<head><BASE HREF="C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\wallpapr.htm">
<body scroll=no style="background: darkkhaki; margin: 0; font: 8pt Verdana">
<OBJECT classid="clsid:72267F6A-A6F9-11D0-BC94-00C04FB67863"
STYLE="position:absolute; container:positioned;
LEFT: 0;TOP: 0; WIDTH: 0; HEIGHT: 0; zIndex: 5">
<param name="Interval" value=500>
<param name="SizerID" value="ActiveDesktopMover">
<param name="Enabled" value="True">
<param name="TargetName" value="DeskMovr">
<param name="WindowOnly" value="False">
Figure 14 Folder Template
* This file was automatically generated by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0
* using the file %THISDIRPATH%\folder.htt (if customized) or
* %TEMPLATEDIR%\folder.htt (if not customized).
<!-- this style defines the appearance of any hyperlinks that get displayed -->
a:link {font: 8pt/10pt verdana; color: #FF6633}
a:visited {font: 8pt/10pt verdana; color: #0099FF}
a:active {font: 8pt/10pt verdana; color: black}
<!-- allow references to any resources you might add to the folder -->
<!-- (a "webbot" is a special wrapper for FrontPage compatibility) -->
<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" tag="base" startspan -->
<base href="%THISDIRPATH%\">
<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
<script language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged">
// this script updates the left info panel when you select icons
var items = FileList.FocusedItem;
var fldr = FileList.Folder;
var data;
var text;
// cancel any pending status message
if (window.timer) {
window.timer = 0;
// sanity check
if (!items || !fldr)
// name
text = "<b>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 0) + "</b>";
// type
data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 2);
if (data != "")
text += "<br>" + data;
// date
data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 3);
if (data != "")
text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 3) + ": " + data;
// size
data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, 1);
if (data != "")
text += "<br><br>" + fldr.GetDetailsOf(null, 1) + ": " + data;
// tip
data = fldr.GetDetailsOf(items, -1);
if (data != "" && data != name) {
var start;
var end;
var theLink;
var a;
// parse lines for Office files without breaking links below
a = data.split("\n");
data = a.join("<br>\n");
// look for embedded links
text += "<br><br>";
start = data.indexOf("http://");
if (start < 0)
start = data.indexOf("file://");
if (start < 0)
text += data;
else {
end = data.indexOf(" ", start);
if (end < 0)
end = data.length;
if (start > 0)
text += data.substring(0, start - 1);
theLink = data.substring(start, end);
text += theLink.link(theLink);
if (end < data.length)
text += data.substring(end + 1, data.length);
// replace SPAN1 with the new text
SPAN1.innerHTML = text;
// erase any visible thumbnail since the selection changed
document.all.Thumbnail.style.display = "none";
document.all.Status.style.display = "none";
// tell the control to generate the new thumbnail asynchronously
if (document.all.Thumbnail.displayFile(items.Path))
window.timer = window.setTimeout('document.all.Status.style.display =
""', 1000);
<script language="JavaScript" for="Thumbnail" event="OnThumbnailReady">
// when a valid thumbnail has been generated, display it
window.timer = 0;
document.all.Status.style.display = "none";
if (document.all.Thumbnail.haveThumbnail())
document.all.Thumbnail.style.display = "";
// handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes
function fixSize() {
var hideTop = 200
var hideLeft = 400
var ch = document.body.clientHeight
var cw = document.body.clientWidth
if (hideTop > ch) {
document.all.heading.visibility = "hidden"
document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop = 0
document.all.panel.style.pixelTop = 0
} else {
document.all.heading.visibility = "visible"
document.all.FileList.style.top = (document.all.heading.offsetHeight
- 32) + "px"
document.all.panel.style.top = (document.all.heading.offsetHeight)
+ "px"
document.all.rule.style.width = (cw - 84) + "px"
if (hideLeft > cw) {
document.all.panel.visibility = "hidden"
document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft = 0
document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop =
} else {
document.all.panel.visibility = "visible"
document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft =
document.all.FileList.style.pixelWidth =
cw - document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft
document.all.FileList.style.pixelHeight =
ch - document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop
document.all.panel.style.pixelHeight =
ch - document.all.panel.style.pixelTop
<body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 bottommargin=0 scroll=no
<!-- start heading banner -->
<div ID="heading" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 88px;
background: URL(res://webvw.dll/folder.gif) no-repeat">
<p style="margin-left: 84px; padding-left: 20px; margin-top: 16px">
<!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent undesirable word wrapping -->
<td nowrap>
<font style="font: 16pt/16pt verdana; font-weight: bold;
color: #0099FF">
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan alt="<B><I
>Web View Folder Title</I></B> " -->
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
<!-- this is more efficient than a long graphic, but we have to adjust it
in FixSize() -->
<hr ID="rule" style="position: absolute; top: 44px; left: 84px" size=1px
<!-- end heading banner -->
<!-- start left info panel -->
<div ID="panel" style="position: absolute; top: 88px; width: 30%;
background: window; overflow: auto">
<p style="margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 8px; margin-right: 8px">
<font style="font: 8pt/10pt verdana; font-weight: normal; color: text">
<!-- the initial prompt in this span gets replaced by script -->
<span id="SPAN1">
Select an icon to view its description.
<!-- (examples commented out)
<a href="http://www.mylink1.com/">Custom Link 1</a>
<a href="http://www.mylink2.com/">Custom Link 2</a>
<!-- this is the thumbnail viewer control, sized for 640x480 -->
<object id="Thumbnail"
style="width: 150px; height: 150px; display: none">
<div ID="Status" style="margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 0px;
margin-right: 8px; display: none">
Generating thumbnail...
<!-- end left info panel -->
<!-- this is the standard file list control -->
<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan
u-src="file:///C:\Program Files\Microsoft FrontPage
Express\Data\FoldData.gif" -->
<object id="FileList" border=0 tabindex=1
style="position: absolute; left: 30%; top: 88px; width: 70%;
height: 100%">
<!-- webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
<script language="JavaScript">
// call our fixSize() function whenever the window gets resized
window.onresize = fixSize;
window.timer = 0;
Figure 17 desktop.ini