Interface | Marshaling | Need IDL to Generate Proxy/Stub? | MFC Wizard Generated | ATL Wizard Generated |
Need IDL or ODL for Type Library? |
MFC Wizard Generated | ATL Wizard Generated |
Custom | Custom | No. You're writing your own proxy/stub. | N/A | N/A | No | N/A | N/A |
Custom | Standard | Yes. | No | Yes | No | N/A | N/A |
Standard | IDispatch | No. Will use Universal Marshaler. | N/A | N/A | Yes | Yes | No |
Standard | Non-IDispatch | No. A standard proxy/stub already exists. | N/A | N/A | No | N/A | N/A |
Dual | Standard and IDispatch | No. Will use Universal Marshaler. | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Figure 3 Standard IDL Include Files
File | Interfaces and Imports | |
wtypes.idl | Typedefs for remotable data types. This file contains all of the typedefs and #defines for everything from Windows to COM. This is one of those "one place contains everything" files like the Old windows.h, but without the function declarations. This is the fundamental definitions file; you won't find any import statements here. | |
unknwn.idl | IUnknown and IClassFactory. Imports wtypes.idl. | |
objidl.idl | Fundamental COM support interfaces. Imports wtypes.idl and unknwn.idl. | |
COM interfaces | IMarshal, IMalloc, IMallocSpy, IStdMarshalInfo, IExternalConnection, IMultiQI, and IEnumUnknown. | |
Binding interfaces | IBindCtx, IEnumMoniker, IRunnableObject, IRunningObjectTable,IPersist, IPersistStream, IMoniker, IROTData and IEnumString. | |
Structured Storage interfaces | ISequentialStream, IStream, IEnumSTATSTG, IStorage, IPersistFile, IPersistStorage, ILockBytes, IFillLockBytes, IEnumFORMATETC, IEnumSTATDATA, IRootStorage and ILayoutStorage. | |
Notification interfaces | IAdviseSink, IAdviseSink2, IDataObject, IDataAdviseHolder, and IMessageFilter. | |
Object Remoting interfaces | IRpcChannelBuffer, IRpcProxyBuffer, IRpcStubBuffer, IPSFactoryBuffer, and IChannelHook. | |
Property Storage interfaces | IPropertyStorage, IPropertySetStorage, IEnumSTATPROPSTG and IEnumSTGATPROPSETSTG. | |
Connection Point interfaces | IConnectionPoint, IConnectionPointContainer, IEnumConnections, IEnumConnectionPoints. | |
Security interfaces | IClientSecurity and IServerSecurity. | |
Miscellaneous interfaces | IClassActivator and IProgressNotify. | |
oaidl.idl |
Automation interfaces. Imports objidl.idl. IOLEAutomationTypes, ICreateTypeInfo, ICreateTypeInfo2, ICreateTypeLib, ICreateTypeLib2, IDispatch, IEnumVARIANT, ITypeComp, ITypeInfo, ITypeInfo2, ITypeLib, ITypeLib2, ITypeChangeEvents, IErrorInfo, ICreateErrorInfo, and ISupportErrorInfo.
OLE Component Category interfaces. Imports unknwn.idl. |
oleidl.idl | Object Linking and Embedding interfaces. Imports objidl.idl. | |
ocidl.idl | ActiveX control interfaces. Imports oleidl.idl and oaidl.idl. | |
urlmon.idl | Async URL Moniker interfaces. Imports objidl.idl, oleidl.idl, servprov.idl. | |
hlink.idl | Hyperlinking interfaces. Imports urlmon.idl. | |
docobj.idl |
OLE Document Object interfaces. Imports objidl.idl, oaidl.idl, oleidl.idl, ocidl.idl, and servprov.idl. |
Figure 5 Viewing IDL in TypeLib Viewer
Figure 6 Visual Basic Auto Quick Info
Figure 10 COM Interface in a Type Library
[uuid(54674299-3A82-101B-8181-00AA003743D3)] library MyLib
[object, uuid(348ACF20-C9B9-11d1-ABE5-966A46661731)]
interface IDerivedInterface : IUnknown
import "unknwn.idl";
import "wtypes.idl";
HRESULT Fx(int iValue);
typedef enum {
btError = 0x0010,
btQuestion = 0x0020,
btWarning = 0x0030,
btInformation = 0x0040
} BeepTypes;
module MyUser32
helpstring("Makes the sound specified by btSound")]
long _stdcall MessageBeep(BeepTypes btSound);
Figure 11 Fundamental IDL Attributes
Strings and Arrays | |
Keyword | Description |
[string] | Specifies that this pointer is a null-terminated string. |
[size_is] | Specifies the number of elements in an array. |
[max_is] | Specifies the maximum valid index in an array. |
[length_is] | Specifies the number of elements used in an array. |
[first_is] | Specifies the index of the first element used in an array. |
[last_is] | Specifies the index of the last element used in an array. |
[in] | Specifies that a parameter is only to be marshaled from the client to the server. |
[out] | Specifies that a parameter is only to be marshaled from the server back to the client. |
Help Information | |
Keyword | Description |
[helpfile] | A help file containing a help topic about the block. |
[helpcontext] | The context number of the help topic. |
[helpstring] | A one-line description for an item that appears in object browsers that view the type library. |
Pointers | |
Keyword | Description |
[ref] | Signifies a reference pointer (cannot be null). |
[unique] | Signifies a unique pointer (can be null). |
[ptr] | Signifies a full pointer (checks for duplicates). |
Interfaces | |
Keyword | Description |
[uuid] | A universally unique identifier. Synonymous with a GUID, and required for libraries, interfaces, and coclasses. |
library | Creates a type library. |
module | Specifies a module (DLL). |
interface | Specifies an RPC interface, unless the [object] attribute is present, in which case it is a COM interface. |
[object] | Specifies that the interface is to be a COM interface. |
[dual] | Specifies that the interface is to expose a vtable interface and a dispinterface. |
dispinterface | Specifies an IDispatch logical interface. |
coclass | Specifies a COM class and all of the interfaces that it implements. |
importlib | Imports one type library into another. STDOLE.TLB contains all of the standard OLE definitions. |
import | Acts like an #include, but for IDL files. |
[entry] | Method entry point for a module. |
[propget] | Specifies a property-getting function. |
[propput] | Specifies a property-setting function. |
Miscellaneous | |
Keyword | Description |
[local] | Suppresses the generation of networking code for this method. |
cpp_quote | Places text directly into the header file generated for the proxy/stub. |
[source] | Specifies an event source. |