exit Sub
     End If
 End Sub
 Sub SendResponse()
     Dim SearchDb As Database
     Dim SearchSet As Recordset
     Dim SearchString As String
     SearchString = GetSmallField("name")
     Set SearchDb = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(DIRECTORY, False, True)
     Set SearchSet = SearchDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Name], [Extension] FROM" &
                     "Employee] WHERE Name LIKE '*" & SearchString & "*'",
     SendHeader ("Search Result")
     Send ("<H2>Search Result</H2><BR>")
     Send ("<TABLE BORDER>")
     Send ("<TR>")
     Send ("<TH>Name</TH>")
     Send ("<TH>Extension</TH>")
     Send ("</TR>")
     Do Until SearchSet.EOF
         Send ("<TR><TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & SearchSet![Name] & "</TD>")
         Send ("<TD ALIGN=""CENTER"">" & SearchSet![Extension] & "</TD>")
         Send ("</TR>")
     Send ("</TABLE>")
 End Sub