Figure 8   Creating a Candidate Record
    Case "save" 
      Set objNewMsg = Session(bstrobj)
      If Len(fm__szErrMsg) = 0 Then 'field validation failed so don't save
        fm__szErrMsg = ValidateRequiredFields()
        If Len(fm__szErrMsg) = 0 Then 'everything hunky-dory
          If objNewMsg.Attachments.Count <> 0 then
            objNewMsg.Text = vbCrLf + objNewMsg.Text
          End If
          objNewMsg.Type = "IPM.Contact.Candidate"
          strUserName = objOMSession.CurrentUser.Name
          objNewMsg.Fields(ActMsgPR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME) = strUserName
          objNewMsg.Fields(ActMsgPR_SENT_REPRESENTING_EMAIL_ADDRESS) =
          objNewMsg.Fields(ActMsgPR_SENT_REPRESENTING_ADDRTYPE) = 
          objNewMsg.TimeReceived = Now 
          objNewMsg.TimeSent = Now
          objNewMsg.Sent = True 
          objNewMsg.Submitted = True 
          objNewMsg.Unread = False
          If Err.Number <> 0 Then
              If MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS = Err.Number Then
                'You do not have permission to create items in this folder.
                    AlertMessage = L_errCreateItemPermision_ErrorMessage
                'There were problems sending the message. Try again or cancel.
                 AlertMessage = L_errMessage004_ErrorMessage
              End If
          End If
        End If
      End If

Figure 12   Using the CDO Rendering Library

    'Get the Application Renderer
    set oRenderApp = Application("RenderApplication")

    'Create a new renderer
    set oRenderer = oRenderapp.CreateRenderer(3)
    set oMessages = oCurrentFolder.Messages
    oRenderer.Datasource = oMessages
    oRenderer.CurrentStore = oSession.GetInfoStore(oCurrentFolder.StoreID)
    set oViews = oRenderer.Views

    oRenderer.LinkPattern = "<A HREF=" & chr(34) & _
        "JavaScript:openNewWindow('/exchange/forms/openitem.asp?obj=%obj%', _
        'newMessageWindow', 650, 350)" & Chr(34) & ">" & "%value%" & "</A>" 

    set oFormats = oRenderer.Formats
    Set oFormat = oRenderer.Formats.Add(ActMsgPR_HASATTACH, Null)
    Set oPatterns = oFormat.Patterns
    oPatterns.Add 0, ""
    bstrHTML =  "<IMG SRC=papclip.gif WIDTH=10 HEIGHT=14 BORDER=0>"
    oPatterns.Add 1, bstrHTML
    Set oFormat = oRenderer.Formats.Add(ActMsgPR_MESSAGE_SIZE, Null)
    oFormat.Patterns.Add "*", "%kvalue%KB"
    Set oFormat = oRenderer.Formats.Add(ActMsgPR_IMPORTANCE, Null)
    set oPatterns = oFormat.Patterns
    bstrHTML =  "<IMG SRC=low.gif WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>"
    oPatterns.Add 0, bstrHTML
    oPatterns.Add 1, ""
    bstrHTML =  "<IMG SRC=urgent.gif WIDTH=13 HEIGHT=16 BORDER=0>"
    oPatterns.Add 2, bstrHTML

    Set oFormat= oRenderer.Formats.Add( ActMsgPR_MESSAGE_CLASS)    
    Set oPatterns= oFormat.Patterns                                    

    oPatterns.Add "IPM.Contact.*", "<IMG SRC=icon.jpg VALIGN=absmiddle>"                                       
    oPatterns.Add "IPM.Document.Word.*", "<IMG SRC=iword.gif VALIGN=absmiddle>"
    oPatterns.Add "IPM.Document.Excel.*", "<IMG SRC=iexcel.gif VALIGN=absmiddle>"
    oPatterns.Add "IPM.Document.PowerPoint.*", "<IMG SRC=ippoint.gif 
    oPatterns.Add "IPM.Document.*", "<IMG SRC=freedoc.gif VALIGN=absmiddle>"
    oPatterns.Add "IPM*", "<IMG SRC=envelope.gif VALIGN='ABSMIDDLE'>"                
    'Followup Flag
    set oFormat = oRenderer.Formats.Add(ActMsgPR_FLAG_STATUS, Null)
    set oPatterns = oFormat.Patterns
    oPatterns.Add 1, "Completed"
    oPatterns.Add 2, "Flagged"    
    oPatterns.Add "*", "Not Flagged"    

    Set oFormat = oRenderer.Formats.Add(ActMsgPR_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME, Null)
    oFormat.Patterns.Add "*", "%value%"

    strViewName = Request.QueryString("View")
    if strViewName <> "" then
        on error resume next
        set oView = oRenderer.Views(strViewName)
        ViewIndex = oView.Index
        if err.number <> 0 then
            'Bogus view
            set oView = oRenderer.Views("By Position")
            ViewIndex = oView.Index
        end if
        'Set the initial view just in case one wasn't set
        set oView = oRenderer.Views("By Position")
        ViewIndex = oView.Index
    end if
    oRenderer.CurrentView = oView

    'Check the user's permissions on the folder
    nAccess = oCurrentFolder.Fields.Item(ActMsgPR_ACCESS)
    bPost = nAccess And MAPI_ACCESS_CREATE_CONTENTS 'Post
    'Calculate total number of pages
    intMessageCount = oMessages.Count
    numrows = oRenderer.RowsPerPage
    intPages = (intMessageCount - 1) \ numrows     
    intPages = intPages + 1

    intCurPage = CInt(Request.QueryString("curpage"))
    if intCurPage > intPages then
        intCurPage = intPages
    elseif intCurPage < 1 then
        'Initialize it
        intCurPage = 1
    elseif intMessageCount < 1 then
        intCurPage = 1
    end if
    'Figure out the item count for the current page
    intTopCount = intCurPage * oRenderer.RowsPerPage
    if intTopCount > oMessages.Count then
        intTopCount = oMessages.Count
    end if
    if oMessages.Count = 0 then
        intBottomCount = 0
        intBottomCount = ((intCurPage-1) * oRenderer.RowsPerPage) + 1
    end if

    oRenderer.Render 1,intCurPage,0,Response

Figure 16   Workflow Tracking

    'Added Code
    'Try to create a Vote Table Object
    set oVtable = Server.CreateObject("exrt.VoteTable")
    'Set the current message to be the process message for the object
    oVtable.PIMessage = objOneMsg
    'Check to see if any status is there
    if oVtable.Count > 0 then
        'Create a table for any status values
        'If there are no values, don't create table

        <TABLE width=90%><TR><TD width=30%><B>Recipient Name</B></TD>
        <TD width=20%><B>Current Status</B></TD><TD width=40%><B>Date</B></TD>
        'Loop through status
        for i = 1 to oVtable.Count
            Response.write "<TR><TD>"
            Set oRTRecipient = oVtable.item(i)
            Response.write oRTRecipient.Recipient
            Response.write "</TD><TD>"
            If oRTRecipient.Status = "" Then
                Response.write "Unknown"
                Response.Write oRTRecipient.Status
            End If
            Response.write "</TD><TD>"
            If oRTRecipient.Date = "" Then
                Response.Write "Unknown"
                'The object writes out the time in GMT
                Response.write oRTRecipient.Date
            End If
            Response.write "</TD></TR>"
        There is currently no workflow status.
    end if