Figure 2   Response to PROPFIND Request
HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 02:44:41 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 369

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<a:multistatus xmlns:a="DAV:" 
                HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                <a:getcontentlength b:dt="int">

Figure 3   _sc multi-resp

HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 03:36:09 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 1582

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<a:multistatus xmlns:a="DAV:" 
      <a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status>
        <a:getcontentlength b:dt="int">0</a:getcontentlength>
      <a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status>
        <a:getcontentlength b:dt="int">36</a:getcontentlength>
      <a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status>
        <a:getcontentlength b:dt="int">32</a:getcontentlength>
      <a:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</a:status>
        <a:getcontentlength b:dt="int">0</a:getcontentlength>

Figure 4   Lock Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Microsoft-IIS/5.0
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 14:40:01 GMT
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 404

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<a:prop xmlns:a="DAV:">

Figure 6   DAV


class Dav
    virtual ~Dav();
    BOOL ParseAndConnect(const CString& cstr_IncommingUrl);
    BOOL RetrieveDocument(CString& cstr_BufferToFill, CString& cstr_RespHeaders,
                          CString& cstr_RequestHeaders );
    inline const CString& GetErrorText() const{return cstr_LastError;};
    inline const CString& GetObject() const{return strObject;};
    inline BOOL IsWritable() const{return bWritable;};
    inline BOOL IsDavSupport() const{return bDavSupport;};
    inline DWORD GetStatusCode() const{return dwRet;};
    // Call Options see if DAV is enabled
    BOOL IsDav(CString& AllDavReplyHeaders, CString& DavHeader,
               CString& cstr_RequestHeaders); 
    // PUT
    BOOL SaveDocument(CString& cstr_BufferToFill, CString& cstr_ReplyBody, 
                      CString& cstr_RespHeaders, CString& cstr_RequestHeaders,
                      const CString& optReqHrd);
    DWORD dwServiceType;
    DWORD dwRet;
    CString strServer;
    CString strObject;
    CString m_Url;
    CInternetSession session;
    CHttpConnection* pServer;
    CHttpFile* pFile;
    LPSTR *AcceptTypes;
    CString cstr_LastError;
    BOOL SendRequest(LPCTSTR Verb, const CString HeadersIn,
                     LPVOID BodyIn, DWORD dwSizeOfBody,
                     CString& HeadersOut, CString& BodyOut,
                     CString& SpecificHeader, CString& RequestHeaders);
    DWORD dwSecureFlag;
    BOOL bDavSupport;
    BOOL bWritable;
    BOOL GetCustomQueryInformation(DWORD dwFlags,  CString& HeaderBuffer);

BOOL DavXML::Lock()
    // Do we already have a lock?
if (m_LockToken[0] != 0)
        return TRUE;          // Already have a lock

    // Create instance of XMLHTTPRequest Object
HRESULT hRes = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(XMLHTTPRequest),
    // Build Request
    _variant_t vAsync = (bool)FALSE; // Block
    _variant_t vUser = (BSTR)NULL;   // Don't change the user
    _variant_t vPassword = (BSTR)NULL;
    hRes = m_pXMLHttpReq->open(L"LOCK",              // HTTP Method
                             m_Url.AllocSysString(), // URL
                               vAsync,     // Async Mode
                               vUser,      // User
                               vPassword); // Password

    // Create the XML Document to be sent
    // in the body of the HTTP request.
hRes = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(DOMDocument),

    // We will initialize the XML document object with a string
// that creates all the XML entities for us.
    CString LockInfoXML;
    LockInfoXML =  "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
    LockInfoXML += "<a:lockinfo xmlns:a=\"DAV:\">\n";
    LockInfoXML += "<a:lockscope><a:exclusive /></a:lockscope>\n";
    LockInfoXML += "<a:locktype><a:write /></a:locktype>\n";
    LockInfoXML += "<a:owner><a:href /></a:owner>\n";
    LockInfoXML += "</a:lockinfo>";
    VARIANT_BOOL bSuccess;
// Load the XML String into the XML Document Object
    m_pXMLRequest->loadXML(LockInfoXML.AllocSysString(), &bSuccess);

    // Use XSL to get the node for the owner href
    IXMLDOMNode *pOwnerHRef;
    _bstr_t bstrXsl = "a:lockinfo/a:owner/a:href";
    hRes = m_pXMLRequest->selectSingleNode(bstrXsl, 
    // Set the owner href

    // Send method requires a variant so create one to 
    // hold our XML Doc Object.
    _variant_t varReq = m_pXMLRequest;

    // Send the HTTP request!!
    hRes = m_pXMLHttpReq->send(varReq);

    // Get the HTTP status code.
    long lStatus;

    // Put the HTTP Response body into an XML Doc Object.
    hRes = m_pXMLHttpReq->get_responseXML((IDispatch **)&m_pXMLResponse);

    // If the HTTP response code is not 200 OK then the lock failed.
    if (lStatus != 200)
        return FALSE;

    // Use XSL to get a pointer to the node in the XML response
    // that has the locktoken in it.
IXMLDOMNode *pLockToken;
    bstrXsl = "a:prop/a:lockdiscovery/a:activelock/a:locktoken/a:href";
    hRes = m_pXMLResponse->selectSingleNode(bstrXsl,
    // Get the locktoken text
    return TRUE;