[ Automating Office with VBA ]

March 1999

Prompt for Revision Explanations When a Word Document Opens

Word offers a protection feature that lets only specific users make changes to a document. Even so, many times you'll also want to know why someone made those changes. To accomplish this, you can enter hidden text at the beginning of the document that states the reasons for revisions. But, just because you provide a place at the beginning of a document for these revision notes doesn't mean everyone will use them. What you really need is a way to prompt for a description of the changes before Word allows revisions to the document. If the user doesn't provide a reason, then Word closes the file. In this article, we'll show you how to create a UserForm that prompts for an explanation and then adds the revision notes to the document.

The UserForm

For our example, we'll create the simple dialog box shown in Figure A.

Figure A: After you enter a description of the revisions in the text box and click Edit Document, you'll be free to edit the associated Word document accordingly.

This dialog box prompts you for a description of the change whenever you open the document. If you supply a reason, then the UserForm inserts the contents of the text box into the document as hidden text and lets you modify the document accordingly. If you click the Cancel button, or the Close button in the UserForm's top-right corner, the dialog box closes the document as well as the form.

Build the UserForm

To begin, we'll create a UserForm to serve as our gatekeeper. First, open Word and save a blank document as GenericContract. We'll format this document later, so for now, press [Alt][F11] to open the Visual Basic Editor. In the Project Explorer window, select the GenericContract Project, then choose Insert/UserForm from the menubar. When you do, the VBE inserts a blank form. Figure B shows the Design view of the dialog box we created.

Figure B: This UserForm will prompt you to enter revision explanations when you open the GenericContract document.

Use Figure B as a reference to position the controls and buttons. Table A lists the properties we added to the form and its controls. When you're finished with the form, we'll attach the code to the two buttons.

Table A: UserForm and control properties

ObjectProperty Value
BorderStyle1 - fmBorderStyleSingle
Caption Document Revision
Height 184.5
KeepScrollBarsVisible0 - fmScrollBarsNone
Label (Name) lblText
BackStyle 0 - fmBackStyleTransparent
CaptionPlease Enter the Reason for Changes:
FontTahoma (Bold)
Height 120
SpecialEffect 3 - fmSpecialEffectEtched
TextAlign 2 - fmTextAlignCenter
TextBox(Name) txtReason
Caption Cancel
Caption Edit Document
Height 21.75
Width 64.5

Attach the code

Let's attach the code for the Cancel button's Click event first. To do so, while still in the UserForm's Design view, right-click the cbnCancel button, then select View Code from the shortcut menu. The VBE opens a code module for the button's Click event. At the insertion point, enter the code from Listing A between the beginning and ending Sub statements. As you can see, this procedure determines whether the txtReason textbox contains text. If it does, then VBA prompts you to verify that you actually want to cancel the revision. If you choose Yes, then the code closes the UserForm and the document--which is also what it does if there isn't any text in txtReason.

Listing A

Private Sub cbnCancel_Click()
Dim intResponse As Integer
Dim mymsg As String
intResponse = vbNo
If Me.txtReason <> "" Then
  mymsg = "Are you sure you want" & vbCr & _
    "to cancel revisions?"
  intResponse = MsgBox(mymsg, vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _
    "Please Verify")
  intResponse = vbYes
End If
If intResponse = vbYes Then
 Unload Me
 ActiveDocument.Close _
End If
End Sub

Attach cbnEdit's Click procedure

Listing B contains the cbnEdit button's Click event procedure. This code inserts the revision explanation into the document as hidden text. To attach the code to the cbnEdit button, select cbnEdit from the Module window's Object dropdown list. By default, the VBE provides the Click event procedure, which is exactly what we want. Enter the code from Listing B as the Click event.

Listing B

Private Sub cbnEdit_Click()
If Me.txtReason <> "" Then
	Dim InsertRange As Range
	Unload Me
	With ActiveDocument
		Set InsertRange = .GoTo(wdGoToBookmark, , , _
		With InsertRange
			.Expand (wdParagraph)
			InsertRange = Me.txtReason & _
				" -- LAST REVISION DATE:" & 
					Now & vbCr
			.Font.Hidden = True
			.Collapse wdCollapseStart
		End With
		.Bookmarks.Add Name:="RevisionText", _
		InsertRange.MoveEnd wdParagraph
	End With
	Set InsertRange = Nothing
End If
End Sub

Add the QueryClose event code

Our next bit of code prevents someone from closing our gatekeeper UserForm by clicking the Close button in the form's upper-right corner. It takes advantage of the form's QueryClose event. This event passes two arguments: Cancel and CloseMode. You're no doubt familiar with the Cancel argument--setting this equal to False cancels the event. The CloseMode indicates how you've closed the UserForm. To enter Listing C, select UserForm from the Module window's Object dropdown list, then choose QueryClose from the Procedure dropdown list. This bit of code checks to see if the CloseMode equals the vbFormControlMenu constant, which means you've closed the form from the control menu, or clicked the X button in the form's top-right corner. If you have, then the procedure cancels the QueryClose event and transfers control to the cbnCancel_Click event, which closes the document as well as the UserForm, preventing document changes without an explanation.

Listing C

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, _
    CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
    Cancel = True
    Call cbnCancel_Click
End If
End Sub

Displaying the UserForm

Finally, we need to add four code lines so that frmDocRevisions opens automatically whenever GenericContract does. In the Project Explorer window, double-click on the ThisDocument item in the GenericContract Project. When you do, the VBE displays a new, blank Module window. Select Document from the Object dropdown list, then select Open from the Procedure dropdown list. At the insertion point, enter

If Not Me.ReadOnly Then
    Load frmDocRevisions
End If
Now, as long as you haven't already opened the document as Read Only, the UserForm opens automatically as well.

Format GenericContract

For our last step, we'll make a few modifications to the document itself. To do so, press [Alt][F11] to switch back to Word and the GenericContract document. If it's not already there, move the insertion point to the top of the first page. You may have noticed in Listing B that the code inserts the revision explanation at a Bookmark named RevisionText. While the procedure will recreate this bookmark each time you use the UserForm, initially we must create it ourselves. To add the bookmark, select Insert/Bookmark from the menubar. Type RevisionText as the bookmark's name, then place a check in the Hidden Bookmarks check box. Finally, click Add to insert the new bookmark into the document.

Next, press [Enter] and type in whatever text you want. Figure C shows the generic contract we created.

Figure C: Our gatekeeper form will prevent changes to this document unless you provide an explanation for those changes.

When you're finished adding your text, save the document once more, then close and re-open GenericContract. This time, the UserForm appears and prompts you for a revision explanation. If you press the form's Close (X) button or Cancel button, VBA closes both the document and the UserForm. If you enter a revision explanation, like we did, Word inserts the explanation at the top of the document, as shown in Figure D.

Figure D: The UserForm inserted the hidden revision explanation into the top of our document.