Compiler Error Messages Differing from x86

There is an overlap in error message numbers emitted by the compiler for Alpha and for x86 platforms. It is important to note that messages emitted by the Alpha compiler are accurate. In most cases, these messages are self-explanatory. However, if you look up any of the message numbers listed below in the online documentation, you find explanatory text that is applicable only to the x86 compiler.

The following table details the error messages emitted by the Alpha and x86 compilers. For each error, the Alpha number and message are listed first, followed by the x86 compiler message.

Note   Variable information has been replaced with the characters “xx.”

Error number Error Message
1001 Internal compiler error. Failed Assertion at line xx.
1001 INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR. Compiler file xx, line xx. Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
1002 System Assertion.
1002 Compiler is out of heap space in pass 2.
1003 Must supply -il switch.
1003 Error count exceeds xx; stopping compilation.
1004 Must supply -source or -f switch to create source listing.
1004 Unexpected end-of-file found.
1005 ex Stack Empty.
1005 String too big for buffer.
1006 ex Stack Overflow.
1006 Write error on compiler intermediate file.
1007 End-of-file P1/P2 IL list.
1007 Unrecognized flag xx in xx.
4701 Code can never be executed at label xx.
4701 Local variable xx may be used without having been initialized.
4702 Variable xx is fetched, not initialized.
4702 Unreachable code.
4703 Address of a pass-by-value parameter xx was taken.
4703 xx function too large for global optimizations.
4704 Number of actual and formal parameters inconsistent in xx.
4704 xx in-line assembler precludes global optimizations.
4705 Type of actual argument inconsistent with formal parameter declaration in xx.
4705 Statement has no effect
4706 Missing actual argument for corresponding formal xx.
4706 Assignment within conditional expression.
4707 Argument passing mechanism does not match formal parameter mechanism for xx.
4707 xx function too large for global optimizations (xx).
4708 Routine xx can never be called.
4708 Ran out of heap at xx.
4712 Ignoring system register specified in routine's linkage.
4712 xx used as register - loss of debugging information.
4726 Volatile access appears unaligned, but must be aligned at run-time to ensure atomicity and byte granularity.
4726 xx unknown memory-model command-line option.