Property | Purpose |
cFontName | The default font for the report (the default value is "Courier New"). |
cReportFile | The name of the report file to create. |
cUnits | The unit of measurement: "C" (characters), "I" (inches), or "M" (centimeters). The default value is "C"; constants are defined for these values in SFREPOBJ.H. |
lPrintColumns | .T. to print records in columns across the page, .F. to print top to bottom then in columns. |
lPrivateDataSession | .T. to use a private datasession with this report. |
lSummaryBand | .T. if the report has a summary band. |
lTitleBand | .T. if the report has a title band. |
lWholePage | .T. to use the whole page, .F. to use the printable page. |
nColumns | The number of columns in the report (the default value is 1). |
nColumnSpacing | The spacing between columns. |
nFontSize | The default font size for the report (the default value is 10). |
nLeftMargin | The left margin for the report. |
Property | Purpose |
cOnEntry | The "on entry" expression for the band. |
cOnExit | The "on exit" expression for the band. |
lConstantHeight | .T. if the band should be a constant height. |
lStartOnNewPage | .T. if this band should start on a new page. |
nHeight | The height of the band. |
Property | Purpose |
cExpression | The group expression. |
lPrintOnEachPage | .T. to print the group header on each page. |
lResetPage | .T. to reset the page number for each page to 1. |
lStartInNewColumn | .T. if each group should start in a new column. |
nNewPageWhenLessThan | Starts a group on a new page when there's less than this much space left on the current page. |
Property | Purpose |
cAlignment | The alignment for the object: "left," "center," or "right" (constants are defined for these values in SFREPOBJ.H). |
cPrintWhen | The Print When expression. |
lPrintInFirstWholeBand | .T. to print in the first whole band of a new page. |
lPrintOnNewPage | .T. to print when the detail band overflows to a new page. |
lPrintRepeats | .T. to print repeated values. |
lRemoveLineIfBlank | .T. to remove a line if there are no objects on it. |
lStretch | .T. if the object can stretch. |
lTransparent | .T. if the object is transparent, .F. for opaque. |
nBackColor | The object's background color; use an RGB() value (-1 = default). |
nFloat | 0 if the object should float in its band, 1 if it should be positioned relative to the top of the band, or 2 if it should be relative to the bottom of the band (constants are defined for these values in SFREPOBJ.H). |
nForeColor | The object's foreground color; use an RGB() value (-1 = default). |
nHeight | The height of the object. |
nHPosition | The horizontal position for the object. |
nPrintOnGroupChange | The group number if this object should print on a group change. |
nVPosition | The vertical position for the object relative to the top of the band. |
nWidth | The width of the object. |
Property | Purpose |
cDataType | The data type of the expression: "N" for numeric, "D" for date, and "C" for everything else (only required if you'll edit the report in the Report Designer later). |
cExpression | The expression to display. |
cFontName | The font to use (if blank, which it is by default, SFReportFile.cFontName is used). |
cPicture | The picture (format and inputmask) for the field. |
cTotalType | The total type: "N" for none, "C" for count, "S" for sum, "A" for average, "L" for lowest, "H" for highest, "D" for standard deviation, and "V" for variance (constants are defined for these values in SFREPOBJ.H). |
lFontBold | .T. if the object should be bolded. |
lFontItalic | .T. if the object should be in italics. |
lFontUnderline | .T. if the object should be underlined. |
lResetOnPage | .T. to reset the variable at the end of each page, .F. to reset at the end of the report. |
nFontSize | The font size to use (if 0, which it is by default, SFReportFile.nFontSize is used). |
nResetOnGroup | The group number to reset the value on. |
Property | Purpose |
cInitialValue | The initial value. |
cName | The variable name. |
cTotalType | The total type: "N" for none, "C" for count, "S" for sum, "A" for average, "L" for lowest, "H" for highest, "D" for standard deviation, and "V" for variance (constants are defined for these values in SFREPOBJ.H). |
cValue | The value to store. |
lReleaseAtEnd | .T. to release the variable at the end of the report. |
lResetOnPage | .T. to reset the variable at the end of each page, .F. to reset at the end of the report. |
nResetOnGroup | The group number to reset the variable on. |