Figure 1   Information for InetLoad

Subject Description
Target Server The IP address or server name of the server against which you are running the simulation.
Logging Determines whether a log file is created. I recommend that you enable this feature as it will be useful in debugging problems.
Number of Users The number of concurrent connections you want to simulate. The limit is 1,000 per InetLoad session.
Worker of Threads The number of threads that will process request where the limit is 50.
User Start Delay (ms) The number of milliseconds you want InetLoad to wait before starting the nextuser. This parameter is used to prevent a storm of new users at the beginning of a new run.
Thread Priority Low sets the InetLoad threads to a lower priority than the screen I/O threads. High gives more priority to InetLoad threads. Low priority is recommended.
Test Duration (mins) The length of time that you want to run the test. An entry of zero will run the test until the End Test button is clicked.
Command Script References a text file which will contain the URL for the page being tested.
Authentication The Authentication method and User ID range.
Cookies File How you want HTTP to handle cookie processing.
Client Timeout (secs) How long a client should wait for an answer from the server before timing out, abandoning the call, and continuing with the next command.