This article may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist. To maintain the flow of the article, we've left these URLs in the text, but disabled the links.
GEEK I would like to display some data in text format from a database in an ASP page and keep the formatting (spaces, line breaks, and so on) in the text. Is there a way to do this? GEEK You could either simply wrap the data in a <pre> </pre> container, which will treat the text as preformatted (preserving all formatting) or you could parse the text in your ASP code, replacing multiple spaces with and putting in a <br> every time you come across a newline. The first method is easiest, but it also provides the least amount of flexibility for managing other aspects of how the information is being displayed. While parsing the code yourself will be more difficult, once you get the base code done, you will have a lot of freedom to add other features and capabilities to control how the information gets displayed.
GEEK If I were to write a program to search through each eBay category and extract a list of the most bid upon items, would I use JScript or do I need to learn a more complex language?
GEEK I'm trying to use favicon.ico to represent my Web site, based on the tip in your September 1999 column. I've littered the folders in my Inetpub directory with this file, putting it in wwwroot, my Web folder, and so on. Still, no luck. When I go to the site with Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.0, I continue to get the standard icon. Am I missing something simple? |
<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" href="/path/foo.ico">
MSDN Online provides some additional information about favicon.ico, as well as tips about using Internet Explorer 5.0. See
GEEK I am trying to use a GIF file in a project that I'm working on in Visual Basic® 6.0. The bitmap doesn't animate when I place it in an image control on a Visual Basic-generated form, but it does work on an HTML document that I wrote. What am I doing wrong? [The] GIF [format] is also capable of storing multiple images per file, but this capability is rarely utilized, and the vast majority of GIF files contain only a single image. Most GIF file viewers do not, in fact, support the display of multiple image GIF files, or may display only the first image stored in the file. For these reasons, we recommend not creating applications that rely on multiple images per file, even though the specification allows this.
GEEK I want to create a Visual Basic-based component that will accept a user's login credentials, check their validity, then check whether that user is a member of a given domain group. I don't want to track user security in a database, but instead rely on the existing security model of Windows NT. All authorized users of my application will be members of a particular group in the domain. How can I do this with the Win32® API? |
From the December 1999 issue of Microsoft Internet Developer