'This ASP script uses Office 2000 to generate a chart via Excel.
'Once the chart is generated the browser is redirected to the
'generated page.
'Written for MIND by E. Bruce Shankle III, CodeMarine, Inc.
dim xl
dim fso
dim filename
'Create the objects we need
Set xl = server.createobject("Excel.Application")
Set fso = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Delete the previous chart if it exists
filename = "f:\codemarine\excel\charttest.htm"
If fso.FileExists(filename) Then
fso.DeleteFile filename, True
End If
'Create a new workbook
'Put in some sample data
xl.Range("A1").Value = "Excel Chart Test"
xl.Range("A2").Value = "Simple Chart"
xl.Range("A3").Value = "1"
xl.Range("A4").Value = "2"
xl.Range("A5").Value = "3"
xl.Range("A6").Value = "4"
xl.Range("A7").Value = "5"
'Add a new chart
xl.ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
'Set the data source of the chart
xl.ActiveChart.SetSourceData xl.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:A7"), xlColumns
'Save the chart in HTML format
xl.ActiveChart.SaveAs filename, xlHtml
'Close the workbook
'Shut down excel
'Redirect the browser to the page that has a reference to the chart.
response.redirect "charttest.htm"