Figure 3:   Showing Patient Orders

Figure 3: Showing Patient Orders

Figure 4   Parsing Speech

Private Sub DirectSR1_PhraseFinish(ByVal flags As Long, ByVal beginhi As Long, _ 
	ByVal beginlo As Long, ByVal endhi As Long, ByVal endlo As Long, _
ByVal Phrase As String, ByVal parsed As String, ByVal results As Long)

Rem If we got a null match, then the speaker needs to retry
If (parsed = "") Then
        MsgBox "Not a recognized command, please retry", vbOKOnly, _
               "Command Errors"

    Rem We heard something we should understand...
    Select Case parsed
        Case "submit"
        Case "show SQL"
        Case "close"
            SendKeys "%{F4}", False
        Case "exit"
        Case "most"
            ctrlQuestion.SelText = "which patient has the most orders"
        Case Else
            Dim Result As Boolean
            Result = Phrase Like "*orders for patient*"
            If Result Then
                ctrlQuestion.SelText = "orders for patient " & parsed
            End If
        End Select
End If
End Sub