Figure 5   WebClass_Start

 private Sub WebClass_Start()
     Dim sQuote As String
     sQuote = Chr$(34)
     'Write a reply to the user
     With Response
         .Write "<HTML>"
         .Write "<body>"
         .Write "<h1><font face=" & sQuote & "Arial" & sQuote & _
       ">This is the simplest thing you can do with a WebClass</font></h1>"
         .Write "</body>"
         .Write "</html>"
     End With
 End Sub 

Figure 7   HelloWeb.asp

 If (VarType(Application("~WC~WebClassManager")) = 0) Then
     If (VarType(Application("~WC~WebClassManager")) = 0) Then
         Set Application("~WC~WebClassManager") = Server.CreateObject("WebClassRuntime.WebClassManager")
     End If
 End If
 Application("~WC~WebClassManager").ProcessNoStateWebClass _
         Server, _
         Application, _
         Session, _
         Request, _

Figure 9   WCSongs WebClass

 Option Compare Text
 Dim curID
 Dim songz As Database
 Dim rsSongs As Recordset
 Dim rsComm As Recordset
 Private Sub tplAddComm_Form1()
 Dim newID, newcomm
 newID = Request.Form("hiddenID")
 newcomm = Request.Form("edtComm")
 If Len(newcomm) > 0 Then
     Set songz = OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\BadSongs.mdb")
     Set rsComm = songz.OpenRecordset("Comments", dbOpenDynaset)
     rsComm.FindFirst ("SongID=" & newID)
     With rsComm
         If Not IsNull(rsComm!Comment) Then
             !SongID = newID
         End If
         !Comment = Request.Form("edtComm")
         .Bookmark = .LastModified
     End With
 End If
 Response.Redirect "/BadSongs/WCSongs.ASP"
 End Sub
 Private Sub tplAddComm_ProcessTag(ByVal TagName As String, TagContents As String, SendTags As Boolean)
 Dim st, rc
 curID = Request.Item("id")
 Set songz = OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\BadSongs.mdb")
     Set rsSongs = songz.OpenRecordset("GetSongs")
     Set rsComm = songz.OpenRecordset("GetComments")
 rsSongs.FindFirst("ID=" & curID)
 If rsSongs.NoMatch then Exit Sub
 rsComm.FindFirst ("ID=" & curID)
 Select Case TagName
 Case "WC@SongName":
     TagContents = rsSongs("Song").Value
 Case "WC@Artist":
     TagContents = rsSongs("Artist").Value
 Case "WC@Hidden":
     TagContents = "<input type=""hidden"" name=""hiddenID"" value=" & curID & ">"
 Case "WC@OldComm":
     If (IsNull(rsComm("Comment").Value)) Then
         TagContents = "(none)"
         TagContents = rsComm("Comment").Value
     End If
 End Select
 End Sub
 Private Sub tplAddComm_Respond()
 End Sub
 Private Sub WebClass_Start()
     curID = Request.Item("id")
 Set songz = OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\BadSongs.mdb")
     Set rsSongs = songz.OpenRecordset("Songs")
     Set rsComm = songz.OpenRecordset("GetComments")
 End Sub

Figure 11   Standard ASP Objects

This class contains methods that enable your component to use the methods, properties, and collections of the Request object.
ClientCertificate as IRequestDictionary Collection of client certificate fields (specified in the X.509 standard).
Cookies as IRequestDictionary Collection of cookies sent as part of the request (read-only).
Form as IRequestDictionary Collection of form elements.
QueryString as IRequestDictionary Collection of query string values.
ServerVariables as IRequestDictionary Collection of predetermined environment variables.
BinaryRead as Safe Array Reads data sent to the server from the client as part of a POST request.
TotalBytes as Variant Specifies the total number of bytes the client sent in the body of the request.
ClientCertificate The values of fields stored in the client certificate that is sent in the HTTP request.
Cookies The values of cookies sent in the HTTP request.
Form The values of form elements in the HTTP request body.
QueryString The values of variables in the HTTP query string.
ServerVariables The values of predetermined environment variables.
This class contains methods that enable your component to call the methods, properties, and collections of the Application object.
Lock Prevents other scripts from modifying variables stored in the Application object.
Unlock Enables other scripts to modify variables stored in the Application object.
Contents Contains all of the items that have been added to the session through script commands.
StaticObjects Contains all of the objects added to the session with the <OBJECT> tag.
This class contains methods that enable your component to use the methods, properties, and collections of the Response object.
AddHeader Adds an HTTP header.
AppendToLog Adds a string to the end of a Web server log entry for this request.
BinaryWrite Writes content without any character conversion (Unicode to ANSI).
Buffer Indicates whether page output is buffered.
CacheControl Overrides the Private default value. By setting this property to Public, proxy servers will be able to cache the output generated by ASP.
Charset Appends the name of the character set (for example, ISO-LATIN-7) to the content-type header in the Response object.
Clear Erases any buffered output.
ContentType The HTTP content type.
Cookies Write-only. Collection of cookies sent as part of the response.
End                                                                         Causes ASP to stop processing and return any buffered output.
Expires The length of time in minutes until the response expires.
ExpiresAbsolute The absolute date and time that the response expires.
Flush Sends buffered output immediately.
IsClientConnected Indicates if the client has disconnected from the server since the last Response.Write.
PICS                                                                  Adds a value to the PICS-label field of the response header.
Redirect Sends a 302 Redirect status line.
Status The HTTP server status line.
Write Writes content with character conversion (Unicode to ANSI).
Cookies Specifies cookie values. Using this collection, you can set cookie values.
This class contains methods that enable your component to use the methods, properties, and collections of the Server object.
CreateObject Creates an instance of a server component.
HTMLEncode Applies HTML encoding to a specified string.
MapPath Maps the specified relative or virtual path to the corresponding physical directory on the server.
ScriptTimeout The maximum length of time in seconds before a script is terminated.
URLEncode Applies URL encoding rules, including escape characters, to a specified string.
This class contains methods that enable your component to use the methods, properties, and collections of the Session object.
Abandon Destroys a Session object and releases its resources.
CodePage Determines the codepage that will be used to display dynamic content.
LCID Specifies the locale identifier, which is a standard international abbreviation that uniquely identifies one of the system-defined locales.
SessionID Returns the session identifier of the user.
Timeout The length of time, in minutes, of the Timeout period.
Contents Contains all of the items that have been added to the session through script commands.
StaticObjects Contains all of the objects added to the session with the <OBJECT> tag.

Figure 12   Bad Songs 2000

Figure 12: Bad Songs 2000

Figure 13   BS2K Form Code

 <form action="addsong.ASP?WCI=tplAddNew&amp;WCE=Form1&amp;WCU" method="post">
     <p><font face="Verdana">Song: <input type="text" size="20"
     name="edtSong"> Artist: <input type="text" size="20"
     <p><font face="Verdana">Year: <input type="text" size="20"
     <p><font face="Verdana">Comment: </font><input type="text"
     size="128" name="edtComment"></p>
     <p><input type="submit" name="btnAdd" value="Add!"> <input
     type="reset" name="btnClear" value="Clear"><input
     type="button" name="btnBack" value="Back"></p>
 <script language="VBScript">
 Sub btnBack_onclick()
 end sub

Figure 14   WCAddSong

 Option Explicit
 Option Compare Text
 Dim songz As Database
 Dim rsSongs As Recordset
 Dim rsAvg As Recordset
 Dim rsComm As Recordset
 Private Sub tplAddNew_Form1()
 On Error Resume Next
 Dim req As Variant
 Dim conn As Connection
 Dim SQL As String
 Dim RS As Recordset
 If Len(Request.Form("edtSong")) > 0 Then
     ' Open Databases/Recordsets used in the form response
     Set songz = OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\BadSongs.mdb")
     Set rsSongs = songz.OpenRecordset("Songs")
     Set rsComm = songz.OpenRecordset("Comments")
     ' Add the record to the Songs table
     With rsSongs
         !Song = Request.Form("edtSong")
         !Artist = Request.Form("edtArtist")
         !SongYear = CLng(Request.Form("edtYear"))
         .Bookmark = .LastModified
     End With
     ' Add comments to the Comments table
     With rsComm
         !SongID = rsSongs("ID").Value
         !Comment = Request.Form("edtComment")
         .Bookmark = .LastModified
     End With
 End If
 Response.Redirect "WCSongs.ASP"
 End Sub
 Private Sub tplAddNew_Respond()
 End Sub
 Private Sub WebClass_Start()
 End Sub
 Sub WriteChartHeader()
 Dim f, td, CRLF
 CRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
 f = "<font size=""2"" face=""Verdana"">"
 td = "<td align=""left"" valign=""top"">"
 With Response
     .Write "<p><form method=""POST"" name=""frmBadSongs"">"
     .Write "<table border=0 cellspacing=0>"
     .Write "<tr>"
     .Write td & f & "<strong>Song</strong></font></td>" & CRLF
     .Write td & f & "<strong>Artist</strong></font></td>" & CRLF
     .Write td & f & "<strong>Year</strong></font></td>" & CRLF
     .Write td & f & "<strong>Comment</strong></font></td>" & CRLF
     .Write "</tr>"
     f = "<font size=""1"" face=""Verdana"">"
 End With
 End Sub