Mike Gunderloy
This month, Mike Gunderloy provides two solutions to a problem in date arithmetic. As a result, he discusses the true meaning of efficiency and how a good programmer approaches even the simplest problems.
Would you know of any function that will allow me to calculate the number of specified days (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on) in a given month? Ive looked all over but cant find any documentation on this.
The reason you cant find any documentation is that there isnt any such function built into Visual Basic for Applications. But dont worry: There are plenty of other date functions built into VBA, and its pretty easy to create a routine to return the information that you want.
The following function is passed a month number, a year, and a day number to return the number of times that day occurs in the month. The days are numbered the same way as in VBA (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, and so forth). This lets me use VBAs built-in constants in my code (vbSunday, vbMonday, and so on). To find the number of Mondays in March 1999, youd call the routine like this:
intMondayCount = WDinMonth1(3, 1999, vbMonday)
Heres the code:
Function WDinMonth1(intMonth As Integer, _
intYear As Integer, intDay As Integer) _
Dim intDays As Integer
Dim intDaysInMonth As Integer
Dim intResult As Integer
'Find the number of days in the month
intDaysInMonth = _
DaysInMonth(DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1))
For intDays = 1 To intDaysInMonth
'Check every day to see if it's the one requested
If WeekDay( _
DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, intDays) _
, vbSunday) = intDay Then
intResult = intResult + 1
End If
Next intDays
WDinMonth1 = intResult
End Function
Function DaysInMonth(dteInput As Date) As Integer
'Find the number of days in the month
Dim intDays As Integer
' Add one month, subtract dates to find difference.
intDays = DateSerial(Year(dteInput), _
Month(dteInput) + 1, Day(dteInput)) _
- DateSerial(Year(dteInput), _
Month(dteInput), Day(dteInput))
DaysInMonth = intDays
End Function
There are two functions here, and theyre both pretty simple. DaysInMonth calculates the number of days in a given month by using the built-in date functions. This function takes advantage of the fact that VBA treats the 13th month in a year as the first month in the following year, so it works even for the month of December. The DateSerial function, which you might not have used, returns a variant of type Date given a year, month, and day. All the DaysInMonth function does is subtract the first of a month from the first of the following month to determine how many days there are in the month.
The other function, WDinMonth1, uses a brute-force approach to determining how many of a given day are in a given month. Armed with the number of days in the month, it uses DateSerial to generate every day in the month. The built-in WeekDay function determines how many of those days are the specified day of the week. The routine keeps track of this number in the intResult variable, which is later returned as the value of the function.
Oh, come on, isnt the brute-force approach rather inelegant? Isnt there a formula to calculate the number of specified days in a given month?
Well, there are other approaches. You can perform the task using nothing but native VBA date arithmetic functions, for instance. Heres a second solution that uses a lot less code:
Function WDinMonth2(intMonth As Integer, _
intYear As Integer, intDay As Integer) _
As Integer
WDinMonth2 = DateDiff("ww", _
DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 1) - 1, _
DateSerial(intYear, intMonth + 1, 1) - 1, _
End Function
As you can see, you can use the built-in DateDiff function to come up with the desired number. However, in most circumstances, I dont think this is a better answer to the original problem. The problem is that this code is much less maintainable than the original brute-force solution.
Suppose you were a maintenance programmer whose job it is to keep this application up-to-date. Which version of the WDinMonth function would you rather try to maintain? Personally, Id rather look at the first one, where the flow of code shows you exactly whats going on, than be faced with the second one, which uses a mysterious calculation. The VBA Help file, by the way, wouldnt be a lot of help in understanding the second version. Heres part of what it says about DateDiff:
"When interval is Weekday (w), DateDiff returns the number of weeks between the two dates. If date1 falls on a Monday, DateDiff counts the number of Mondays until date2. It counts date2 but not date1. If interval is Week (ww), however, the DateDiff function returns the number of calendar weeks between the two dates. It counts the number of Sundays between date1 and date2. DateDiff counts date2 if it falls on a Sunday; but it doesnt count date1, even if it does fall on a Sunday . . . The firstdayofweek argument affects calculations that use the w and ww interval symbols."
I especially like the use of "affects" in the final sentence of the Help. Sure, changing the inputs affects the answer, but wouldnt you like to know how it affects them? I wrote the WDinMonth1 function first and used it to test WDinMonth2. I knew that WDinMonth1 was giving me the right answer because the code was so, well, obvious. When WDinMonth2 disagreed with WDinMonth1, I knew the more "elegant" solution was wrong.
If youre so interested in software quality, wheres the error trapping?
If youve been working with VBA or Access Basic for any length of time, youve probably had it drilled into you that you need to include an error handler in every single function. Frankly, I think that particular rule deserves to be broken at times. There are two questions to ask when youre writing an error handler: What can go wrong, and what can you do about it?
Take another look at WDinMonth1. What do you suppose could go wrong? You can overflow the inputs, but thats about it. You cant mess WDinMonth1 up by feeding in negative years or huge days, because the built-in date functions are already coded to deal with that sort of nonsense (whether they should be so coded is another question entirely).
As to the second question, what could you do about an error if one occurred? Perhaps once in a millennium you might run out of RAM when calling this function, but in that case, theres not much you can do with an error trap anyhow. As things stand now, the error condition will be raised to the calling function. If you think about what you want to do with an error in a low-level utility function like this one, returning it to the calling program is probably the best possible answer. So, why not go with the default? If you dont write an error trap, you cant make any coding mistakes in it.
I need execution speed, so Im going to use the second version of the function.
Fine with me, but how much time are you saving? Its easy to spend time optimizing parts of an application that dont really matter. And you cant, for instance, assume that the version with the least code will run the fastest. The only way to know for sure whether youre spending your optimization time wisely is to test the resultssay, with this function:
Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () _
As Long
Function TestTimes()
Dim intYear As Integer
Dim intMonth As Integer
Dim intDay As Integer
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim lngTime As Long
lngTime = timeGetTime
For intYear = 1989 To 1999
For intMonth = 1 To 12
For intDay = 1 To 7
intResult = _
WDinMonth1(intYear, intMonth, intDay)
Next intDay
Next intMonth
Next intYear
Debug.Print "Version1 " & timeGetTime - lngTime
lngTime = timeGetTime
For intYear = 1998 To 1999
For intMonth = 1 To 12
For intDay = 1 To 7
intResult = _
WDinMonth2(intYear, intMonth, intDay)
Next intDay
Next intMonth
Next intYear
Debug.Print "Version2 " & timeGetTime - lngTime
End Function
This function uses the timeGetTime Windows API function, which has a resolution of about a millisecond, to compare the time taken by the two versions on 924 iterations of the initial question. These iterations are distributed smoothly around months and days, just in case one version or the other is biased in a particular situation.
The results of running TestTimes on my test machine are pretty dramatic. Version 1 (brute force) takes 220 milliseconds. Version 2 (elegance) takes 10 milliseconds. A 22 to 1 advantage! Surely, this justifies using the harder-to-maintain version, doesnt it?
No, I dont think so. Look at those results another way: For every 4,500 calls to WDinMonth, you save about one second using the second version instead of the first. If saving that second is really important to you, youre coding in the wrong language anyhow, since VBA itself isnt especially fast. If you need to squeeze single seconds out of that many iterations, you should switch to C++, or perhaps raw assembler.
How many times must this program execute before this routine is called 4,500 times? Will you be saving that second over the course of a year of normal usage? And whats the value of saving a second of computer time? If this routine adds an extra minute to the time spent maintaining this application, your savings will be eaten up. Actually, your one-second saving was probably eaten up by the extra time it took me to create the "more efficient" version.
In general, the good developer is the one who thinks about these issues. It might not have looked like there was much to the original question (how many Mondays are there in March, anyway?), but like any other question, you can use it as a springboard to consider the quality of your own coding. When faced with this sort of problem, always ask yourself these four questions (notice that the optimization question comes last):
1. How can I solve this problem?
2. If there are alternatives, which one will be more maintainable in the future?
3. Can I avoid writing too much code?
4. If I spend time optimizing this code, is it time wisely spent?
Your applications will benefit from this sort of careful thought.
SA9911AA.exeMike Gunderloy, MCSE, MCSD, is a senior consultant with MCW Technologies, a Microsoft Solution Provider. His Visual Basic Developers Guide to ADO was recently published by Sybex. When hes not dealing with his computer, Mike is managing a horse, two llamas, two dogs, six cats, and 55 chickens on his farm. MikeG1@mcwtech.com.