Figure 1   SOURCES

 #  John Robbins - Jan '99 Microsoft Systems Journal Bugslayer Column
 # This is a sample sources file you can use as a template.  This
 #  template includes the extra defines to take advantage of the new
 #  targets in
 # To use this sample, DDKCOMMON.INC will need to be in one of the
 #  directories specified in your INCLUDE environment variable.
 # Helpful hint from the BUILD.EXE documentation:
 #  There should be no blank spaces between a BUILD keyword and the equal
 #  sign. For example, the following line is invalid:
 #  SOURCES = file.c
 #  while the following line is valid:
 #  SOURCES= file.c
 # The first section is nothing but mandatory items.
 # The TARGETNAME.  This is the name of the item being built (without the
 #  extension).  This is mandatory.
 # The path where all binaries are built.  This is just the initial part.
 #  BUILD.EXE will put them into the $(TARGETPATH)\$(CPU)\$(DDKBUILDENV)
 #  Directory.
 # The type of item that is being built.  This is mandatory.
 # Value         Meaning
 # DYNLINK       - A DLL.
 # DRIVER        - A kernel device driver.
 # EXPORT_DRIVER - A kernel device driver with exports.
 # PROGRAM       - A windows executable.
 # PROGLIB       - A windows library.
 # MINPORT       - A miniport driver.
 # GDI_DRIVER    - A video driver.
 # LIBRARY       - A library (?)
 # All the source files in this project.  This is mandatory.
 # The items below this line are not mandatory, but they are certainly
 #  helpful!
 # If you can, always use precompiled headers to speed up your builds.
 #  The first macro is the name of the precompiled header.  If you are
 #  using .CPP/.CXX extensions, the second is needed as well.
 # The include directories for your project.
 # Set defines particular to the driver.
 # Turn on PDB file generation.  This seems to only work for checked
 #  builds as *FULL* source PDB files are not generated for free builds.
 # These are the flags that get *FULL* debugging information turned on
 #  for free builds.  While the BUILD.EXE documentation implies that you
 #  should not process conditional syntax for its "keywords" but this
 #  seems to work fine.  I do not know if it will work in the future.
 !if "$(DDKBUILDENV)"=="free"
 # Set the warning levels to maximum.
 # Set the linker to produce a map file.  A must have in emergency
 #  situations.
 # If you need to link against some libs that you have, you can specify
 #  them here.
 # User Mode program settings.
 # The type, console or windows.
 # The base address.  For EXE's, this needs to be 0x400000.
 # Use MSVCRT.DLL instead of the NT CRT DLL.  Always use this when doing
 # console programs.
 # This puts all checked build .OBJ files into the .\objd directory
 #  to keep the free and checked apart.  The final binaries still got to
 #  the free and checked output directories.
 # Things to be built after the initial scan by BUILD.EXE.  Always put
 #  MakeDirs first so the DDKHelper DDKCOMMON.MAK gets pulled in and the
 #  output directories get made.
 # If you want to automatically create the .DBG file for your driver, you
 #  can uncomment the following macro lines.  You need to set the
 #  CHECKED_DBGDIRS and FREE_DBGDIR to your check and free symbols
 #  directories, respectively.  If you want to set the base address for
 #  your driver, you can use the DEVBASE macro.  If you don't set it, the
 #  default is 0x10000.

Figure 2   Better BUILD_DEFAULT Settings

-F = When displaying errors/warnings to stdout, print the full path
-w = Shows warnings on screen
-e = Generates BUILD.LOG, BUILD.WRN, and BUILD.ERR files
-b = Displays full error message text

Figure 3   DrvDiagnostics.h

    John Robbins - Jan '99 Microsoft Systems Journal Bugslayer Column
 VERY useful driver diagnostic routines.
 #if DBG !=0
 #ifndef _DEBUG
 #define _DEBUG
 // The usual trace macros.
 #ifdef _DEBUG
 // The trace macros that work in C and C++.
 #define TRACE0(x)       DbgPrint ( x )
 #define TRACE1(x,y)     DbgPrint ( x , y )
 #define TRACE2(x,y,z)   DbgPrint ( x , y , z )
 #define TRACE3(x,y,z,a) DbgPrint ( x , y , z , a )
 // A VERIFY macro.
 #define VERIFY(x) ASSERT(x)
 // The C++ specific trace statements.
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 #define TRACE           DbgPrint
 #endif   // __cplusplus
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 // The C++ BreakIfKdPresent function.
 inline void BreakIfKdPresent ( void )
     // Wind through the IAT and grab the real value.
     PULONG * pData = (PULONG*)(&KdDebuggerEnabled) ;
     if ( 1 == **pData )
         DbgBreakPoint ( ) ;
 } ;
 // The C BreakIfKdPresent macro.
 #define BreakIfKdPresent()                                  \
     {                                                       \
         PULONG * pData = (PULONG*)(&KdDebuggerEnabled) ;    \
         if ( 1 == **pData )                                 \
         {                                                   \
             DbgBreakPoint ( ) ;                             \
         }                                                   \
 // The C/C++ ASSERTIRQL define.  This checks that the IRQL is equal to
 //  that specified.  If it is not, then the assert fires.
 #define ASSERTIRQL(x)                                       \
             ASSERTMSG ( "KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) == "#x ,      \
                          KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) == x    ) ;
 // For consistency....
 #define ASSERTIRQL_EQ(x)    ASSERTIRQL ( x )
 // Is the IRQL less than x?
 #define ASSERTIRQL_LT(x)                                    \
             ASSERTMSG ( "KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) < "#x ,       \
                          KeGetCurrentIrql ( )< x     ) ;
 // Is the IRQL less than or equal to x?
 #define ASSERTIRQL_LE(x)                                    \
             ASSERTMSG ( "KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) <= "#x ,      \
                          KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) <= x    ) ;
 // Is the IRQL greater than or equal to x?
 #define ASSERTIRQL_GE(x)                                    \
             ASSERTMSG ( "KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) >= "#x ,      \
                          KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) >= x    ) ;
 // Is the IRQL greater than x?
 #define ASSERTIRQL_GT(x)                                    \
             ASSERTMSG ( "KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) > "#x ,       \
                          KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) > x    ) ;
 // Is the IRQL not equal to x?
 #define ASSERTIRQL_NE(x)                                    \
             ASSERTMSG ( "KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) != "#x ,      \
                          KeGetCurrentIrql ( ) != x    ) ;
 #else   // _DEBUG is not defined.
 #define TRACE0(x)
 #define TRACE1(x,y)
 #define TRACE2(x,y,z)
 #define TRACE3(x,y,z,a)
 #define BreakIfKdPresent()
 #define ASSERTIRQL(x)
 #define ASSERTIRQL_EQ(x)
 #define ASSERTIRQL_LE(x)
 #define ASSERTIRQL_GE(x)
 #define ASSERTIRQL_GT(x)
 #define ASSERTIRQL_NE(x)
 #define VERIFY(x) x
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 inline void _cdecl FakeDbgPrint ( PCH , ... ) { }
 #define TRACE        1 ? (void)0 : ::FakeDbgPrint
 #endif   // __cplusplus
 #endif      // _DEBUG
 #endif      // _DRVDIAGNOSTICS_H

Figure 4   Track Functions

Track Type
General Resource

Figure 5   Track_MmMapIoSpace and Track_MmUnmapIoSpace

 PVOID Track_MmMapIoSpace ( IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  PhysicalAddress,
                            IN ULONG  NumberOfBytes,
                            IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType,
                            char * szFile,
                            ULONG  uLine  )
     // Make the call no matter what.
     PVOID pRet = MmMapIoSpace ( PhysicalAddress ,
                                 NumberOfBytes   ,
                                 CacheType        ) ;
     if ( ( TRUE == InternalInitialized ( ) ) &&
          ( NULL != pRet                    )    )
         // Add away.
         InternalAddSimpleAlloction ( TRACKCLASS_GENERALRESOURCES  ,
                                      eMmMapIoSpace        ,
                                      (ULONG)pRet          ,
                                      szFile               ,
                                      uLine                 ) ;
         g_GeneralResourcesStats.ulTotalCalls++ ;
     return ( pRet ) ;
 VOID Track_MmUnmapIoSpace ( IN PVOID  BaseAddress,
                             IN ULONG  NumberOfBytes,
                             char * szFile,
                             ULONG uLine )
     if ( FALSE == InternalInitialized ( ) )
         MmUnmapIoSpace ( BaseAddress , NumberOfBytes ) ;
         return ;
     ASSERT ( TRUE == MmIsAddressValid ( BaseAddress ) ) ;
     // Grab the spinlock so the information can removed from the list.
     KIRQL kOldIrql ;
     // A boolean that tells me if I can MmUnmapIoSpace.
     BOOLEAN bCallFunction = TRUE ;
             InternalAcquireSpinLock ( &kOldIrql ) ;
             PTRACKALLOCATION pTemp =
                     FindGeneralResourcesRecord ( eMmUnmapIoSpace    ,
                                                  (ULONG)BaseAddress ,
                                                  szFile             ,
                                                  uLine               ) ;
             if ( NULL != pTemp )
                 // Is this from the matching allocator?
                 if ( eMmMapIoSpace != pTemp->sID )
                     // Got a little problem.
                     TRACE ( k_TRACK_ERROR ) ;
                     TRACE ( "The object created in %s, line %d "
                             "cannot be deleted with "
                             "MmUnmapIoSpace.\n" ,
                             pTemp->szSource ,
                             pTemp->lLine ) ;
                     TRACE ( k_TRACK_ERROR ) ;
                     ASSERTMSG ( "Invalid delete" , FALSE ) ;
                     bCallFunction = FALSE ;
                     bCallFunction = TRUE ;
                     InternalRemoveAllocation ( pTemp ) ;
                 bCallFunction = FALSE ;
         __except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER )
             ASSERTMSG ( "Track_MmUnmapIoSpace had an access "
                         "violation!\n"                       ,
                         FALSE                                 ) ;
         // Always release the spinlock and drop the IRQL so that I can
         //  call MmUnmapIoSpace.
         InternalReleaseSpinLock ( kOldIrql ) ;
         if ( TRUE == bCallFunction )
             MmUnmapIoSpace ( BaseAddress , NumberOfBytes ) ;