Figure 1   MFC 6.0 Common Control Classes

Enhanced Classes
CHeaderCtrl Supports drag and drop operations and bitmaps in a header control.
CImageList Supports images used by other controls such as in header controls and list controls.
CListCtrl Supports the grouping of items using working areas. Also supports virtual list views.
CProgressCtrl Supports smooth and vertical styles for progress controls.
CSliderCtrl Supports tooltips in a slider control and additional slider control styles.
CSpinButtonCtrl Supports 32-bit ranges in a spin button control.
Supports tooltips, icons, and background color in a status bar.
CTabCtrl Supports new styles for tab focus and appearance. Also supports inserting new tabs into an existing tab control.
Supports Internet Explorer 4.0 flat and transparent toolbar styles.
CToolTipCtrl Implements updating of a ToolTip and its attributes.
CTreeCtrl Supports checkboxes and automatic single-node expansion in a tree control.
New Classes
CComboBoxEx Encapsulates an extended combobox with image lists.
CDateTimeCtrl Encapsulates date/time control—either an extended edit control or a simple calendar interface control that allows a user to choose a specific date or time value.
CIPAddressCtrl Encapsulates the IP address control, an edit box for manipulating an IP address.
CMonthCalCtrl Encapsulates the month/calendar control, which lets the user select a date.
CReBar Encapsulates the rebar (coolbar) control, an Internet Explorer-style toolbar that can
CRebarCtrl contain additional child windows as controls.

Figure 6    Implementing a Rebar

// These code fragements show the MFC-generated code for an app with rebar.

// In mainframe.h
class CMainFrame : public CMDIFrameWnd {
   CToolBar      m_wndToolBar; // toolbar
   CReBar        m_wndReBar;   // rebar
   CDialogBar    m_wndDlgBar;  // dialog bar

// In MainFrm.cpp
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
   if (CMDIFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
      return -1;
   // Create toolbar
   if (!m_wndToolBar.CreateEx(this) ||
      !m_wndToolBar.LoadToolBar(IDR_MAINFRAME)) {
      TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar\n");
      return -1;      // fail to create

   // Create dialog bar
   if (!m_wndDlgBar.Create(this, IDR_MAINFRAME, 
      TRACE0("Failed to create dialogbar\n");
      return -1;     // fail to create

   // Create rebar
   if (!m_wndReBar.Create(this) ||
      !m_wndReBar.AddBar(&m_wndToolBar) || // add toolbar
      !m_wndReBar.AddBar(&m_wndDlgBar)) {  // add dialog bar
      TRACE0("Failed to create rebar\n");
      return -1;      // fail to create
   return 0;

Figure 17   Needs a Table

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
   CString str;

   // set up each toolbar button
   // Don't ever write code like this!!
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(0, ID_GO_BACK, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 0);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(0, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(1, ID_GO_FORWARD, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 1);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(1, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(2, ID_VIEW_STOP, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 2);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(2, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(3, ID_VIEW_REFRESH, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 3);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(3, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(4, ID_GO_START_PAGE, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 4);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(4, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(5, ID_GO_SEARCH_THE_WEB, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 5);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(5, str);

                              TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN, 6);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(6, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(7, ID_FILE_PRINT, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 7);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(7, str);

   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(8, ID_FONT_DROPDOWN, TBSTYLE_BUTTON |
                              TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN, 8);
   m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(8, str);
   return 0;

Figure 18   A Better Example

int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
   static struct {
      UINT  idCmd;
      UINT  idStr;
      DWORD style;
   } Buttons[] = {
      // command ID              string         style flags
      { ID_GO_BACK,           IDS_BACK,      0},
      { ID_GO_FORWARD,        IDS_FORWARD    0},
      { ID_VIEW_STOP,         IDS_STOP       0},
      { ID_VIEW_REFRESH,      IDS_REFRESH    0},
      { ID_GO_START_PAGE,     IDS_HOME       0},
      { ID_FILE_PRINT,        IDS_PRINT      0},
      { 0, 0, 0 }
   // set up each toolbar button
   CString str;
   for (int i=0; Buttons[i].idCmd; i++) {
      m_wndToolBar.SetButtonInfo(i, Buttons[i].idCmd,
         TBSTYLE_BUTTON | Buttons[i].style, i);
      m_wndToolBar.SetButtonText(i, str);
   return 0;

Figure 19   CHtmlView Versus DWebBrowserEvents2

CHtmlView Virtual Function DWebBrowserEvents2 Event Description
OnStatusTextChange StatusTextChange Fired when the status bar text has changed.
OnProgressChange ProgressChange Fired when the progress of a download operation is updated.
OnCommandStateChange CommandStateChange Fired when the enabled state of a command changes.
OnDownloadBegin DownloadBegin Fired when a navigation operation is beginning, shortly after the BeforeNavigate2 event, unless the navigation is canceled.
OnDownloadComplete DownloadComplete Fired when a navigation operation finishes, is halted, or fails.
OnTitleChange TitleChange Fired when the title of a document in the WebBrowser control becomes available or changes. 
OnPropertyChange PropertyChange Fired when the IWebBrowser2::PutProperty method changes the value of a property.
OnBeforeNavigate2 BeforeNavigate2 Fired when the WebBrowser control is about to navigate to a new URL.
OnNewWindow2 NewWindow2 Fired when a new window is to be created for displaying a resource.
OnNavigateComplete2 NavigateComplete2 Fired after the browser has successfully navigated to a new location.
OnDocumentComplete DocumentComplete Fired when the document being navigated to is ready.
OnQuit OnQuit Fired when the Internet Explorer application is ready to quit.
OnVisible OnVisible Fired when the window for the WebBrowser should be shown/hidden.
OnToolBar OnToolBar Fired when the ToolBar property has changed.
OnMenuBar OnMenuBar Fired when the MenuBar property has changed.
OnStatusBar OnStatusBar Fired when the StatusBar property has changed.
OnFullScreen OnFullScreen Fired when the FullScreen property has changed.
OnTheaterMode OnTheaterMode Fired when the TheaterMode property has changed.