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Step Up to Site Server Commerce
Alan Saldanha

In the second of two articles, Alan Saldanha shows how to make an existing ASP-based project take the leap to Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition.
In the November 1998 issue of MIND, I developed an ASP-based workflow application that used Microsoft® Access 97. The application was designed to streamline the process of recruitment within a company. It enabled a hiring manager to create a job request through a browser interface and then forward it to a human resources manager, a recruiter, and a Web manager. When the process reached the Web manager, he or she could then select a template file and the location where the request needs to be posted (Web site, intranet, or both).
      In this article, I will explore the steps that I went through in moving the ASP-based app to one based on Microsoft Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition. I will assume you've read my previous article. You can find complete source code for my sample app as part of the source sode for this month. This article should give you a good understanding of some of the more difficult concepts of developing Site Server Commerce applications like the OrderForm object, Pipelines, and the Scriptor Pipeline component. You will find this especially useful if you are looking to develop a customized solution for your enterprise along the lines of the Microsoft Market sample that comes with Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition.

Basic Site Server Commerce Concepts
      One important aspect of a Site Server Commerce-based site, as compared to ASP, is that a great deal more is being done in the Global.asa file. In fact, the processing that takes place in Global.asa when it is first executed begins to resemble the load that takes place in a conventional application: all the global structures and lists are loaded first, so they can be used for the life of the application. It also makes it easy to modify data that is used throughout the application. For example, see how I used the MessageManager object to store messages, including error messages, that are used throughout the application. The MessageManager comes with methods that allow you to add

Call MSCSMessageManager.AddMessage( "WorkFlowNote1", " Note field is blank")
and retrieve

a message based on a message constant. In the first code listing, the message constant is WorkFlowNote1, which is also used in the second line to retrieve the information from the object.
      Connecting to a database is a more organized process with Site Server Commerce. You connect by using the information in the site configuration file, This file is created by the Site Foundation Wizard based upon the information you provide while creating the site using the wizard (DSN, login ID, password, and so on). The file contains all the configuration information about your site, including the path to the site directory, the secure host, the unsecure host, and connection strings.
      Since the file is a stored dictionary, a specific method of the FileDocument object will be needed to read the contents of the file into a dictionary. That is done in the file application's Global.asa as follows. In the listing, the Dictionary object MSCSSite will contain the structured information that was in

 Dim FD, MSCSSite
 Set FD = Server.CreateObject( _
 Set MSCSSite = _ 
     Server.CreateObject( _
 Call FD.ReadDictionaryFromFile(_    
     Server.MapPath( _
     "/jw/config/"), _  
     "IISProperties", MSCSSite)
 Set FD = Nothing
      OrderForm is a very important storage object in Site Server Commerce. If you've done any ASP work in which you used the Session object, you are already on familiar territory when you start to work with the OrderForm object.
      The structure of the OrderForm object reflects the fact that it will be used in electronic commerce transactions. A transaction generally consists of order information with a list of items to be processed. Order information usually includes buyer information, shipping information, and payment information. Buyer information consists of the buyer's name, address, and so on. Item information includes the product's name, price, and so on. The default structure of the OrderForm is indicated in Figure 1.
      You are not limited to the default structure inherent when you create an OrderForm object—that is, you are not limited to just the variables noted in Figure 1, which is the standard structure of the OrderForm. So how do you add a new variable to the OrderForm object? In this regard, the OrderForm is very similar to the Session object in that, if you want to add a new variable called NewVarName, you need to use the following script to assign the string "This is a test" to NewVarName in the Session.

 Session("NewVarName")="This is a test"
Similarly, if you want to add a new variable, attribute, or key to an instantiated OrderForm object, you just have to add this script:

 OrderForm.NewVarName="This is a test"
      This concept will be used a great deal in my sample app-lication when an OrderForm with different variables needs to be created and filled with information from an HTML form submitted by a user. You are not limited to storing just strings and numbers in the OrderForm; you can also store whole objects.

      Site Server Commerce will introduce you to a completely new way of developing and managing Web applications: Pipelines. Pipelines come in two models, the Order Processing Pipeline (OPP) and the Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP). The OPP automates common ordering processing steps such as computing tax or reconciling an order with a site's inventory database. The sample sites (Volcano Coffee, Clocktower, and Microsoft Press) come with two Pipeline templates, plan.pcf and purchase.pcf. These files can be found in the Config directory of each site. The CIP enables businesses of all sizes to exchange information from one application to another, such as a secure email message or an XML-formatted purchase order delivered over the Internet. The Microsoft Market sample site uses the CIP to deliver purchase orders to the supplier.
      Site Server Commerce provides two ways to create and modify a Pipeline: via the Web through the manager section of your commerce site or through the Pipeline editor (found in Programs/Microsoft Site Server/Commerce/Pipeline Editor). In addition, you can create your own Pipeline template to suit your own business process. You need to start the Pipeline in expert mode by running the Pipeline editor program at the command prompt with the /e option.
      So what is this Pipeline thing, anyway? Here's my take on it. All applications consist of stages, steps, or functions. For example, consider the stages involved in your existing shopping cart system when the user clicks the submit button at the point of purchase. You'll have scripts or components that make sure the user made a valid purchase and that all the billing and shipping information is there. Then you may do some additional checking to see if the user has entered valid credit card information. If everything is correct at that point, you will save the information and send a response back to the user.
Figure 2: A Pipeline
      Figure 2: A Pipeline
      If these processes, scripts, and functions were expressed in stages, you'd have a purchase check stage, a payment verification stage, and an order acceptance stage. You would also have components and scripts for each stage to actually implement the functionality needed.
      Now let's suppose you want to automate the process of credit card processing using, say, CyberCash (see Figure 2). You would just have to add the component at the right place (the payment verification stage), and maybe tweak some input parameters to get the new functionality you want. So Pipelines give you plug and play electronic commerce. More importantly, you can remove functionality from an application without touching script or code.

The Scriptor Component
      So now you know how Pipelines (either OPP or CIP) manage components in the different stages of your application. Quite a number of these objects come with Site Server Commerce itself. Site Server Commerce not only allows you to develop your own components in Visual Basic®, Visual C++®, Visual J++, or any language that supports COM, but also with VBScript and JScript® if you use the Scriptor component.
      The Scriptor component comes with three entry points, which the documentation aptly describes as "event handlers for a Visual Basic object or Microsoft ActiveX® control." They are similar to the Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, and Session_OnEnd events in the Global.asa file.
      The three events of the Scriptor component are MSCSExecute, MSCSOpen, and MSCSClose. MSCSOpen is executed immediately after the Scriptor component is created. The MSCSClose subroutine is executed when the Scriptor component is destroyed. The MSCSExecute function is called at some point in between. Note that below I've assigned the value 1 to MSCSExecute so the function returns it. This indicates to the Pipeline that this Scriptor component has completed successfully. A return value of 3 would indicate that an error has taken place.

 'The following entry points are available (shown in VBScript
 function MSCSExecute(config, orderform, context, flags)
     MSCSExecute = 1
 end function
 sub MSCSOpen(config)
 end sub
 sub MSCSClose()
 end sub
OrderForm, Pipeline, and Scriptor
      Now let's pull the three concepts together. The Scriptor component will be used to process the contents of the OrderForm object in the Pipeline.
      The Scriptor event MSCSExecute has the following parameters: config, a dictionary-type object that can contain user-defined configuration parameters; OrderForm, which I introduced previously; context, a dictionary-type object whose use I will explain later; and additional flags that you pass to the Pipeline.
      To understand what part context plays in the application, you may want to think of the Web application without the Pipeline and what happens within the Pipeline as separate application spaces. The OrderForm object is the transport mechanism that moves data into the Pipeline. But how do you move an instantiated object into the Pipeline? As an example, I created an instance of the MessageManager object in the Global.asa file and assigned error messages to it:

 Set  MSCSMessageManager = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.MessageManager")
 Call MSCSMessageManager.AddMessage("WorkFlowNote1", " Note field is blank")
Since these messages are needed in the Pipeline (I opted to do the HTML form input error checking there), you need a way to get this object into the Pipeline. The context serves the purpose of making the MessageManager object available in the Pipeline.

Application Overview
      Instead of rehashing the foundations of the application (which I outlined in my previous article), let's pick it up near the end. The heart of the application processing occurs in three places: the file x_job_add_update.asp, the Pipeline, and changes in Global.asa.
      As pointed out earlier, the Global.asa has a greater role to play in a Site Server Commerce installation. I used a MessageManager object to store not only the error messages (explained later), but also the equivalent of constant values that would be needed in the Pipeline. In the ASP application, I could have used the include directive to include the file located in include\utility.asp into all the files that need the constant declarations for STAGE1, STAGE2, and so on. Since I needed the information in the Pipeline, I added the definitions to the MessageManager object in the Global.asa file.

 Call MSCSMessageManager.AddMessage("STAGE1", "A")
 Call MSCSMessageManager.AddMessage("STAGE1_DESC", _
     "A Hiring Manager has ownership of the process currently")
 Call MSCSMessageManager.AddMessage("STAGE1_TO_2",1)
 Call MSCSMessageManager.AddMessage("BUT_STAGE1_TO_2", _ 
     "Send FORWARD To HR Manager")
      The OrderForm object is used to store all the information created in x_job_add_update.asp, then load the object with information from the form so it can be processed by the Pipeline, and then return it to x_job_add_update.asp, where error reporting takes place before sending the response to the user. As before, the file include\Request.asp is responsible for reading the information from the form and placing the value in variables. Figure 3 shows how information, including the value of the submit button, is assigned, rendering the order form. By the time the app enters the Pipeline (in this case JobWeb.pcf), all the information it needs for processing is located in the OrderForm object.
      Earlier I noted how I wanted to do the error checking in the Pipeline. To do that, I needed to send an object into the Pipeline to collect all the form input errors that must be processed and sent back to the user after the Pipeline processing is complete. How did I decide to do that? I created a SimpleList object that I assigned to the context (an object that's also sent into the Pipeline). If any errors are encountered in the error checking stage of the Pipeline, messages will be added to the SimpleList object, named FormErrors in this case. On completion of the Pipeline processing, code in x_job_add_ update.asp will track the message count in the SimpleList object, as shown in the following code. If no errors are found, the user will be redirected to a file with information about the successful completion.

 if FormErrors.Count =0 then
     Response.redirect ("response.asp?msg=" & _ 
 end if
      At this point I have the data that I need in the Pipeline. Now the context needs to know the objects needed in the Pipeline itself (I'll be creating additional ones later). Let's get down to the processing that takes place within the Pipeline.
      The Pipeline processing is controlled by a Pipeline configuration file, usually given a .pcf extension. These files start out as templates with stages. The Pipeline editor lets you assign components to each stage of the Pipeline, choosing from the available components that ship with Site Server Commerce or third-party components (for instance, the CyberCash example I mentioned earlier).
      In the initial development of the application, I used the SubmitViaMail.pcf Pipeline that comes with the Market sample. Further on, I created my own template for the application, JobWeb.pcf. I did this by running

 C:\Microsoft Site Server\bin\pipeeditor /e 
from the command prompt, selecting New, and using empty.pce as the template. After adding six stages (Error Check, Job Request Accept, Workflow, Email Notification, Track, and User Response), I saved the template as JobWeb.pcf (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: JobWeb
      Figure 4: JobWeb

      Now let's look at what the stages do, as well as how you can add components to each stage so you can get going writing your own Pipelines.
      Error Check At this stage, I check to make sure that all the information that I need is in the OrderForm object. I realize that doing it on the server is overkill. But considering the ease with which you can add or remove the functionality (two clicks in the Pipeline editor), it may be something that is worth considering.
      A Scriptor component is inserted into the Error Check stage, which points to an external file (config\ErrorCheck.vbs). This file checks the contents of the OrderForm object based on the contents of OrderForm.Action, which in turn has been assigned to the value of the submit button in x_job_add_update.asp. Since the equivalents of the constants used in the ASP application are now being stored in the MessageManager object, it first needs to be retrieved from the context as shown in Figure 5. Note that the context was passed in when mscsOrderPipeline.execute was called in x_job_add_update.asp.
      From now on all references to constants used in the application will really reference the MessageManager object, as indicated in Figure 5. The value returned by the function mscsexecute depends upon whether error messages were added to the FormErrors dictionary object that was passed in. If mscsexecute is set to 3, it indicates to the Pipeline that an error has taken place.
      Job Request Accept The basic job request information is added to or updated in the database table JobWeb. A Scriptor component needs to be added at this stage, pointing to the external script file DbFunctions.vbs. Just as in the ASP version, this is accomplished with the Add and Update functions. The only difference is that in this case the information being added or updated comes from the OrderForm object. Within the Scriptor component, you can establish an ADO connection to insert or update a record:

 set connection = createobject("adodb.connection")
      Workflow At this stage, the workflow information needs to be added to or updated in table TblWorkFlow. Another Scriptor component is added, pointing to an external script file WorkFlowFunctions.vbs. The CreateWorkFlow function creates the workflow record, and UpdateWorkFlowStage is used to update it. As in the previous application, SetFlowStatus updates the WorkFlowStage as the application moves from one stage to another (see Figure 6).
Figure 6: Updating Workflow
      Figure 6: Updating Workflow

      Email Notification Next, email messages need to be sent. A new Scriptor component is added that points to an external script file called EmailMessages.vbs. The functions used to email the messages in this Site Server Commerce application are similar to the ASP version, except for an additional function called GetWFInfo that updates the contents of the OrderForm object with information from the TblWorkFlow table.
      Note the SendMail function in EmailMessage.vbs. It shows how you can send email from within a Pipeline component.

 Function SendMail(toemail, toname, fromemail, fromname, subjectline, 
 Dim CdoObject
     Set CdoObject=CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
     CdoObject.From= fromemail
 End Function
      Track At this stage, the basic job request information is added to the TblTrack table. A Scriptor component is added that points to the external script file TrackFunctions.vbs. It contains the function AddToTrack that adds the information to the tracker table.
Figure 7: Sending a Message to the User
      Figure 7: Sending a Message to the User

      User Response In this final stage, the message that needs to be sent back to the user is generated and added to the OrderForm object (see Figure 7). A final Scriptor component is added; it points to the file ResponseMessages.vbs. Here, depending upon the user, the password can be embedded in the response messages, which are assigned to the OrderForm variable:

     msg= msg & "The ID for the request is <b>" & ResponseJobID & _ 
         "</b>.The password " & chr(10)
     msg= msg & "is <b>" & ResponsePassword & "</b>.<p>"
     msg= msg & _ 
         "Please save or print the above information for future reference<p>" 
     msg= msg & _
         "Please use the ID number to <a href=x_Job_Track.asp?RequestID=" & _ 
         ResponseJobID & ">track</a> your Job ID."
If FormErrors contains any errors, the messages are also redirected to the page that displays the message.

   if FormErrors.Count =0 then
       Response.redirect ( _
           "response.asp?msg=" & _ 
            Server.urlencode( _
   end if
      When viewed from the vantage point of an ASP project, I found that I underused the Dictionary object in my first project. Had I opted to use the Dictionary object, the transition between ASP and Site Server Commerce would have been really easy— the Dictionary object could morph into the OrderForm directly.
      Other than the inability to use the include statement in the Scriptor component, very little changed in how the application was developed. On the other hand, Site Server Commerce offers a number of new objects, like the MessageManager object and the OrderForm object, that will make your application development easier and more fun.
      What I found most interesting in working with Site Server Commerce is what I kept doing to the ASP application—I had to make changes that ended up improving the design of the ASP application. I don't know about you, but sometimes I get into a rut as far as development methods are concerned. Developing with Site Server Commerce gave me insight into techniques and methods that I was able to take back into the ASP application.


From the January 1999 issue of Microsoft Internet Developer.

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