// NativeSize - Matt Pietrek 1998
// Microsoft Systems Journal, July 1998
// FILE: NativeSize.CPP
// To compile: CL /O1 NativeSize.CPP
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOOP_ITERATIONS 10 // Outer loop count
#define LOOP_ITERATIONS2 65535 // Inner loop count
// Declare the loop count variables as global so that the optimizer can't do
// fancy tricks using registers
volatile WORD iWORD;
volatile WORD iWORD2;
volatile DWORD iDWORD;
volatile DWORD iDWORD2;
int main()
LARGE_INTEGER tBefore, tAfter, i64PerfFrequency;
float tWORD, tDWORD;
// Figure out how often the performance counter increments
QueryPerformanceFrequency( &i64PerfFrequency );
// Set this thread's priority as high as reasonably possible to prevent
// timeslice interruptions
SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL );
// =======================================================================
// First, calculate the time to do the nested loops using a WORD counter
Sleep( 0 ); // Try to start on a fresh timeslice
// Get performance counter before the loop
QueryPerformanceCounter( &tBefore );
for ( iWORD2 = 0; iWORD2 < LOOP_ITERATIONS2; iWORD2++ )
// The NOP fakes the optimizer out so that it doesn't toss
// out the loop code entirely
__asm NOP
// Get performance counter after the loops
QueryPerformanceCounter( &tAfter );
tWORD = tAfter.QuadPart - tBefore.QuadPart;
tWORD = tWORD / i64PerfFrequency.QuadPart;
printf( "WORD version took %.4f seconds\n", tWORD );
// =======================================================================
// Next, calculate the time to do the same loops using a DWORD counter
Sleep( 0 ); // Try to start on a fresh timeslice
// Get performance counter before the loop
QueryPerformanceCounter( &tBefore );
for ( iDWORD2 = 0; iDWORD2 < LOOP_ITERATIONS2; iDWORD2++ )
// The NOP fakes the optimizer out so that it doesn't toss
// out the loop code entirely
__asm NOP
// Get performance counter after the loops
QueryPerformanceCounter( &tAfter );
tDWORD = tAfter.QuadPart - tBefore.QuadPart;
tDWORD = tDWORD / i64PerfFrequency.QuadPart;
printf( "DWORD version took %.4f seconds\n", tDWORD );
// Display the ratio of the WORD time to the DWORD time
printf( "Relative performance: %.2f : 1\n", tWORD / tDWORD );
return 0;