Figure 2   PDH.DLL Log File Formats

Log Type
File Extension
Log file from Performance Monitor in Windows NT 4.0
Log file from System Monitor in Windows 2000
Read and Write
Log File in comma-separated value (CSV) format
Read and Write
Log File in tab-separated value (TSV) format
Read and Write

Figure 5   DumpLog Highlights

 // FUNCTION: enum_perflog_items
 // This function does the task of enumeration performance objects
 // and object items of the given log file.  Because the enum functions
 // require the machine name when enumerating on a log file, the 
 // PdhEnumMachines function is used to get a machine name that exists
 // in the give log file.
 void enum_perflog_items(LPCTSTR lpszLogFile)

    // enumerate machines in the log file
    dwCharsNeeded = MACHINE_LIST_SIZE;
    pdhStatus = PdhEnumMachines(lpszLogFile, mszMachines, &dwCharsNeeded);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhEnumObjects"), pdhStatus);
    // output multistring enumeration
    lpszMachine = mszMachines;
    _tprintf(TEXT("%s contains info from the following machine names\n"),
    while (*lpszMachine)
       _tprintf(TEXT("%s\n"), lpszMachine);
       lpszMachine = lpszMachine + lstrlen(lpszMachine) + 1; // next string
    // typically you would enumerate objects/counters for each
    // machine but in this example I only enumerate them for
    // the first machine.
    lpszMachine = mszMachines;
    dwCharsNeeded = OBJECT_LIST_SIZE;
    pdhStatus = PdhEnumObjects(lpszLogFile, lpszMachine,
       mszObjects, &dwCharsNeeded, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD, TRUE);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhEnumObjects"), pdhStatus);
    // Here's a funky thing to note.
    // If lpszLogFile refers to a perfmon-type log, and
    // if the buffer is not large enough for object titles,
    // this function will succeed in return object indexes
    // This is also true for PdhEnumObjectItems.
    // iterate through objects and get items for each
    lptrObj = mszObjects;
    while (*lptrObj)
       DWORD dwCntrCharsNeeded;
       DWORD dwInstCharsNeeded;
       LPTSTR lptrItem;
       dwCntrCharsNeeded = COUNTER_LIST_SIZE;
       dwInstCharsNeeded = INSTANCE_LIST_SIZE;
       pdhStatus = PdhEnumObjectItems(lpszLogFile,
          lpszMachine, lptrObj, mszCounters,
          &dwCntrCharsNeeded, mszInstances,
          &dwInstCharsNeeded, PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD,0);
       if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
          print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhEnumObjectItems"), pdhStatus);
       _tprintf(TEXT("Items for %s\n================\n"), lptrObj);
       // enumerate counter items
       lptrItem = mszCounters;
       while (*lptrItem)
          _tprintf(TEXT("\t%s\n"), lptrItem);
          lptrItem += lstrlen(lptrItem) + 1;  // get next string
      // not all objects have instances 
      // dwInstCharsNeeded will be zero if no instances
       if (dwInstCharsNeeded)
          lptrItem = mszInstances;
          while (*lptrItem)
             _tprintf(TEXT("\t%s\n"), lptrItem);
             lptrItem += lstrlen(lptrItem) + 1;  // get next string
       lptrObj += lstrlen(lptrObj) + 1;   // get next object
    } // while (*lptrObj)
    // todo: add code to display the data query range
    dwBufferSize = sizeof(PDH_TIME_INFO);
    pdhStatus = PdhGetDataSourceTimeRange(lpszLogFile, &dwNumEntries, 
                                          &pdhTimeInfo, &dwBufferSize);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhGetDataSourceTimeRange"), pdhStatus);
    FileTimeToSystemTime((LPFILETIME)&(pdhTimeInfo.StartTime), &stStart);
    FileTimeToSystemTime((LPFILETIME)&(pdhTimeInfo.EndTime), &stEnd);
    _tprintf(TEXT("Time range of %s\n"), lpszLogFile);
    _tprintf(TEXT("Start Time: %2d/%2d/%4d %2d:%2d:%2d\n"),
                  stStart.wMonth, stStart.wDay, stStart.wYear,
                  stStart.wHour, stStart.wMinute, stStart.wSecond);
    _tprintf(TEXT("  End Time: %2d/%2d/%4d %2d:%2d:%2d\n"),
                  stEnd.wMonth, stEnd.wDay, stEnd.wYear,
                  stEnd.wHour, stEnd.wMinute, stEnd.wSecond);
    _tprintf(TEXT("Contains %d data samplings\n"), pdhTimeInfo.SampleCount);
 // FUNCTION: perf_log_dump
 // This function dumps the counter data from a log file specified by
 // the log file name, the object name, the counter name, and the optional
 // instance name.  Because the machine name is required for the
 // counter path when operating on a log file, PdhEnumMachines is used
 // to get a machine name appearing in the performance log.
 void perf_log_dump(LPTSTR lpszLogFile, LPTSTR lpszObj,
    LPTSTR lpszCntr, LPTSTR lpszInst){

    cchMachines = MACHINE_LIST_SIZE;
    pdhStatus = PdhEnumMachines(lpszLogFile, szMachines, &cchMachines);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhEnumMachines"), pdhStatus);
    // open a query
    pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery(lpszLogFile, 0, &hQuery);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhOpenQuery"), pdhStatus);
    // make the counter path
    pdhCPE.szMachineName = szMachines;  // assume first machine is in 
                                        // the path
    pdhCPE.szObjectName = lpszObj;
    pdhCPE.szInstanceName = lpszInst;
    pdhCPE.szParentInstance = NULL;
    pdhCPE.dwInstanceIndex = 0;
    pdhCPE.szCounterName = lpszCntr;
    dwBufferSize = PATH_BUFF_SIZE;
    pdhStatus = PdhMakeCounterPath(&pdhCPE, szPath, &dwBufferSize, 0);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhMakeCounterPath"), pdhStatus);
    // add the counter 
    pdhStatus = PdhAddCounter(hQuery, szPath, 0, &hCounter);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhAddCounter"), pdhStatus);
    dwBufferSize = 0;
    ppdhCounterInfo = NULL;
    pdhStatus = PdhGetCounterInfo(hCounter, FALSE, &dwBufferSize, 
    ppdhCounterInfo = malloc(dwBufferSize);
    pdhStatus = PdhGetCounterInfo(hCounter, FALSE, &dwBufferSize, 
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhGetCounterInfo"), pdhStatus);
    _tprintf(TEXT("Log file: %s\n"), lpszLogFile);
    _tprintf(TEXT("Counter Path: %s\n"), ppdhCounterInfo->szFullPath); 
    _tprintf(TEXT("Machine: %s\n"), 
    _tprintf(TEXT("Counter Data scaled at 10 to the %d power\n\n"), 
    // iterate through log file by "collecting" the query data
    pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData(hQuery); // reads first log record
    while (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
       pdhStatus = PdhGetRawCounterValue(hCounter, &dwType, &pdhRawCounter);
       if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
          print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhGetRawCounterValue"), pdhStatus);
       FileTimeToSystemTime((LPFILETIME)&(pdhRawCounter.TimeStamp), &st);
       dwType = PDH_FMT_DOUBLE;
       pdhStatus = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue(hCounter, PDH_FMT_DOUBLE,
          &dwType, &pdhFmtCounter);
       if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
          print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhGetFormattedCounterValue"), pdhStatus);
       _tprintf(TEXT("Time Stamp: %02d:%02d:%02d    "), st.wHour, 
          st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
       _tprintf(TEXT("Value: %0.4lf\n"), pdhFmtCounter.doubleValue);
       pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData(hQuery);  // reads next log record
    } //    while (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)

Figure 6   CvtLog Excerpts

 // FUNCTION: _tmain
 // The main routine contains the bulk of the algorithm of transferring
 // data from one log file and placing it into another performance log.
 // The procedure for doing so is
 //    open source log using a query
 //    add counters to the query
 //    open the destination log file and refer to the query
 //    for each data sample in the source log
 //        read a data sample and write it to the output log
 //    close both log files.
 void __cdecl _tmain(int argc, TCHAR **argv)

    pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery(lpszInfile, 0, &hQuery);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhOpenQuery"), pdhStatus);

    pdhStatus = PdhBrowseCounters (&BrowseInfo);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhBrowseCounters"), pdhStatus);
    pdhStatus = PdhOpenLog(
       &dwOutFileType, hQuery,  // links the input file to output file
       0, NULL,                 // no user caption
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhOpenLog"), pdhStatus);
    // now do the transfer from the hQuery to the hLog
    // this will loop until all datapoint from the
    // input log file is exhausted
    // Typically, you can call PdhUpdateLog until
    // the all of the records of the input log have
    // been read.  But in my experience PdhUpdateLog
    // may fail for the first record or two on some
    // perfmon logs.  So instead we can get the 
    // number of data samplings and use a for loop
    // Get the time range of the input log data.
    // This also retrieves the number sample count
    // which is the number of records in the log file
    dwBuffSize = sizeof(PDH_TIME_INFO);
    pdhStatus = PdhGetDataSourceTimeRange(lpszInfile,
        &dwNumEntries, &pdhTimeRange, &dwBuffSize);
    // PdhUpdateLog will get the data from the hQuery
    // and write it to the output log
    for (i=0; i<pdhTimeRange.SampleCount; i++)
       pdhStatus = PdhUpdateLog(hLog, NULL);
    pdhStatus = PdhUpdateLogFileCatalog(hLog);
    if (IsErrorSeverity(pdhStatus))
       print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhUpdateLogFileCatalog"), pdhStatus);
    PdhCloseLog(hLog, 0);
 // FUNCTION: pdhBrowseCallback
 // When the user clicks the Add button on the browse counters dialog
 // presented by the PdhBrowseCounters function, this function is called.
 // The browse counters dialog fills in the szCounterBuffer buffer (locally
 // declared in main) with a path of the counter selected by the user.
 // This function has a reference to this buffer, the query handle, and
 // other information for counter set bookkeeping by a pointer to a
 // structure (PDH_BROWSE_COUNTER_ARGS) I define in the beginning of
 // this source.
 PDH_STATUS WINAPI pdhBrowseCallback(DWORD dwArg)
    hQuery = pdhArgs->hQuery;
    ahCounters = pdhArgs->ahCounters;
    i = pdhArgs->dwIndexCount;     // current location in ahCounters array
    // lpszCounterPath may be a multistring
    // this works for one or many paths passed to this function
    lptrPath = pdhArgs->lpszCounterPath;
       if (i >= pdhArgs->dwMaxCounters)
          _tprintf(TEXT("Counter Handle Array Limit (%d) Reached\n"), 
          return ERROR_SUCCESS;
       _tprintf(TEXT("adding counter  --  %s\n"), lptrPath);
       pdhStatus = PdhAddCounter(hQuery, lptrPath, 0, &(ahCounters[i]));
       if (ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus)
          print_pdh_error(TEXT("PdhAddCounter"), pdhStatus);
       lptrPath += lstrlen(lptrPath) + 1;
    pdhArgs->dwIndexCount = i;  // update new location in ahCounters array
    return ERROR_SUCCESS; // means give control back to the UI