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Windows Script Host 2.0 introduces the ability to use standard input/output streams. Now you can use WSH as a command-line batch language that interacts with the user. |
Remember DOS? Say Hello to the Command Line
Let's start with a simple command line. It's not very sexy, but in most cases it gets the job done. Say you're building a simple database of names and phone numbers. You need to write a quick utility that will add a name, delete a name, and look up a phone number.
Now let's add a few constraints. The program must be usable by anyone, so you'll need to include a help screen. You also might want to add some fields later, so it has to be easily expandable. This isn't the only script you'll ever write either, so let's try to make the code as reusable as possible. And a little simple validation on the arguments would be nice. That's enough constraints; let's get started on the design.
For the help screen, I'll employ a typical usage listing:
Usage: phonebook [-H] | [-A] name num | [-D] [-L] name
-H Show this message and quit
-a Adds a name
-D Deletes a name
-L Looks up a name (default)
name The name to process
num The phone number
You can probably write a script in under a minute that presents this text by building up a string and sending it to WScript.Echo. But you'll probably write very few applications with that particular usage, and you can't really reuse the text. If the parameters change, then you'll have to modify the string, making sure all of the formatting is still correct. This isn't a major problem, but why do it the easy way when you can do something much more valuable?
More Reminiscing… Menu-driven Software
Now that you've got an argument handler and a simple application that lets you get a phone number, let's make it more powerful by adding addresses to the phonebook. An address takes some spacethere's the street address, city, state, and ZIP code. It's probably more than you want to enter on a command line. You can do a little better by using standard streams to interact a little with the user.
Figure 2demonstrates one way of doing this. Rather than filling out a command line, this program presents a menu to the user. After starting the program, the user gets the following menu:
Phonebook - Main Menu
[A] Add a name
[D] Delete a name
[L] Look up a name
[Q] Quit Phonebook
Command >
Let's say the user selects a to add a name. The user now sees the following menu:
Phonebook - Add a name
[N]* Enter the name
[P]* Enter the phone number
[A] Enter the street address
[C] Enter the city
[S] Enter the state
[Z] Enter the zip code
[Q] Quit and Save data
[C] Cancel (Data will not be saved)
Items marked with a * are required but not completed
Command >
The user now selects N to enter the name, and the program prompts for it. After typing the name, the user returns to the previous menu and may select another command. The other commands will all basically operate in the same way; you can play with the example to see everything that it does.
Getting Back to Modern Techniques
This is all well and goodif you don't mind writing applications that look like they're 20 years old. But in today's world graphics come as standard equipment, and if you don't have a graphical user interface on your program, you're just not trying hard enough. Well, WSH can do GUIs, too. There are a variety of third-party controls available that allow you to make forms and dialogs for use from scripts, but you can also do the same thing with something that you should already have on your machine: Internet Explorer.
That's right, Internet Explorer allows you to script HTML, and WSH allows you to script Internet Explorer. Actually, it's COM that allows you to script Internet Explorer, but WSH is a great host for scripting COM objects because it has a simple method for sinking events.
The GUI example expands on the phonebook of the previous examples. In Figure 3, not only do I store the name, address, and phone number, but I also keep track of favorite colors. This is just a simple exampleyou can get as complicated as you want. If you've seen it on the Web, you can do it with WSH. Being able to interface with Internet Explorer allows for very complex interaction with users; you can write a real, GUI-based app using a simple script language.
The way this works is pretty basic. By attaching to a couple of the events that Internet Explorer fires, the script can control when the page gets updated and when the data is collected. There are more events that can be used, and more properties and methods that can be called, all of them useful in one way or another. Figure 4 is a brief description of some of the more useful ones, including those I've used in the example. The comments are my ideas for what to do with the eventsgo to MSDN™ ( to get a full description of the WebBrowser control and you'll probably come up with many more imaginative ideas.
So now you know the WebBrowser control and its methods, properties, and events. But how do you use the WebBrowser in your script? Methods are easyjust call them. So are propertiesjust use them like you do variables. But what about events?
You may have noticed in the code that I used WScript's CreateObject instead of the perfectly good object creation methods from the script engine. Normally, I encourage people to use the script engine's CreateObject method. CreateObject is more portable, so people porting a WSH script to ASP or Internet Explorer don't have to fix the code. But WScript's CreateObject has something that the VBScript CreateObject and the JScript ActiveXControl object don't: the ability to attach to events. By giving a second parameter to WScript.CreateObject, you assign a prefix to whatever object is created. In Figure 3, the prefix is ie_. So, to attach to an event, you would write a function called ie_EventName and WSH will automatically attach it to the event. This attachment is the key to making the user input idea possible.
These examples are just a start. You can take them and add your own wonderful ideas. I've been perusing what developers are doing with scripting and WSH all over the world, and I'm often amazed at what they try to do. The really cool part is that it usually works. Sometimes it works too welltasks that are really more suited to traditional development languages like C++ or Visual Basic are being done in script, simply because script can handle it. But scripting is appropriate for many large tasks. As long as you're writing full applications using WSH and the script engines, you might as well be using interactive techniques that make your applications look more polished.
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From the November 1999 issue of Microsoft Internet Developer.