Dr. VBish
Reading Binary Data Files -- Even with Class -- and Playing Shell Games
Bill Shadish
I recently lost some valuable time on hoax virus warnings (grhhh). Perhaps
I can save you some time by simply alerting you to HTTP://CIAC.LLNL.GOV and http://kumite.com/myths/. Also recommended: http://kumite.com/myths/home.htm and HTTP://SASSMAN.NET.
Hey, guess what, sports (or should I say, VB) fans? I'm happy to note that
this column marks the beginning of my third year as
your doctor. And surprise! So far, there have been no known deaths resulting
from my doctoral scribings. However, our legal experts do tell me that I
must mention that there have been some side effects on some of our readers.
Known cases involve wheezing, gasping, and, occasionally, light chuckling.
However, the virtual fine print say that this is known to affect less than
one percent of you, so, as my helpful and esteemed (he's also a noted TV
personality) colleague Dr. Nick has been known to say, "This is
a good day to . . . operate."
And on that note, off we go.
Binary files?
I have a binary file that I need to open.
Each record is 80 bytes in length. I need to open this file with VB5 and
parse out the data in each record. Can you please suggest some code
to get me started on the right track?
Gary Cassel (gcassel@home.com)
Baltimore, MD
I'll assume that your binary file is a collection of ANSI characters kept
within a file where the actual record format is known. If you're using an
ISAM (indexed sequential access method) file system such as BTRIEVE to create
and house your binary data, then you might not be able to use the solution
I propose below. That's because ISAM structures can keep a variety of information
in their tightly coupled index files and might even store variable-length
records. I also assume you know the contents of the file, and if you're
working with a binary file whose structure is a mystery, well, you've got
a different problem. You might, however, be able to use my approach as a
tool to partially automate a brute-force trial-and-error approach to deciphering
the contents . . . But, for our purposes, let's assume that this is just
a single fixed record length structure file where you know what to expect
within each record.
In that case, it's not too hard to get at the data. First, define your record
format in a Type'd data structure, and then use the VB Read statement to
pull it out. Given the "record layout" as described in the Employee_Record
shown, the Read menu item in this month's example will cycle through the
records in the binary file, one at a time. The employee's name for each
record, in turn, is shown in a Msgbox that's displayed during the loop (see
Listing 1).
Listing 1. Code to read 80-byte records in a binary file.
Type Employee_Record
SSN As String * 9
FirstName As String * 15
MiddleName As String * 15
LastName As String * 15
Dept As String * 5 ' Dept Key
Mgr As String * 5 ' Mgr Key
SecurityLevel As String * 1 ' Numeric Code
Title As String * 15
End Type
Dim EmpRec As Employee_Record
Private Sub mnuRead_Click()
Dim strMsg$
Dim BinFile As Long
strPath$ = getPath()
BinFile = FreeFile
Open strPath$ & "\" & "Temp.Bin" _
For Binary Access Read As #BinFile Len = 80
Dim lRecCount As Long
lRecCount = 1
While Not EOF(BinFile)
Get #BinFile, (lRecCount * Len(EmpRec) -_
Len(EmpRec) + 1), EmpRec
MsgBox EmpRec.SSN & ", " & EmpRec.FirstName & _
", " & EmpRec.LastName
lRecCount = lRecCount + 1
Close #BinFile
End Sub
While there's plenty of file-specific hard-coding going on in this example
-- for example, the record length and the fact that the empRec's variables
must be known -- there are a couple of techniques I think you'll find useful.
Given our assumptions (80-byte record), the Get method that we use to read
the data must be positioned at the beginning of each record manually. That
is, Get must be set to 1 the first time through, 81 the second time, and
so on. Now, this isn't something you'll want to hard-code, especially if
there are a number of different file lengths involved. So, the calculation
(lRecCount * Len(EmpRec) - Len(EmpRec) + 1) handles this for us by using
the size of the Employee_Record (formerly known as the EmpRec) to advance
to the next record each time we travel through the loop. Also, we pull in
the entire EmpRec in one read, rather than the more tedious approach of
reading in each variable at a time, in order. Notice that it's a simple
matter to address the individual variables within the EmpRec once the overall
record is retrieved as illustrated in the MsgBox statement.
Read with class
Now, it might be a little more interesting
to build a generic Class file to handle your binaries. This is one of those
"write it better once up front and make it easier ever after"
scenarios. We'll let our class handle Binary or ASCII files, but
only the binary portions are built into the example in Listing
2. The properties for the Class (cFile) to
handle your files might look something like the Listing.
Listing 2. Properties for a binary file-reading class.
Public Const EMPLOYEE = 1
Public Const DEPARTMENT = 2
Public Const DIVISION = 3
Public Property Get RecSize() As Variant
RecSize = mRecSize
End Property
Public Property Let RecSize(ByVal vNewValue _
As Variant)
If IsNumeric(vNewValue) Then
mRecSize = vNewValue
mRecSize = 1
End If
End Property
Public Property Get FileType() As Variant
FileType = mFileType
End Property
Public Property Let FileType(ByVal vNewValue _
As Variant)
If IsNumeric(vNewValue) Then mFileType = vNewValue
End Property
Notice the FileType property, which allows you to have code handling binary,
ASCII, or other types of files. Also, the RecSize property will let us feed
in the record size for a file exactly one time (rather than having it hard-coded
throughout the application code itself).
Then we'll add the generic routines to handle the normal Open, Get, and
Close VB statements for processing a file (see Listing
3). Notice that we use the properties defined
in the class to avoid hard-coding them throughout the application. This
makes maintenance easier -- you won't go kicking and screaming if someone
wants to up the record size to 81, since a change for this only needs to
be made in two places now. Also, since the actual calls to manipulate the
file are now found in one place, this more easily allows you to move away
from a binary file structure in the future, if so desired. The RecPointer
property will be used to automate away the runtime record-keeping of determining
which record you're on and the calculations that are required to move you
the correct number of bytes into the file to read or add new records. You'll
find more routines to handle these basic tasks in the accompanying Download file.
Listing 3. The class methods.
Public Sub bClose(Optional bFile)
Close mFile
End Sub
Private Property Get RecPointer() As Variant
RecPointer = mRecPointer
End Property
Private Property Let RecPointer(ByVal vNewValue _
As Variant)
mRecPointer = vNewValue
End Property
Now we'll add functionality to handle things like parsing a record once
we've read it. The Parse routine shown in Listing
4 will trim and separate fields within a record,
using a definable character, which is # in our example. The mnuReadWithClass_Click
routine is called from the menu, to use our cFile class to read and parse
a record. Figure
1 shows the resulting
parsed record.
Listing 4. The class extensions for the parsing routine.
Private Const PARSECHAR = "#"
Public Function ParseRecord(iRecType As Integer) As String
Dim strBuf$
Select Case iRecType
strBuf$ = EmpRec.SSN & PARSECHAR & Trim$_
(EmpRec.FirstName) & PARSECHAR & _
Trim$(EmpRec.MiddleName) & PARSECHAR & _
Trim$(EmpRec.LastName) & PARSECHAR & _
Trim$(EmpRec.Dept) & PARSECHAR & Trim$_
(EmpRec.Mgr) & PARSECHAR &_
EmpRec.SecurityLevel & PARSECHAR & _
Trim$(EmpRec.Title) & PARSECHAR
End Select
ParseRecord = strBuf$
End Function
Private Sub mnuReadWithClass_Click()
'This routine displays the employee record, parsed out
' with "#" characters between the fields. (The parse
'character can as easily be commas or whatever you'd
'like. We return the opened file handle into
'FileHandle on open. This syntax allows you to (later)
'have multiple files open at the same time. For our
'example, we just use the currently opened file,
' which is the employee info file.
Dim objFile As New cFile
Dim lFileHandle As Long
Dim strBuf$
objFile.FileType = BINARY_FILE
objFile.RecSize = 80
lFileHandle = objFile.bOpen(READMODE, getPath() _
& "\Temp.Bin")
strBuf$ = objFile.bRead(lFileHandle, EMPLOYEE)
MsgBox strBuf$, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Parsed Record"
MsgBox objFile.bRead(lFileHandle, EMPLOYEE), _
vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Parsed Record"
End Sub
Ahhhh. Problem solved -- happiness is being able to read the binary data
file. However, I advise you not to stop here but to write it to a SQL database
structure -- for example, in Jet, Access, or SQL Server -- especially if
the data is static. A DBMS will provide much more flexibility in terms of
reporting, manipulating, and moving the data, as well as maintainability.
The only exceptions I can imagine that might keep me from saving the original
data out to a SQL database is if the data is frequently changed or if the
overall size of your application files is critical.
Shell games
I've made an EXE file with VB5, and I want
to use it in Word97. I use the command shell :
Sub do_it()
Shell ("c:\myprogram.exe"), vbNormalFocus
msgbox "done"
End Sub
When I activate the Word macro do_it , myprogram.exe
will start. The problem is that the statements after the shelled
program are executed immediately. It does not wait for the shelled
program to finish, even though the users should click on an OK button in
the program (so the focus is in the shelled program). Is there any way to
get around this?
René (jusho@wxs.nl),
Amsterdam, Netherlands
This is a fairly common problem -- and not only in the world of VBA. The
simplest trick is to use a hard-coded semaphore to hold the Word macro up
until the VB app runs. In this context, my hard-coded semaphore is going
to be nothing more than a small ASCII file that the Word macro and the VB
application will be aware of. This file will be used as a flag to signal
which step in the process has control at any given point in time.
Using something along the logical lines of the following pseudo-code would
work to solve your problem (see Figure
1. Start the Word macro.
2. Create a control file (in a known location).
3. Start the VB app.
4. Fall into a While Loop, within the macro, that checks for the control
5. The VB app completes its work and deletes the control file as part of
the shutdown process.
6. The Word macro then continues happily along.
Our example adds a parameter ("WAIT") to the VB call within the
Word macro (see Listing 5).
If that parameter is present when starting the VB app, then the Form Load
routine will catch that and kick immediately into the suspense mode, awaiting
a user OK click to continue on. The Word macro will wait for this file to
disappear and then continue on its way.
Listing 5. The VB and Word macro code to have VB wait.
' VB code
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Left$(UCase$(Command$()), 4) = "WAIT" Then
Call mnuWait_Click
End If
End Sub
Private Sub mnuWait_Click()
MsgBox "Let's pretend that this
If DoesFileExist("c:\test1.tst") Then Kill _
End Sub
'Word Macro Code
Sub RunApp()
' RunApp Macro
' Macro created 11/02/98 by Bill Shadish
Dim lControlFile As Long
lControlFile = FreeFile
Open "c:\test1.tst" For Output Access Write As _
Print #lControlFile, "XYZ"
Close #lControlFile
Shell "c:\drvb9901.exe WAIT", vbNormalFocus
While DoesFileExist("c:\test1.tst")
'you may wish to add a timeout warning message here
MsgBox "There, that's better!", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End Sub
This control file angle is the simplest approach to use. The only real drawback
is that you have to create a separate physical file to use as the process
controlling flag. As long as your application checks first for a previously
created file and removes it when you're done, there are only a few ways
that the file approach can fail. You might abort in the middle of running
for some as yet unknown reason. This might leave an errant control file
floating around where it isn't expected to be, and so on. Again, proper
startup and cleanup code, which is completely reusable within other applications,
prevents many of the possible problems.
Notice that the creation/deletion logic can be reversed. You can create
the control file from either the Word macro side or the VB application --
use whichever piece is easier to do. Note that you might want to use the
DoesFileExist routine from the preceding Binary File answer.
If you don't like the ASCII file approach, then you can also store similar
control information into a database table. Using a database control table
in this way also allows you to keep and track additional data, including
the starting and stopping times of all involved components of the application.
You can also store successful termination codes or error codes that can
become part of an overall status log, available for the reading pleasure
of your favorite systems administrator.
How to send me your questions
Send in your questions via the Dr. VB-ish
site at HTTP://WWW.FO.COM. At the bottom of this
page is a growing list of the very best links that have been discussed in
this column so far.
Download drvb199.exe
Bill Shadish is a principal
of Fundamental Objects, Inc., where he works with ActiveX controls and OLE
server technology. (Why, he's even been known to do some Lotus Notes work
from time to time!) Bill writes for a number of VB trade journals, including
Visual Basic Developer, Inside Visual Basic, VBPJ, and Visual Programming++.