TABLE 1: Resource Kit Utilities
REG UPDATEReplaces an existing Registry value. reg update <Registry path>=<value> [\\<machine name>]
REGCHGSets Registry entry value; creates the entry if it does not exist.regchg <path> <entry name> <type> <value>
NETDOMLets administrators manage domains from the command prompt. (For more information about NETDOM, see Mark Minasi, "NETDOM," page 185.) netdom [/<options>] MEMBER [[\\]<computer name>] [/<command>]
ADDUSERSLets administrators use a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file to create multiple user accounts in batch format. (For more information about ADDUSERS, see Mark Minasi, "AddUsers," May 1998.)addusers \\<computer name> <filename>
LOGOFFLogs current user off of NT or Win95.logoff