Figure 2   Types of Logon Sessions

Logon Type

Privilege Required
(friendly name)

Logon Session
has Authenticator

Typically Used
Log on locally
By humans who log into workstations interactively
Access this computer from network
As a proxy for a logon session on a remote machine
Log on as a batch job
By COM servers
Log on as a service
By Windows NT services

Figure 3   testlogon.cpp

// testlogon.cpp
// Usage: testlogon domain user password filename
// This program calls LogonUser to obtain a logon session for
// the specified account, and attempts to open the specified
// file for READ access. This is most interesting when used
// with UNC paths and can help you discover when you are using
// NULL credentials. Consider changing the type of logon from
// NETWORK to INTERACTIVE, BATCH, or SERVICE and see how this
// changes things.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void ErrMsg( const char* pszFcn, DWORD nErr = GetLastError() )
    char szErr[256];
    if ( !FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, nErr,
                         0, szErr, sizeof szErr / sizeof *szErr, 0 ) )
        wsprintf( szErr, "GetLastError returned 0x%08X", nErr );

    printf( "%s failed:\n%s\n", pszFcn, szErr );

void main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    if ( argc < 5 )
        printf( "Usage: testlogon domain user password UNCFilename\n" );

    // the following call will fail unless you've granted yourself
    // the "Act as part of the operating system" right and freshened
    // your token by logging off and logging back in again.
    // (only do this temporarily for testing purposes)
    HANDLE htok = 0;
    if ( !LogonUser( argv[2], argv[1], argv[3],
        ErrMsg( "LogonUser" );
    if ( ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( htok ) )
        // attempt to open the requested file
        HANDLE hf = CreateFile( argv[4], GENERIC_READ, 0, 0,
                                OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
        if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hf )
            printf( "Successfully opened the file for READ access.\n" );
            CloseHandle( hf );
        else ErrMsg( "CreateFile" );

    else ErrMsg( "ImpersonateLoggedOnUser" );

    CloseHandle( htok );