Figure 4    32-bit Processor Targets for Windows CE

Company Processor
AMD x86 (486 and later), SC400
Hitachi SH3, SH4
Intel x86 (486 and later)
Motorola MPC821
NEC Vr4100, Vr4102, Vr4111, Vr4200, Vr4300
Philips R3910, Poseidon
Toshiba TX3912

Figure 5    Windows CE 2.0 System Modules

Module Name Description
NK Operating system core
DEVICE Manages installable device drivers
(Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem)
User-interface and GDI
FILESYS Supports the file system, which means the components that make up the object store: long file name file system, databases, and the registry
COREDLL Provides the in-process connection to the supported system API
OLE32 ActiveX support, including in-process clients, compound files, and automation
RAS Client Remote Access Service for connecting to Windows 95 and Windows NT systems
Serial Device Basic serial communication
Network Redirector Basic support for connecting to network resources
Telephony TAPI support
WinInet Windows Internet support, including FTP and HTTP
Windows Sockets Windows sockets API, which includes the blocking API but not the asynchronous API