Figure 1   String Comparisons

<% if (chkbox1 AND chkbox2) then%>
Both checkboxes were marked.
<% elseif chkbox1 then%>
The first checkbox was the only one marked.
<% elseif chkbox2 then%>
The second checkbox was the only one marked.
<% else %>
None of the checkboxes were marked.
<% end if%>
<form name=binary>
<input type=checkbox name=chkbox1>
<input type=checkbox name=chkbox2>
<input type=submit>

Figure 2   Faulty Code

 <SCRIPT FOR=window EVENT=onload LANGUAGE=JavaScript>
 var phaseme=0;
 <script language="javascript">
 function phaseit(){
 phaseme=(phaseme + 10) % 100;
 <div id="flttgt"
 center;filter:wave(strength=8, freq=3, lightstrength=20, add=0, phase=90)">
 <div><font color=red size=+2>Some example text.<br> There are many possible
 sites for filters; <br> this is an example of filtering text.  <br>You can
 apply filters to a myriad of sites<br></font></div>

Figure 3   The Wave Effect

 <SCRIPT FOR=window EVENT=onload LANGUAGE=JavaScript>
 id = window.setInterval ("phaseit();", 100);
 <script language="javascript">
 var id=0;
 var phaseme=0;
 function phaseit() {
     phaseme=(phaseme + 10) % 100;
 function StopIt() {
     if (id) {
         window.clearInterval (id);
         id = 0;
         clicker.value = "Weee! That was fun"
     } else {
         id = window.setInterval ("phaseit();", 100);
         clicker.value = "Make it stop!!!"
 <div id="flttgt"
 align:center;filter:wave(strength=8, freq=3, lightstrength=20, add=0, phase=90)">
 <div><font color=red size=+2>Some example text.<br> There are many possible sites
 for filters; <br> this is an example of filtering text.  <br>You can apply filters
 to a myriad of sites<br></font></div>
 <input id="clicker" value="Make it stop!!!!!" type=button onclick="StopIt();">