Person | What does the user want to do? | What does the user need to do? | What happens after a successful submission? |
Hiring manager | Add a new job order request. | Fills the required fields, entering hiring manager information and human resources manager information. Then clicks "Send FORWARD to HR Manager." | Email is sent to the specified human resources manager with job ID and password information. An email reminder is sent to the hiring manager. |
Edit and send back to human resources manager. | Edit the app with job ID and password, then click "Resend FORWARD to HR Manager." | Email is sent to the specified human resources manager. | |
Human resources manager | Send to human resources recruiter. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link), enter the human resources recruiter information, then click "Send FORWARD to HR Recruiter (Approved)." | Email is sent to the specific human resources recruiter with job ID and password information. |
Send back to the hiring manager. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link), enter note, and then click "Send BACK to Hiring Manager with note." | The note is message encapsulated in an email and is sent back to the hiring manager. | |
Human resources recruiter | Forward the request to the Web manager. | Edit the app with job ID and password, (or click on email link), enter the Webmaster information, then click "Send FORWARD to Webmaster (Approved)." | Email is sent to the specific Web manager or Webmaster with ID and password information. |
Send back to human resources manager. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link), enter note, and then click "Send BACK to HR Manager with note." | The note is encapsulated in an email message and is sent back to the human resources manager. | |
Webmaster | Send back to human resources recruiter. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link), enter note, and then click "Send BACK to HR Recruiter with note." | The note is encapsulated in an email message and is sent back to the human resources recruiter. |
Post to Web site. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link), select the template, select Web site posting, then click "Send FORWARD to Website." | Will be listed as Web site posting until deactivated by Web manager. Email is sent to the hiring manager, human resources manager, and human resources recruiter. | |
Post to intranet. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link), select the template, select intranet posting, then click "Send FORWARD to Website." | Will be listed as internal posting until deactivated by Web manager. Email is sent to the hiring manager, human resources manager, and human resources recruiter. | |
Remove listing from Web site/intranet and so on. | Edit the app with job ID and password (or click on email link). Select "deactivate" posting, then click "Update Application Status." | Email is sent to the hiring manager, human resources manager, and human resources recruiter. |
Figure 6 Request.asp Snippet
JobID= Request("JobID")
JobRequisitionNumber= Request("JobRequisitionNumber")
JobDepartment= Request("JobDepartment")
JobTitle= Request("JobTitle")
JobHiringManager= Request("JobHiringManager")
JobManagerEmail= Request("JobManagerEmail")
JobGrade= Request("JobGrade")
JobType= Request("JobType")
JobStatus= Request("JobStatus")
JobSplashImage= Request("JobSplashImage")
'JobNeededDate= Request("JobNeededDate")
JobNeededDateMonth= Request("JobNeededDateMonth")
JobNeededDateDay= Request("JobNeededDateDay")
JobNeededDateYear= Request("JobNeededDateYear")
Figure 7 Workflow Stages
Stage | Process owner | Value of Stage |
1 | Hiring manager | A |
2 | Human resources manager | S |
3 | Human resources recruiter | V |
4 | Webmaster | L |
if mode="E" and Action="" then
if Stage=STAGE1 then
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Tblworkflow WHERE workflowJobID=" & Cint(JobID) _
& " and workflowPassword1='" & Password & "'"
elseif Stage=STAGE2 then
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Tblworkflow WHERE workflowJobID=" & Cint(JobID) _
& " and workflowPassword2='" & Password & "'"
elseif Stage=STAGE3 then
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Tblworkflow WHERE workflowJobID=" & Cint(JobID) _
& " and workflowPassword3='" & Password & "'"
elseif Stage=STAGE4 then
sqlstr="SELECT * FROM Tblworkflow WHERE workflowJobID=" & Cint(JobID) _
& " and workflowPassword4='" & Password & "'"
end if
'--- check to see if an edit is possible for the click depending upon the
'--- status of the workflow
set rs=Conn.execute(sqlstr)
if rs.eof then
'- not a valid ID and password
set rs=nothing
set Conn=nothing
msg= msg & "<li>Your have entered invalid information for the _
particular record, or" & " you currently cannot edit the record "
Response.redirect ("Error.asp?msg=" & Server.urlencode(msg))
Else '-valid ID and password
'-is status valid
if rs("WorkFlowStage")=Stage then
end if
Load JobID, Conn
end if
end if
Figure 9 Using OnlyView
<font size=-1 face=arial ><u><b>Requisition Number</b></u></font>
if OnlyView=true then
Response.write ( JobRequisitionNumber)
<input type=text name=JobRequisitionNumber value="<%=JobRequisitionNumber%>"
maxlength=50 size=50><br>
end if
Figure 12 CheckError
function CheckError()
Dim strerror
if JobRequisitionNumber="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Requisition Number"
if JobDepartment="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job Department"
if JobTitle="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job Title"
if JobGrade="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job's Grade"
if JobType="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job's Type"
if JobSplashImage="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Splash Image"
if JobNeededDate="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Date Needed"
if Not IsDate(JobNeededDate) then
strerror= strerror &"<li>Invalid Date Needed entry"
end if
if CDate(JobNeededDate) < CDate(FormatDateTime(now(), VBShortDate)) then
strerror= strerror &"<li>Invalid Date Needed entry, date entered cannot _
be before current date"
end if
if JobNumberOpen="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job Number Open"
if JobReqType="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Requirements Type"
if JobSalaryLow="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Lowest Salary"
if JobSalaryHigh="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Highest Salary"
if JobSiteName="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Site Name"
if JobSiteAddress1="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Site Address #1"
if JobSiteCity="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Site City"
if JobSiteState="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Site State"
if JobSitezipcode="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Site Zip Code"
if JobShortDescription="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job short _
if JobFullDescription="" then strerror= strerror &"<li>Job Full Description"
End Function
Figure 13 Adding a Job Request
Function Add(Conn)
Dim JobRequestID, sqlstr
sqlstr="INSERT INTO JobWeb ("
sqlstr = sqlstr & "JobRequisitionNumber"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobDepartment"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobTitle"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobHiringManager"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobHiringManagerEmail"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobGrade"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobType"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobStatus"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSplashImage"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobNeededDate"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobNumberOpen"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobRecruiter"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobReqType"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSalaryLow"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSalaryHigh"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSiteName"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSiteAddress1"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSiteAddress2"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSiteCity"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSiteState"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobSitezipcode"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobShortDescription"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobRequestID"
sqlstr = sqlstr & ",JobFullDescription"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ") values ("
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobRequisitionNumber) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobDepartment) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobTitle) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobHiringManager) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobManagerEmail) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobGrade) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobType) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobStatus) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSplashImage) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "#" & SQLEncode(JobNeededDate) & "#,"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobNumberOpen) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobRecruiter) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobReqType) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSalaryLow) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSalaryHigh) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSiteName) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSiteAddress1) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSiteAddress2) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSiteCity) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSiteState) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobSitezipcode) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobShortDescription) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobRequestID) & "',"
sqlstr=sqlstr & "'" & SQLEncode(JobFullDescription) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ")"
sqlstr= "Select max(JobID) as MaxJobID From JobWeb"
Dim rs
set rs=Conn.execute(sqlstr)
End Function
Figure 14 Updating JobWeb
Sub Update(ThisConn)
sqlstr="Update JobWeb "
sqlstr=sqlstr & "SET "
sqlstr=sqlstr & "JobRequisitionNumber='" & SQLEncode(JobRequisitionNumber)
& "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobDepartment='" & SQLEncode(JobDepartment) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobTitle='" & SQLEncode(JobTitle) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobHiringManager='" & SQLEncode(JobHiringManager) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobHiringManagerEmail='" & SQLEncode(JobManagerEmail) &
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobGrade='" & SQLEncode(JobGrade) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobType='" & SQLEncode(JobType) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobStatus='" & SQLEncode(JobStatus) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSplashImage='" & SQLEncode(JobSplashImage) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobNeededDate=#" & SQLEncode(JobNeededDate) & "#"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobNumberOpen='" & SQLEncode(JobNumberOpen) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobRecruiter='" & SQLEncode(JobRecruiter) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobReqType='" & SQLEncode(JobReqType) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSalaryLow='" & SQLEncode(JobSalaryLow) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSalaryHigh='" & SQLEncode(JobSalaryHigh) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSiteName='" & SQLEncode(JobSiteName) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSiteAddress1='" & SQLEncode(JobSiteAddress1) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSiteAddress2='" & SQLEncode(JobSiteAddress2) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSiteCity='" & SQLEncode(JobSiteCity) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSiteState='" & SQLEncode(JobSiteState) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobSitezipcode='" & SQLEncode(JobSitezipcode) & "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobShortDescription='" & SQLEncode(JobShortDescription)
& "'"
sqlstr=sqlstr & ",JobFullDescription='" & SQLEncode(JobFullDescription) &
sqlstr=sqlstr & " WHERE JobID=" & request("JobID")
End Sub