Figure 3   NTrader.asp

 <%@ Language=VBScript %>
 <META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
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 <OBJECT classid="clsid:3A8081D8-AA56-11D2-A34D-00104B9E90B5" id=FontVelocityDTC1
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 Sub FontVelocity(alwaysRender, tag, text, fontFile, imageURL, ptsize, fgcolor, _
                  bgcolor, transparent, tracking, width, height, alignment, _
                  justification, leading, antiAlias, shadowDepth, shadowBlur, _
                  leftPadding, topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding, paddingType)
     On Error Resume Next
     Dim hostFilePath, rootPath
     hostFilePath= Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")
     rootPath= Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH")
     ' This is necessary to handle different IIS service pack levels.
     If Mid(rootPath, Len(rootPath), 1) <> "\" Then rootPath= rootPath & "\"
     Dim fso
     Set fso= Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
     ' Determine the image file's path.
     Dim imagePath
     If imageURL = "" Then
         ' Use a temporary file in the FVImages folder.
         If Not fso.FolderExists(rootPath & "FVImages") Then _
             fso.CreateFolder(rootPath & "FVImages")
         imageURL= "FVImages/" & fso.GetTempName() & ".gif"
         alwaysRender= True
     End If
    imagePath= Server.MapPath(imageURL)
     ' Determine whether or not to render the image.
     Dim b
     If alwaysRender Then
         b= True
     ElseIf Not fso.FileExists(imagePath) Then
         b= True
     ElseIf fso.GetFile(imagePath).DateLastModified < _
         fso.GetFile(hostFilePath).DateLastModified Then
             b= True
         b= False
     End If
     If b Then
         Dim ren
         Set ren= Server.CreateObject("Vertigo.FontVelocityEngine")
         ren.SetPadding leftPadding, topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding, _
         ren.ShadowDepth= shadowDepth
         ren.ShadowBlur= shadowBlur
         ren.Render text, fontFile, imagePath, ptsize, fgcolor, bgcolor, _
             transparent, tracking, width, height, alignment, justification, _
             leading, antiAlias
     End If
     If err = 0 Then
         tag= Replace(tag, "%SRC%", imageURL)
         tag= Replace(tag, "%ALT%", text)
         Response.Write("<BR><B>Rendering failed (error #" & Hex(err) & "):  " _
             & err.Description & "</B><BR>")
         If err = &h80070013 Then ' opening the output file failed.
             Response.Write("The most common cause is" _
                 & " insufficient permissions for the target directory:<BR><B>" _
                 & Left(imagePath, InStrRev(imagePath, "\") - 1) & "</B><BR>" _
                 & "Change the permissions for the IUSR_&lt;machinename&gt " _
                 & "account to allow write access for this directory and files " _ 
                 & "within it.<BR><BR>")
         End If
     End If
 End Sub
     FontVelocity false, "<IMG SRC=""%SRC%"" ALT=""%ALT%"">", "N", _
         Server.MapPath("GeorgiaI.TTF"), "Logo1.gif", 36, 0, 16777215, _
         true, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 8, true, 0, 2, 5, 8, -2, 2, 0
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     FontVelocity false, "<IMG SRC=""%SRC%"" ALT=""%ALT%"">", "orthWind Traders", _
        Server.MapPath("GeorgiaI.TTF"), "Logo2.gif", 18, 0, 16777215, true, 0, 0, _
        0, 0, 1, 8, true, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 8, 0
 <!--METADATA TYPE="DesignerControl" endspan-->
 <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width=75%>
         <TD><A href="NTraderCustomer.asp">Customers</A>

Figure 5   NTraderCustomer.asp

 <%@ Language=VBScript %>
 <meta NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
 <img SRC="Logo1.gif" ALT="N" WIDTH="39" HEIGHT="37"><img SRC="Logo2.gif" ALT="orthWind Traders">




 dim oCustomer
 dim vCustomerList
     set oCustomer = CreateObject("NorthWindClient.Customer")
     vCustomerList = oCustomer.Retrieve
 <p align="center">
 <table border="1" cellPadding="1" cellSpacing="1" width="75%">

         <td><strong>Customer Name</strong></td>
         <td><strong>Contact Name</strong></td>
         <td><strong>Contact Title</strong></td></tr>
     for i = 0 to ubound(vCustomerList) -1
         <a HREF="NTraderCustomerDetail.asp?CustomerID= 

 <div align="center">
     set oCustomer = nothing

Figure 6   NTraderCustomerDetail

Figure 6: NTraderCustomerDetail

Figure 7   FormState

 dim CustomerID, FormState
 dim oCustomer
 dim vCustomerList
     CustomerID = request("CustomerID")
     if CustomerID = "" then
     end if         
     set oCustomer = CreateObject("NorthWindClient.Customer")    
 <script ID="serverEventHandlersVBS" LANGUAGE="vbscript" RUNAT="Server">
 Sub cmdSave_onclick()
 End Sub
 sub RetrieveCustomer()
     vCustomerList = oCustomer.Retrieve(CustomerID)
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(0,0)) then
         txtCustomerID.value = vCustomerList(0,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(1,0)) then
         txtCustomerName.value = vCustomerList(1,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(2,0)) then
         txtContactName.value = vCustomerList(2,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(3,0)) then
         txtContactTitle.value = vCustomerList(3,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(4,0)) then
         txtAddress.value = vCustomerList(4,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(5,0)) then
         txtCity.value = vCustomerList(5,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(6,0)) then
         txtRegion.value = vCustomerList(6,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(7,0)) then
         txtPostalCode.value = vCustomerList(7,0)
     end if
     if not isnull(vCustomerList(8,0)) then
         txtCountry.value = vCustomerList(8,0)
     end if
 end sub
 sub UpdateCustomer()
 dim CustomerID, CustomerName, ContactName
 dim ContactTitle, Address, City, State
 dim Region, PostalCode, Country, Status
     if not isnull(txtCustomerID.value) then
         CustomerID = txtCustomerID.value
     end if
     if not isnull(txtCustomerName.value) then
         CustomerName = txtCustomerName.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtContactName.value) then
         ContactName = txtContactName.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtContactTitle.value) then
         ContactTitle = txtContactTitle.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtAddress.value) then
         Address = txtAddress.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtCity.value) then
         City = txtCity.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtRegion.value) then
         Region = txtRegion.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtPostalCode.value) then
         PostalCode = txtPostalCode.value 
     end if
     if not isnull(txtCountry.value) then
         Country = txtCountry.value 
     end if
     Status = oCustomer.Update(CustomerID, _
         CustomerName, ContactName, _
         ContactTitle, Address, _
         City, PostalCode, Country)    
 end sub
     set oCustomer = nothing