on Error resume next
' Set the amount of time this script can run
server.scripttimeout = 1000
' Load a delimited text file. The parameters are
' dbName - the database name
' tableName - the table name
' delimiter - the delimiter character that
separates fields
' sourceText - the actual delimited text file
' descriptors - file containing info about
each field in the
` target table
' errorLog - the file to put the error log in
' tCon - the connection to the table that gets
the data
function loadDelimitedTextFile( dbName, _
tableName, delimiter, sourceText, _
descriptors, errorLog, tCon)
recsLoaded = 0
totalRecs = 0
' Holds the info from the descriptors file
dim descInfo()
' The beginning and ending bits of the
SQL insert statement
' Note that the statement we build here
will insert ALL
` fields into the new record
iStart = "insert into " & tableName
& "values (" _
iEnd = ")"
' Set the database to use
' Not all db systems require this statement.
' So, if no dbName was passed, we skip this step.
if (dbName <> ") then
tCon.execute("use " & dbName)
end if
' Open the database descriptor file
set descFile = server.createObject _
( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
descPath = server.mappath( descriptors)
set descData = descFile.OpenTextFile ( descPath)
' The first line tells us how many fields to read.
numFields = cInt(descData.readline)
' This holds info on the fields.
' The first column is the name.
' The second is the type.
' The third is the allowed length.
reDim descInfo( numFields - 1, 2)
' Load the variable names and their types.
for x = 0 to numFields - 1
thisLine = descData.readline
descInfo( x, 0) = trim(left(thisLine, _
inStr(thisLine, ",") - 1))
thisLine = trim(mid(thisLine, _
inStr(thisLine, ",") + 1))
descInfo( x, 1) = trim(left(thisLine, _
inStr(thisLine, ",") - 1))
descInfo( x, 2) = cInt(trim(mid(thisLine, _
inStr(thisLine, ",") + 1)))
' response.write("name: " & descInfo(x,0)
& ", Type: " _
& descInfo(x,1) & ", Size: "
& descInfo(x,2) & "<BR>")
' Create the error log file.
set errorFile = server.createObject _
( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
errorPath = server.mappath( errorLog)
set errorData = errorFile.CreateTextFile _
( errorPath, true)
' Open the data file.
set sourceFile = server.createObject _
( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sourcePath = server.mappath( sourceText)
set sourceData = sourceFile.OpenTextFile _
( sourcePath)
' Begin loading the data.
response.write( "<font color=red
size=+1>Now _
loading " & sourcePath &
do while sourceData.atendofstream = false
' Read a line & preserve it for
' possible inclusion in the error log.
thisLine = sourceData.readline
errLogLine = thisLine
' Clear the insert statement and
' find the next delimiter.
iStr = "
nextDelimiter = inStr( thisLine, delimiter)
if nextDelimiter = 0 then
nextDelimiter = len(thisLine)
end if
' Take thisLine and plug it into the
insert statement.
for x = 0 to (numFields - 1)
' Get the data value. Note that
we replace any single
` quotes "'" with two SINGLE
QUOTES "''" to get them
` past the SQL command parser
(which uses single quotes
` to delimte text strings)
thisData = left( thisLine,
thisData = replace(thisData,
"''", ")
' This is where you would add
any special case
` conversion code. For example,
if a field is supposed
` to be numeric, and several
records have "One" or
' "Three" or "Five" in the
place for that field,
' you could convert these values
to "1", "3" and "5"
if (thisData = ") then
' special case null values
iStr = iStr & "NULL, "
' response.write( thisData
& "<BR>")
select case descInfo(x, 1)
case "n"
' This should
be a numeric value!
if not
isNumeric(thisData) then
( errLogLine)
errorData.writeLine _
( " Field '"
& descInfo(x, 0) _
& "' contains
an invalid number: '"
& thisData
& "'")
= "NULL"
end if
iStr = iStr
& thisData & ", "
case "c"
' This should
be a character string!
' Be sure to
check the length!
if len(thisData) >
descInfo(x, 2) then
( errLogLine)
errorData.writeLine _
( " Field '"
& descInfo(x, 0) _
& "' contains
a sting that is too long _
(max allowed is "
& descInfo(x, 2) _
& "): '" &
thisData & "'")
thisData = left(
thisData, _
descInfo(x, 2))
end if
iStr = iStr &
"'" & thisData & "', "
case "d"
' This should be
a date field!
if not
isDate(thisData) then
iStr = iStr
& "NULL, "
errorData.writeLine ( errLogLine)
errorData.writeLine _
( " Field '" & descInfo(x, 0) _
& "' contains an invalid date: '" _
& thisData & "'")
iStr = iStr & "'" & thisData & "', "
end if
case else
' Something isn't quite right!
errorData.writeLine( errLogLine)
errorData.writeLine _
( " Field '" & descInfo(x, 0) _
& "' is an unknown type: '" _
& thisData & "'")
end select
end if
' snap off the rest of the data
thisLine = mid( thisLine, nextDelimiter + 1)
nextDelimiter = inStr ( thisLine, delimiter)
if nextDelimiter = 0 then
nextDelimiter = len(thisLine)
end if
' Remove the last two characters from the
' string we've built
iStr = left(iStr, len(iStr) - 2)
' response.write( iStart & iStr
& iEnd & "<p>")
' Insert the data into the table!
tCon.execute(iStart & iStr & iEnd)
' Output the error line
if tCon.errors.count > 0 then
errorData.writeLine( errLogLine)
for j = 0 to tCon.errors.count - 1
recsLoaded = recsLoaded + 1
end if
totalRecs = totalRecs + 1
response.write( "<P><font
color=red size=+1>" & _
recsLoaded & " of " &
totalRecs & _
" records loaded. Check error
logs for details on _
bad records.<BR></font>")
loadDelimitedTextFile = recsLoaded
end function
' Establish the connection to your server.
Set mainCon = Server.CreateObject ( "ADODB.Connection")
mainCon.Open "driver={SQL Server};uid=sa;pwd=;SERVER=NT2"
numRecs = loadDelimitedTextFile ( "Articles", "People", chr(9), _
"people.txt", "fieldInfo.txt","errors.txt", mainCon)