VB6Create an XML Document
Dim token As String
Dim currElement As String

LoadCSS = True

' Open the file
Dim iFileNum As Integer
iFileNum = FreeFile
Open f For Binary As #iFileNum

' Empty the style array.

' The premise behind this function:

' 1. You want to track four different states in this 
'       loop. What you read determines what state you're 
'      in. The initial state is ReadingTag. 
' 2. Read a character at a time, constructing a token.
' 3. When you read a character that changes the state, 
'      close out the previous state by saving the token(s)
'      you're holding onto, moving to the new state.
' 4. You're done when you reach the end of the file. 

Dim ch As String * 1         
' Holds the character you read
Dim state As ParserState   
' Current parsing state
state = ReadingTag         
' Set initial parsing state
iTagCount = 1               
' Initialize tag counter

' Do a priming read.
Get #iFileNum, , ch

' Keep reading and parsing until we reach the end of 
' the file.
   Do While Not EOF(iFileNum)

   ' Decide what to do based on the character you read
   ' concentrating on the characters that separate parts 
   ' of the style. These characters compose the subject
   ' of the cases.
   Select Case UCase(ch)
   Case vbCr
      ' Ignore it

      Case vbLf
         ' Ignore it

   Case Chr(9)   ' Tab
      ' Ignore this too.

   Case "{"
      If state = ReadingTag Then
         ' Store the tag
      StyleList(iTagCount).Tag = Trim(UCase(token))
         ' Clear the token now that it has been used.
      token = "
      End If

      If state = ReadingClass Then
         ' Store the class
         StyleList(iTagCount).TagClass = Trim(token)
         ' Clear the token now that it has been used.
         token = "
      End If

      ' Move to new state.
      state = ReadingElement

   Case "}"
      If state = ReadingStyle Then
         ' Store the style with the current element.
         InsertStyle Trim(token), currElement
         ' Clear the token and the current tag, now that
         ' they have been used.
         token = "
         currElement = "
      End If

      ' In the following situation:

      ' A
      ' {
      '   font-family: Tahoma;
      ' }
      ' The semi-colon at the end of the style moves you
      ' to the ReadingElement state. You immediately 
      ' read a closing brace, so there is no element to 
      ' read. All you really need to do is switch state 
      ' to ReadingTag.

      ' Move to new state
      state = ReadingTag

      ' Increment the tag count.
      iTagCount = iTagCount + 1

   Case "."
      If state = ReadingTag Then
         ' Store the tag
         StyleList(iTagCount).Tag = Trim(UCase(token))
         ' Move to new state
         state = ReadingClass
         ' Clear the token now that it has been used.
         token = "
      End If

      ' You can have decimals as part of a style, so:
      If state = ReadingStyle Then
         token = token & ch
      End If

   Case ";"
      If state = ReadingStyle Then
         ' Store the style with the current element.
         InsertStyle Trim(token), currElement
         ' Clear the token and the current tag, now that
         ' they have been used.
         token = "
         currElement = "
      End If

      ' Move to a new state.
      state = ReadingElement
   Case ":"
      If state = ReadingElement Then
         ' Save the element part of this style.
         currElement = Trim(LCase(token))
         ' Move to a new state.
         state = ReadingStyle
         ' Clear the token now that it has been used.
         token = "
      End If

      ' If the document has pseudo classes, just "sort
      ' of" handle it, adding it to the token in case
      ' you add support for it later, but it won't blow 
      ' up the loading routine for now. This allows the 
      ' user to enter a pseudo class outside this 
      ' program manually, and it will be loaded and 
      ' saved correctly. However, the user will not be 
      ' able to edit the tag in the program.
      If state = ReadingTag Then
         token = token & ch
      End If

   Case Else
      ' You've accounted for all the special characters,
      ' good and bad. Anything else: Add it to the token 
      ' as you read it.
      token = token & ch
   End Select

   ' Get next character
   Get #iFileNum, , ch


' Adjust the tag counter to make it correct.
iTagCount = iTagCount - 1

' Close the file
Close #iFileNum

Listing 2 You create an XML document by parsing the choices the user selects. The approach for creating an XML document is similar to the approach for creating a style sheet in the CSS designer. This code does nothing fancy beyond identifiying the XML rules and how to apply them to the document.