<TITLE>Background Labels</TITLE>
.clsLogin { position: absolute; top: 15px; left:5px; width: 100px;
height: 22px;}
INPUT.clsLogin { background-color: transparent; }
SPAN.clsLogin { text-align: right; font: bolder 7pt Arial;
background-color: white; color: "#B3B3B3";
letter-spacing: 1px; padding-right: 4px; }
.clsFirstName { position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 110px; width: 150px;
height: 22px;}
INPUT.clsFirstName { background-color: transparent; }
SPAN.clsFirstName { text-align: right; font: bolder 7pt Arial;
background-color: white; color: "#B3B3B3";
letter-spacing: 1px; padding-right: 4px; }
.clsLastName { position: absolute; top: 15px; left: 265px; width: 150px;
height: 22px; }
INPUT.clsLastName { background-color: transparent; }
SPAN.clsLastName { text-align: right; font: bolder 7pt Arial;
background-color: white; color: "#B3B3B3";
letter-spacing: 1px; padding-right: 4px; }
<BODY bgcolor="silver">
<SPAN class=clsLogin>Login</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text class=clsLogin name=txtLogin>
<SPAN class=clsFirstName>First Name</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text class=clsFirstName name=txtFirstName>
<SPAN class=clsLastName>Last Name</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text class=clsLastName name=txtLastName>
Figure 3 Creating the Input Form
<TITLE>Hidden Frame Example</TITLE>
INPUT { position: absolute; background-color: transparent; }
SPAN { position: absolute; text-align: right; font: bolder 7pt Arial;
background-color: white; color: "#B3B3B3";
letter-spacing: 1px; padding-right: 4px; height: 22px}
BODY { background-color: BUTTONFACE }
DIV { position: absolute }
BUTTON { position: absolute }
#divInfo { top: 5px; left: 5px; width: 440px; height: 100px }
#fdsInfo { top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 440px; height: 100px }
.clsLogin { top: 20px; left: 7px; width: 138px }
.clsFirstName { top: 20px; left: 146px; width: 142px }
.clsLastName { top: 20px; left: 289px; width: 142px }
.clsComment { top: 44px; left: 7px; width: 424px }
.clsPassword { top: 68px; left: 7px; width: 213px }
.clsRePassword { top: 68px; left: 221px; width: 210px }
#divUserType { top: 105px;left: 5px; width: 441px; height: 60px }
#fdsUserType { top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 441px; height: 60px }
#optDeveloper { top: 25px; left: 10px; }
#optSupport { top: 25px; left: 155px; }
#optAdministrator { top: 25px; left: 300px; }
#divDeveloper { top: 26px; left: 32px }
#divSupport { top: 26px; left: 177px }
#divAdministrator { top: 26px; left: 322px }
#btnSubmit { top: 180px; left: 155px }
#btnReset { top: 180px; left: 225px }
#ifrmDestFrame { position: absolute; visibility: hidden }
<SCRIPT language="VBSCRIPT">
Sub SubmitComplete()
alert("Submit completed")
End Sub
<FORM id=frmUser action="UserSubmit.asp" method=POST target=ifrmDestFrame>
<DIV id=divInfo>
<FIELDSET id=fdsInfo>
<SPAN id=spanLogin class=clsLogin>Login</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text id=txtLogin class=clsLogin name=txtLogin>
<SPAN id=spanFirstName class=clsFirstName>First Name</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text id=txtFirstName class=clsFirstName name=txtFirstName>
<SPAN id=spanLastName class=clsLastName>Last Name</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text id=txtLastName class=clsLastName name=txtLastName>
<SPAN id=spanComment class=clsComment>Comment</SPAN>
<INPUT type=text id=txtComment class=clsComment name=txtComment>
<SPAN id=spanPassword class=clsPassword>Password</SPAN>
<INPUT type=password id=txtPassword class=clsPassword name=txtPassword>
<SPAN id=spanRePassword class=clsRePassword>Re-enter Password</SPAN>
<INPUT type=password id=txtRePassword class=clsRePassword
<DIV id=divUserType>
<FIELDSET id=fdsUserType>
<DIV id=divDeveloper>
<LABEL id=lblDeveloper for=optDeveloper>Developer</LABEL>
<INPUT id=optDeveloper name=optType type=radio checked>
<DIV id=divSupport>
<LABEL id=lblSupport for=optSupport>Support</LABEL>
<INPUT id=optSupport name=optType type=radio>
<DIV id=divAdministrator>
<LABEL id=lblAdministrator for=optAdministrator>Administrator</LABEL>
<INPUT id=optAdministrator name=optType type=radio>
<BUTTON id=btnSubmit onClick="frmUser.submit()">Submit</BUTTON>
<BUTTON id=btnReset onClick="frmUser.reset()">Reset</BUTTON>
<IFRAME id=ifrmDestFrame name=ifrmDestFrame src=""></IFRAME>
Figure 4 Form Server Code
' Your validation and database access goes here
<SCRIPT language="VBSCRIPT">
Sub Window_onload()
If Request("txtLogin") <> "cmorin" Then
alert("Login exists, please select different login")
End If
End Sub
Figure 8 Tab Control
<TITLE>Tab Control Example</TITLE>
#trTabList { cursor: hand; text-align: center; font: 10pt Arial; height:20px; }
#tdLeftSide { border-left:1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid; }
#tdRightSide { border-right: 1px THREEDDARKSHADOW solid;}
.clsTab { border-top: 1px solid THREEDHIGHLIGHT;
border-right: 1px THREEDDARKSHADOW solid;
border-left: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid;}
.clsTabSel { border-top: 2px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid;
border-right: 1px THREEDDARKSHADOW solid;
border-left: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid; }
.clsTabSelLeft { border-top: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid;
border-left: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid;
border-right: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid;}
.clsTabSelRight { border-top: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid;
border-right: 1px THREEDDARKSHADOW solid;
border-left: 1px THREEDDARKSHADOW solid; }
.clsTabContent { border-top: 1px THREEDHIGHLIGHT solid; padding:1px;}
.clsTabContentSel { border-top: none; padding:1px; }
#tblTabControl { position : absolute; top: 5px; left: 5px; width: 460px;
height: 270px; background: BUTTONFACE ;
border-bottom: 1px THREEDDARKSHADOW solid; }
#divInfo { position : absolute; top: 40px; left: 10px; width: 430px;
height: 250px; text-align: center; color: blue; }
#divMore { position : absolute; top: 40px; left: 25px; width: 430px;
height: 250px; text-align: center; color: brown; visibility: hidden; }
// intNumTabs : number of tabs in the control
// intCurrentTab : currently selected tab
var intNumTabs = 2, intCurrentTab = 0
function onClickTab()
// check if it's the TD element event (the TR will buddble down to TD)
if ("TD"==event.srcElement.tagName)
// check if it's not the same tab that was already selected
if (event.srcElement.cellIndex != intCurrentTab)
function setTab(newTab)
// call the onLeave event of the currently selected tab
switch (intCurrentTab)
case (0):
case (1):
var tblTabControl = document.all.tblTabControl
// assign the new tab to the current tab variable
intCurrentTab = newTab;
// Loop through each tab to change the appearance (class)
for (var i = 0; i <= intNumTabs; i++)
switch (i)
// tab to the left
case (newTab - 1):
tblTabControl.rows(0).cells(i).className = "clsTabSelLeft"
tblTabControl.rows(1).cells(i).className = "clsTabContent"
// tab to the right
case (newTab + 1):
if (i != intNumTabs)
tblTabControl.rows(0).cells(i).className =
tblTabControl.rows(1).cells(i).className = "clsTabContent"
// tab itself
case (newTab):
tblTabControl.rows(0).cells(i).className = "clsTabSel";
tblTabControl.rows(1).cells(i).className = "clsTabContentSel";
// all other tabs
if (i != intNumTabs)
tblTabControl.rows(0).cells(i).className = "clsTab";
tblTabControl.rows(1).cells(i).className = "clsTabContent";
// call the onEnter of the newly selected tab
switch (newTab)
case (0):
case (1):
function onEnterInfo()
document.all.divInfo.style.visibility = "visible"
function onEnterMore()
document.all.divMore.style.visibility = "visible"
function onLeaveInfo()
document.all.divInfo.style.visibility = "hidden"
function onLeaveMore()
document.all.divMore.style.visibility = "hidden"
<BODY bgcolor="silver">
<TABLE id=tblTabControl cellspacing=0>
<TR id=trTabList onclick="onClickTab()" onSelectStart="onClickTab();
return false;">
<TD class=clsTabSel style="width:70">Info</TD>
<TD class=clsTabSelRight style="width:70">More</TD>
<TD onclick="event.cancelBubble=true"
onselectstart="event.cancelBubble=true" style="cursor:default"></TD>
<TD id=tdLeftSide class=clsTabContentSel></TD>
<TD class=clsTabContent></TD>
<TD id=tdRightSide class=clsTabContent></TD>
<DIV id=divInfo>
Tab Info's content goes here.
<DIV id=divMore>
Tab More's content goes here.
Figure 9 Tab State Classes
clsTabSel |
Default selected tab
To the left of the default selected tab
To the right of the default selected tab
Not adjacent to the default selected tab
Figure 10 Generating ASP Tabs
<TITLE>Tab Control Component</TITLE>
function onEnterTabInfo()
<!-- insert instructions here -->
function onEnterTabMore()
<!-- insert instructions here -->
function onLeaveTabInfo()
<!-- insert instructions here -->
function onLeaveTabMore()
<!-- insert instructions here -->
' Call the conponent that generates the code for tab control
Set objTabControl = Server.CreateObject("HTMLTools.TabControl")
objTabControl.AddTab "Info", "onEnterTabInfo()", "onLeaveTabInfo()"
objTabControl.AddTab "More", "onEnterTabMore()", "onLeaveTabMore()"
Set objTabControl = nothing
<!-- insert content of tabs here -->