Subject | Description | Target Server | The IP address or server name of the server against which you are running the simulation. |
Logging | Determines whether a log file is created. I recommend that you enable this feature as it will be useful in debugging problems. |
Number of Users | The number of concurrent connections you want to simulate. The limit is 1,000 per InetLoad session. |
Worker of Threads | The number of threads that will process request where the limit is 50. |
User Start Delay (ms) | The number of milliseconds you want InetLoad to wait before starting the nextuser. This parameter is used to prevent a storm of new users at the beginning of a new run. |
Thread Priority | Low sets the InetLoad threads to a lower priority than the screen I/O threads. High gives more priority to InetLoad threads. Low priority is recommended. |
Test Duration (mins) | The length of time that you want to run the test. An entry of zero will run the test until the End Test button is clicked. |
Command Script | References a text file which will contain the URL for the page being tested. |
Authentication | The Authentication method and User ID range. |
Cookies File | How you want HTTP to handle cookie processing. |
Client Timeout (secs) | How long a client should wait for an answer from the server before timing out, abandoning the call, and continuing with the next command. |