Common Elements for Making a PO/CO Project |
1. Create a new ActiveX EXE pro-ject (for a PO) and an ActiveX DLL (for a CO). Give the project and class module a meaningful name. This becomes the ProgID (<program>.
<component> ).
2. Add a reference to the VBPM.tlb library by selecting Project | References; browse for the VBPM.tlb if it's not included in the current listing of typelibs. 3. Use the VB Implements keyword to implement the IPerfmonObject or IPerfmonCounter interface for the PO or CO, respectively: Implements VBPM.IPerfmon<XXX> 4. The IPerfmon<XXX> interface should now be available from the Object drop-down in VB. Select it, and the methods now appear in the Procedure drop-down box. |