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Windows Script Host, which will be part of Windows 2000, can help reduce the repetitive aspects of remote administration. |
Using WSH and WMI to Write Logon Scripts
As you know, logon scripts are meant to launch on startup. Figure 1 shows a logon script that detects the type of user who's logging in and performs tasks based on that information. First, the script creates some common objects that you'll need to use, such as the WScript.Network and WScript.Shell objects. Next, it uses these objects to find out the user's name and domain information. Finally, using ADSI, the script returns information containing the Windows NT® group of the user. This information is used to determine the appropriate subroutine to call based on the user's group. A Select Case statement performs this feature.
As mentioned, WSH comes with a very powerful object model. My logon script for users of my Windows NT group (named Chicago) makes use of the networking capabilities of WSH. It checks to see if a drive letter Z is already in use. If the drive is not already used, drive Z is set to
using the format \\server\share.
To break down the logon script example and help explain it, I've cut out some of the subroutines and functions. You can just place the following snippet back into the <script> block in Figure 1. |
The checkNetworkMapping function enumerates through the various drive letters to determine whether the drive letter is already in use (see Figure 2). It returns true or false based on the availability of this drive letter. If it is true, then it calls the mapNetwork subroutine to perform the map. This subroutine uses the built-in MapNetworkDrive method of WSH to map the network share to the drive letter.
Administrators may want some more detailed information to go beyond setting up network shares and user environments. They want to know more in-depth information about the computer, such as environment variables, computer configuration, hardware devices, and so on. Using only the WSH object model, the following code will show you how you can display some environment and registry information about your computer: |
Later, I'll show you how you can return more extended information with WMI, such as returning the IP address or total RAM of your computer.
So far, I've used the WSH network object to help set up a network share. With the WSH shell object you can do even more. The returnENV method returns some sample environment information about your computer. First, you need to bind wshProcEnv to the process environment. Once you are bound to the process environment, you can return data such as the NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS or PATH of the current machine configuration. Here are a few sample items that you can gather from the processor environment. |
Most people cringe when they hear talk about the registry, and justifiably so; tampering with the registry can really mess up your day. For those expert users who need to get in there, WSH provides an easy way to manipulate your registry. With the regRead, regWrite, and regDelete methods, you can manipulate to your heart's desire. All you have to do is point to the correct key to read, write, or delete.
Now I'll set up the proxy server settings. I can return the current information stored in the registry key located at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer using the regRead method. Then, using regWrite, I can overwrite that value with the name of my proxy server, MYPROXY:80. Finally, I'll make sure that I've written the information correctly by returning the value stored at that location, again with regRead. |
You can gather lots of interesting information with WMI. The function GetIPAddress uses WMI to determine all IP addresses of the machine. I won't get into the details of
WMI here, but basically the GetObject command grabs the WMI management object. This object contains a method, ExecQuery, which takes a string argument that describes the IP address. This returns a collection of all the IP addresses for a machine.
GetRAM is very similar to GetIPAddress except that the string requested is different. As with the previous function, ExecQuery acts on the bounded WMI service object. Figure 3 shows implementations of GetIPAddress and GetRAM. To complete the logon script, save the code to logon.wsf (or some other name, if you prefer). You should put this in your Windows \\server\NETLOGON share. This is the directory that Windows NT will use to look for files such as logon scripts. Note that servers other than Windows 2000 may not execute files other than command and batch files. In this case, you should write a simple logon.bat file that calls |
cscript.exe is the WSH executable for Windows-based console applications.
Alternatively, it might be wise to change the two WMI functions found in Figure 3 to Windows Script Components. The advantage is that you can encapsulate all this functionality into a neat COM component that is modular and ready for reuse in multiple application settings.
If you wanted to create a domain group instead of a server group, you would just substitute DomainName for ServerName. You would also request to bind to the domain object instead of the server.
Now that you have your first group, let's create some users. The code is actually very similar to the code that created the group. As before, you must bind to your computer or domain object with GetObject. Afterward, the code simply creates the user and sets some information such as fullname and password (users can change this when they log in or at a later date). The code in Figure 4 creates three users and sets their password, fullname, and logon script description properties. To find the logon script, Windows will default to looking at the \\server\NETLOGON path. Now you are ready to add your users to your Windows NT groups. For kicks, let's add two users to the Chicago group and one to the administrators group. |
This is just the tip of the iceberg for what you can do with WSH using WMI and ADSI. Windows Script Host lets you write language-independent scripts using its own object model or borrowed ones. So be creative; there are so many ways you can use WSH to accomplish your tedious and repetitive network administration tasks. |
From the November 1999 issue of Microsoft Internet Developer.