If Exists (Select * From sysobjects Where name = 'wing_table' And
user_name(uid) = 'dbo')
Drop Table dbo.wing_table
Create Table dbo.wing_table
title varchar(255) Null,
text text Null,
date_created datetime Null Constraint DF_wing_table_date_created Default
object_id int Not Null Identity (0, 1)
Alter Table dbo.wing_table Add Constraint
PK_wing_table Primary Key Nonclustered
Figure 8 Propeller Component
Option Explicit
'This subroutine outputs the full details (title, text, date)
'of a propeller article to the calling ASP page.
' aspResponse - The Active Server Page response object to write to.
' ObjectID - The ID of the article in the database table
Public Sub GetArticle(aspResponse As ASPTypeLibrary.Response, ObjectID As String)
Dim strTitle As String 'Article title
Dim strText As String 'Article text
Dim strDate As String 'Article date
Dim strObjectID As String 'Article ID
Dim strNewLine As String 'Used for sending line feeds
Dim dEnv As DataEnvironment1 'Our data environment
Dim lArticleID As Long
lArticleID = Val(ObjectID)
'Create a carriage-return linefeed
'We'll use this to help make the outputted HTML more readable
strNewLine = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
'Create an instance of the data environment
Set dEnv = New DataEnvironment1
'Execute the data environment command to
'retrive an article
dEnv.cmdGetArticle (lArticleID)
'Write initial HTML comment to indicate where this component
'started its output
aspResponse.Write "<!-- VBWebKB.PropellerArticles.GetArticle Begin-->" & strNewLine
'Exit Sub
If Not dEnv.rscmdGetArticle.EOF Then
'Get data from the recordset
strTitle = dEnv.rscmdGetArticle(0)
strText = dEnv.rscmdGetArticle(1)
strDate = dEnv.rscmdGetArticle(2)
strObjectID = dEnv.rscmdGetArticle(3)
'Write the Article's Title
aspResponse.Write "<B>"
aspResponse.Write strTitle
aspResponse.Write "</B><BR>" & strNewLine
'Write the Article's Date
aspResponse.Write strDate
aspResponse.Write "<BR><P>" & strNewLine
'Write the Article's Text
aspResponse.Write strText
'Finish off with an HTML break, and a real line-feed
aspResponse.Write "<br>" & strNewLine
End If
'Indicate where the component finished its output
aspResponse.Write "<!-- VBWebKB.PropellerArticles.GetArticle End-->" & strNewLine
End Sub
'This subroutine outputs a list of available propeller articles
'to the calling Active Server Page.
'Each article in the outputted list is represented as a hyperlink
'to another ASP page. This hyperlink contains a identifier that the
'linked page can use to query the text of the article.
' aspResponse - The Active Server Page response object to write to.
' strDetailsPage - The name of the Active Server Page for linking the
' article titles to.
Public Sub GetArticleList(aspResponse As ASPTypeLibrary.Response, strDetailsPage
As String)
Dim strTitle As String 'Article title
Dim strDate As String 'Article date
Dim strObjectID As String 'Article ID
Dim strNewLine As String 'Used for sending line feeds
Dim dEnv As DataEnvironment1 'Our data environment
'Create a carriage-return linefeed
'We'll use this to help make the outputted HTML more readable
strNewLine = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
'Create an instance of the data environment
Set dEnv = New DataEnvironment1
'Execute the data environment commane
'Write initial HTML comment to indicate where this component
'started its output
aspResponse.Write "<!-- VBWebKB.PropellerArticles.GetArticleList Begin-->" & strNewLine
While Not dEnv.rscmdGetArticleList.EOF
'Get data from the recordset
strTitle = dEnv.rscmdGetArticleList(0)
strDate = dEnv.rscmdGetArticleList(1)
strObjectID = dEnv.rscmdGetArticleList(2)
'Write the HTML hyperlink prefix
aspResponse.Write "<a href="
aspResponse.Write strDetailsPage
aspResponse.Write "?oid="
aspResponse.Write strObjectID
aspResponse.Write ">"
'Write the Article's Title
aspResponse.Write strTitle
aspResponse.Write "</a>"
'Write the Articles Date
aspResponse.Write " "
aspResponse.Write strDate
'Finish off with an HTML break, and a real line-feed
aspResponse.Write "<br>" & strNewLine
'Go on to the next record
'Indicate where the component finished its output
aspResponse.Write "<!-- VBWebKB.PropellerArticles.GetArticleList End-->" & strNewLine
End Sub
Figure 9 Wing Component
//This object retrieves articles from the wing table.
import asp.*;
import com.ms.wfc.data.*;
import com.ms.*;
import com.ms.com.*;
* @com.register ( clsid=6A0FD47C-14F5-11D2-9663-006008A67F04, typelib=6A0FD47B-14F5
11D2-9663-006008A67F04 )
public class WingArticles
This subroutine outputs a list of available wing articles
to the calling Active Server Page.
Each article in the outputted list is represented as a hyperlink
to another ASP page. This hyperlink contains a identifier that the
linked page can use to query the text of the article.
aspResponse - The Active Server Page response object to write to.
strDetailsPage - The name of the Active Server Page for linking the
article titles to.
public void GetArticleList(asp.Response aspResponse, String strDetailsPage){
//WFC data objects
Connection m_con;
Recordset m_rs;
Variant vstrNewLine; //Used for sending line feeds
Variant vstrTitle; //Article title
Variant vstrDate; //Article date
Variant vstrObjectID; //Article ID
Variant vstrDetailsPage; //The url for the details page
//Create a variant for the details page
vstrDetailsPage=new Variant(strDetailsPage);
//Create a carriage-return linefeed
//We'll use this to help make the outputted HTML more readable
vstrNewLine = new Variant("\n");
//Create a connection to the database.
m_con = new Connection();
m_con.setConnectionString ("PROVIDER=MSDASQL;dsn=WebKB;uid=sa;pwd=");
m_con.setCursorLocation (AdoEnums.CursorLocation.CLIENT);
//Create a record set
m_rs = new Recordset();
m_rs.setSource("select title, date_created, object_id from wing_table");
//Write initial HTML comment to indicate where this component
//started its output
aspResponse.Write(new Variant("<!-- VJWebKB.WingArticles.GetArticleList
while (!m_rs.getEOF()){
//Get the data for a row
//Write the HTML hyperlink prefix
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("<a href="));
aspResponse.Write (vstrDetailsPage);
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("?oid="));
aspResponse.Write (vstrObjectID);
aspResponse.Write (new Variant(">"));
//Write the Article's Title
aspResponse.Write (vstrTitle);
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("</a> "));
//Write the Articles Date
aspResponse.Write (vstrDate);
//Finish off with an HTML break, and a real line-feed
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("<br>"));
aspResponse.Write (vstrNewLine);
//Move to next record
//Write initial HTML comment to indicate where this component
aspResponse.Write(new Variant("<!-- VJWebKB.WingArticles.GetArticleList End-
//Catch any exceptions and report them.
catch(Exception e){
aspResponse.Write(new Variant(e.toString()));
This subroutine retrieves a wing article
for the calling Active Server Page.
aspResponse - The Active Server Page response object to write to.
strObjectID - The article's ID.
public void GetArticle(asp.Response aspResponse, String strObjectID){
//WFC data objects
Connection m_con;
Recordset m_rs;
Variant vstrNewLine; //Used for sending line feeds
Variant vstrTitle; //Article title
Variant vstrDate; //Article date
Variant vstrText; //Article text
//Create a carriage-return linefeed
//We'll use this to help make the outputted HTML more readable
vstrNewLine = new Variant("\n");
//Create a connection to the database.
m_con = new Connection();
m_con.setConnectionString ("PROVIDER=MSDASQL;dsn=WebKB;uid=sa;pwd=");
m_con.setCursorLocation (AdoEnums.CursorLocation.CLIENT);
//Create a record set
m_rs = new Recordset();
m_rs.setSource("select title, text, date_created from wing_table where
object_id=" + strObjectID);
//Write initial HTML comment to indicate where this component
//started its output
aspResponse.Write(new Variant("<!-- VJWebKB.WingArticles.GetArticle Begin--
if (!m_rs.getEOF()){
//Get the data for a row
//Write the Article's Title
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("<B>"));
aspResponse.Write (vstrTitle);
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("</B><BR>"));
aspResponse.Write (vstrNewLine);
//Write the Article's Date
aspResponse.Write (vstrDate);
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("<BR><P>"));
aspResponse.Write (vstrNewLine);
//Write the Article's Text
aspResponse.Write (vstrText);
//Finish off with an HTML break, and a real line-feed
aspResponse.Write (new Variant("<br>"));
//Write initial HTML comment to indicate where this component
aspResponse.Write(new Variant("<!-- VJWebKB.WingArticles.GetArticle End--
//Catch any exceptions and report them.
catch(Exception e){
aspResponse.Write(new Variant(e.toString()));