VB5, VB6 With Your Permission
Public Type TRUSTEE
   pMultipleTrustee As Long
   MultipleTrusteeOperation As MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION
   TrusteeForm As TRUSTEE_FORM
   TrusteeType As TRUSTEE_TYPE
   ptstrName As Long
End Type
   grfAccessPermissions As Long
   grfAccessMode As ACCESS_MODE
   grfInheritance As Long
End Type

Private Sub Get_FilePermissions()
Dim p_typObjType As SE_OBJECT_TYPE
Dim p_objFilePerms As clsFilePermissions
Dim p_atypExplicitAccess()As EXPLICIT_ACCESS
If m_strFilePath = Empty Then Exit Sub
p_typObjType = SE_FILE_OBJECT
p_lngRtn = _
   GetNamedSecurityInfo(pObjectName:=m_strFilePath, _
   ObjectType:=p_typObjType, _
   ppsidOwner:=0&, ppsidGroup:=0&, _
   ppDacl:=p_lngPtrDACL, ppSacl:=0&, _
' Deal with error if p_lngRtn <> ERROR_SUCCESS
p_lngRtn = GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl( _
   pACL:=p_lngPtrDACL, _
   pcCountOfExplicitEntries:=p_lngCountExplicitEntries, _
' Deal with error if p_lngRtn <> ERROR_SUCCESS
If p_lngCountExplicitEntries > 0 Then
   ReDim p_atypExplicitAccess(0 To _
      p_lngCountExplicitEntries - 1) As EXPLICIT_ACCESS
   CopyMem p_atypExplicitAccess(0), ByVal p_lngListExplicitEntries, _
      Len(p_atypExplicitAccess(0)) * p_lngCountExplicitEntries
   p_lngCurrIdx = 0
   For p_lngLoop = 0 To p_lngCountExplicitEntries - 1
      With p_atypExplicitAccess(p_lngLoop)
         ' Also get Trustee name, abbreviated name, and the type of icon
         p_strAccessRights = m_objGeneral.AccessRights _
            (.grfAccessMode, .grfAccessPermissions)
         Add TrusteeName:=p_strTrusteeName, AbbreviatedName:=p_strAbbrName, _
            AccessPermissions:=.grfAccessPermissions, _
            AccessRights:=p_strAccessRights, _
            AccessMode:=.grfAccessMode, TrusteeType:=.TRUSTEE.TrusteeType, _
            TrusteeForm:=.TRUSTEE.TrusteeForm, Icon:=p_typIcon, _
            sKey:="C" & CStr(p_lngCurrIdx)
            p_lngCurrIdx = p_lngCurrIdx + 1
      End With
   Next p_lngLoop
End If
If p_lngPtrSecureDescriptor <> 0 Then LocalFree p_lngPtrSecureDescriptor
If p_lngPtrDACL <> 0 Then LocalFree p_lngPtrDACL
If p_lngListExplicitEntries <> 0 Then LocalFree p_lngListExplicitEntries
End Sub
Listing 1 Getting the security permissions on a file is fairly straightforward, requiring only two API calls. Translating the return type array is the only interesting part.