Figure 6   Setting up Customers.asp

 <%Option Explicit%>
 '--- Declare all variables to be used
 dim objCustomerRS  '--- The grandparent recordset (customers)
 dim objOrderRS     '--- The parent recordset (orders)
 dim objLineItemRS  '--- The child recordset (line items)
 dim objConn        '--- The connection object that connects to the database
 dim objField       '--- Used to represent a Field object as we loop through the fields
 dim strSQL         '--- The SQL that shapes our customers, orders and line items
 dim strConn        '--- The connection string to open our connection with
 dim lngCol         '--- Used to loop through the columns in a recordset
 dim lngCustomerRow '--- The row for a customer
 dim lngOrderRow    '--- The row for an order
 '--- Declare all ADO 2.0 constants to be used
 const adChapter = 136
 const adUseClient = 3
 const adDouble = 5    
 const adCurrency = 6

Figure 7   Creating an ADO Connection

 '--- Create the ADO Connection object.
 set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 '--- Generate the connection string using the 
 '--- OLE DB provider Access and the Data Shaping provider.
 strConn = "Data Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Persist Security Info=False;"
 strConn = strConn & "Data Source=C:\InetPub\AdvWorks.mdb"
 objConn.ConnectionString = strConn
 '--- Specify that we will use the Data Shaping provider.
 objConn.Provider = "MSDataShape"
 '--- Open the connection

Figure 8   The Shaped SQL

 '--- Generate the SQL to share customers, 
 '--- their orders and their line items.
 strSQL = "        SHAPE ("
 strSQL = strSQL & "       SHAPE"
 strSQL = strSQL & "       {"
 strSQL = strSQL & "         SELECT CustomerID AS [Cust #],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "             CompanyName AS Customer"
 strSQL = strSQL & "         FROM Customers"
 strSQL = strSQL & "       }"
 strSQL = strSQL & "       APPEND"
 strSQL = strSQL & "       ("
 strSQL = strSQL & "         ("
 strSQL = strSQL & "           SHAPE"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           {"
 strSQL = strSQL & "             SELECT OrderID AS [Order #],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                 OrderDate AS [Order Date],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                 PurchaseOrderNumber AS [PO #],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                 Orders.CustomerID AS [Cust #]"
 strSQL = strSQL & "             FROM Orders"
 strSQL = strSQL & "             ORDER BY OrderDate DESC"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           }"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           APPEND"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           ("
 strSQL = strSQL & "             {"
 strSQL = strSQL & "               SELECT od.OrderID AS [Order #],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   p.ProductType AS [Product],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   p.ProductName AS [Manufacturer],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   od.Quantity,"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   od.UnitPrice AS [Unit Price],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   (od.UnitPrice * od.Quantity)"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   AS [Extended Price]"
 strSQL = strSQL & "               FROM Order_Details od INNER JOIN Products p"
 strSQL = strSQL & "                   ON od.ProductID = p.ProductID"
 strSQL = strSQL & "               ORDER BY p.ProductType, p.ProductName"
 strSQL = strSQL & "             }"
 strSQL = strSQL & "             RELATE [Order #] TO [Order #]"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           ) AS rsLineItems,"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           COUNT(rsLineItems.Product) AS [Items On Order],"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           SUM(rsLineItems.[Extended Price])"
 strSQL = strSQL & "           AS [Order Total]"
 strSQL = strSQL & "         ) RELATE [Cust #] TO [Cust #]"
 strSQL = strSQL & "       ) AS rsOrders,"
 strSQL = strSQL & "       SUM(rsOrders.[Order Total]) AS [Total Amount Owed]"
 strSQL = strSQL & "     ) AS rsCustomers"
 '--- Create and open the topmost parent recordset (Customers)
 set objCustomerRS = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
 objCustomerRS.Open strSQL, objConn

Figure 9   Valid Expressions

Calculates the sum of the given child field
Calculates the average of the given child field
Calculates the minimum value of the given child field
Calculates the maximum value of the given child field
Calculates the total number of records in the child recordset
Calculates the standard deviation of the given child field
Calculates a user-defined expression
The value of a field from the child recordset (may be unpredictable)

Figure 10   Formatting Functions

 Function FormatValue(objField) 
     '--- Format the values
     If IsCurrency(objField.Type) then
         FormatValue = FormatCurrency(objField.Value, 2)
         FormatValue = objField.Value
     End If
 End Function
 Function IsCurrency(intType) 
     '--- Determine if the datatype needs decimals, 
     '--- we'll call it currency for this page.
     select case intType
         case adDouble, adCurrency
             IsCurrency = True
         case else
             IsCurrency = False
     end select
 End Function

Figure 11   Styles and Style Sheets

     FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Verdana
     CURSOR: hand
     CURSOR: default

Figure 12   Hiding and Showing

 <script LANGUAGE="vbscript">
 sub Point(strImage)
     '--- Make the cursor a hand for the item passed in.
     window.document.all(strImage).className = "Point"
 end sub
 sub DontPoint(strImage)
     '--- Make the cursor normal for the item passed in.
     window.document.all(strImage).className = "DontPoint"
 end sub
 sub DisplayItem(strImage, strDiv)
     dim strDisplay
     strDisplay = window.document.all(strDiv).style.display
     '--- Check if the DIV is already displayed
     if strDisplay = "none" then
         '--- We need to display the DIV
         strDisplay = ""
         '--- And we need to change the image to the MINUS
         window.document.all(strImage).src = "Minus.gif" 
         '--- We need to hide the DIV
         strDisplay = "none"
         '--- And we need to change the image to the PLUS
         window.document.all(strImage).src = "Plus.gif" 
     end if
     window.document.all(strDiv).style.display = strDisplay
 end sub

Figure 13   Displaying the Hierarchical Recordsets

 <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
     <!-- Begin Customers table. -->
     <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
     <!-- Display the Customer's column headings. -->
         <td width="5%" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td>
         <td width="1%" bgcolor="#000080">&nbsp;</td>
         <%for lngCol = 0 to objCustomerRS.Fields.Count - 1%>
           <%if objCustomerRS.Fields(lngCol).Type <> adChapter then%>
             <td align="right" bgcolor="#000080" nowrap>
             <font size="3" color="#ffffff">
           <%end if%>
     <!-- Display the Customer's data rows. -->
     <%lngCustomerRow = 0%>
     <%do while not objCustomerRS.EOF%>
       <%lngCustomerRow = lngCustomerRow + 1%>
       <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
         <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center" valign="center" width="5%">
         <img name="imgCustomer<%=lngCustomerRow%>" 
         SRC="Plus.gif" ALT="View this customer's orders"
         onclick="DisplayItem 'imgCustomer<%=lngCustomerRow%>',
         WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16">
         <td width="1%" bgcolor="#000080">&nbsp;</td>
         <%for lngCol = 0 to objCustomerRS.Fields.Count - 1%>
           <%set objField = objCustomerRS.Fields(lngCol)%>
           <%if objField.Type <> adChapter then%>
             <td align="right" bgcolor="#ffffc0" nowrap>
             <font size="3" color="#000080">
           <%end if%>
       <!-- Begin Orders table. -->
         <td align="center" colspan="<%=objCustomerRS.Fields.Count + 1%>">
         <div id="divCustomer<%=lngCustomerRow%>" style="display:none">
         <%set objOrderRS = objCustomerRS.Fields("rsOrders").Value
         if objOrderRS.EOF then%>
           <font size="2" color="#ffffff"><b>This customer has no orders.</b></font>
           <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
           <!-- Display the Order's column headings. -->
               <td width="5%" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td>
               <td width="5%" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</td>
               <td width="1%" bgcolor="#000080">&nbsp;</td>
               <%for lngCol = 0 to objOrderRS.Fields.Count - 1%>
                 <%if objOrderRS.Fields(lngCol).Type <> adChapter then%>
                   <td align="right" bgcolor="#000080" nowrap>
                   <font size="2" color="#ffffff">
             <%end if%>
             <!-- Display the Order's data rows. -->
             <%do while not objOrderRS.EOF%>
               <%lngOrderRow = lngOrderRow + 1%>
                 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                 <td bgcolor="#ffffff" align="center" 
                 valign="center" width="5%">
                 <img name="imgOrder<%=lngOrderRow%>" 
                 SRC="Plus.gif" ALT="View this order's line items" 
                 onclick="DisplayItem 'imgOrder<%=lngOrderRow%>', 
                 WIDTH="16" HEIGHT="16">
                 <td width="1%" bgcolor="#000080">&nbsp;</td>
                 <%for lngCol = 0 to objOrderRS.Fields.Count - 1%>
                   <%set objField = objOrderRS.Fields(lngCol)%>
                   <%if objField.Type <> adChapter then%>
                     <td align="right" bgcolor="#ccccff">
                     <font size="2" color="#000080">
                   <%end if%>
               <!-- Begin line items table. -->
                 <td align="center" colspan="<%=objOrderRS.Fields.Count + 2%>">
                 <div id="divOrder<%=lngOrderRow%>" style="display:none">
                 <%set objLineItemRS = objOrderRS.Fields("rsLineItems").Value
                 if objLineItemRS.EOF then%>
                   <font size="2" color="#ffffff">
                   <b>No line items exist.</b>
                  <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                    <!-- Display the Line Item's column headings. -->
                      <td width="10%" bgcolor="#ffffff" 
                      valign="center" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                      <td width="5%" bgcolor="#ffffff" 
                      valign="center" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
                      <td width="1%" bgcolor="#000080" 
                      valign="center" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                      <%for lngCol = 0 to objLineItemRS.Fields.Count - 1%>
                        <%if objLineItemRS.Fields(lngCol).Type <>adChapter then%>
                          <td align="right" bgcolor="#000080" nowrap>
                          <font size="1" color="#ffffff">
                        <%end if%>
                    <!-- Display the Line Item's data rows. -->
                    <%do while not objLineItemRS.EOF%>
                        <td width="10%" bgcolor="#ffffff" 
                        valign="center" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                        <td width="5%" bgcolor="#ffffff" 
                        valign="center" align="right">&nbsp;</td>
                        <td width="1%" bgcolor="#000080" 
                        valign="center" align="center">&nbsp;</td>
                        <%for lngCol = 0 to objLineItemRS.Fields.Count - 1%>
                          <%set objField = objLineItemRS.Fields(lngCol)%>
                          <%if objField.Type <> adChapter then%>
                            <td align="right" bgcolor=#b6dd9a>
                            <font size="1" color="#000080">
                          <%end if%>
                 <%end if%>
         <%end if%>